Very often, parents of schoolchildren during class meetings hear a lot of scientific terms and definitions, such as "technologies of educational and educational work", "types of pedagogical control" and the like. In the article we will try to understand the definition of "pedagogical requirement for a child". Find out what regulatory framework it relies on, in what forms it is carried out, in what areas it operates.
General information

There are many definitions for the definition under study. However, the most common one says that the pedagogical requirement is a rule that is based on common approaches and is accepted by all participants in the educational process. Unity must be present in approaches that are both theoretical and practical.
Participants in the pedagogical process are: teacher,educator, the administration of the educational institution and higher authorities. On the one hand - the student and parents, on the other - the teaching staff.
Normative foundations of requirements in the educational system

It is very important for parents to understand that a pedagogical requirement is not a personal decision of a teacher or class teacher. It should be included in the system of norms and rules in force in a particular educational institution. And here "self-will" is not allowed, the norms and rules of the requirements for all participants in the learning process are fixed in the charter (regulation) of a public or private institution.
In addition, the requirements can be set out in the regulation on individual structural divisions of the school (college, university), internal regulations developed individually for each institution, rules of conduct for students.
Rules for teachers and administration

Pedagogical requirement is not only a requirement for the level of education and student behavior, but also a system of norms regarding the organization of the educational process. Special requirements are imposed on the schedule of lessons, the preparation of various educational schedules, the design and maintenance of pedagogical documentation - journals, characteristics, analytical references, and other documents.
A certain group of norms and rules exist for organizing the learning process, other rules operate in the field of development, adaptation and implementation of educationalprograms. For parents, the most important are the requirements for their children.
The learning process is complex and multifaceted

In this important matter, there are several stages - familiarization, assimilation, development of knowledge, skills and abilities, the ability to apply them in standard and non-standard situations. In this regard, various requirements are imposed on the educational process.
Naturally, didactic requirements come first - clarity in determining the topic of the lesson and goals, choosing the optimal amount of new information and methods of presentation, creative understanding of the material by the teacher and the ability to creatively teach it to children. No less important is the reliance on important didactic principles: accessibility, systematicity, consistency, visibility, the connection of theoretical knowledge with practical skills.
Demand as a method of education
The learning process consists of many components: the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge, the acquisition and development of certain skills. The process of formation of certain moral and volitional qualities is also important. Among them, the following stand out: will, the ability to overcome difficulties, the development of confidence in actions, the ability to take the initiative in their own hands, to lead others.
In the educational process, the pedagogical requirement is one of the important methods for developing behavioral norms. The teacher, using different types of requirements, technologies and methods, inhibits the development of some qualities and stimulates the development of others. The main thing is the formationpositive attitude to the learning process, to all participants in this process.
Psychology is an important part of the educational process

Psychological and pedagogical requirements play an important role, in addition to acquiring new knowledge in the classroom and during electives, the development of mental processes in students is underway. With the help of various methods, the teacher develops the memory, imagination, thinking of his wards, contributes to the concentration of attention when solving particularly complex problems, expanding ideas about the world and individual phenomena.
The teacher faces an extremely difficult task, for the development of the mental processes of the wards, he must arm himself with certain knowledge and skills. Firstly, the teacher must know the peculiarities of the psychological development of each student, secondly, to possess an arsenal of various means and methods, and thirdly, to be able to put them into practice in one combination or another, individually for each.
Hygiene is a necessary component of the educational complex

Not the last place is occupied by pedagogical hygienic requirements that apply to the learning process. The main task is to prevent overwork, and it can manifest itself in different areas - mental, physical, moral.
In order to prevent overwork, various norms and requirements are being developed and implemented in educational institutions. Important components are clean, fresh air, favorable humidity and temperature conditions, lighting standards,furniture that matches the physical parameters of the students.
Types of modern requirements for students
Today there are different types of pedagogical requirements, the division is based on different criteria. For example, direct and indirect requirements can be distinguished. For a direct impact on the student, specificity, imperative (“no options”), and the accuracy of the requirement are characteristic.
The student must understand what is asked of him. The wording of the request is unambiguous and does not allow for different interpretations. Indirect requirement is based on psychological factors, in turn, is divided into several types. The most important in the pedagogical process are: request, approval, advice, shown trust and others.
Learn more about the types of requirements
The technology of pedagogical requirements is an important part of the teacher's knowledge, depending on the situation, the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the student, he can use different methods of influence. If the teacher has authority in the eyes of the students, his advice will be perceived as a direct instruction to action. For the youngest participants in the educational process, the game comes first.
In the process of gaming activity, the teacher and the student can act as equals, be in the role of followers and leaders. The game helps to achieve the desired results most effectively and quickly. High school students, on the contrary, deny the game as a way of knowing the world, prefer to conduct a dialogue with the teacher "on an equal footing". It is equally important for elementary school students as well as for middle and high school students.the approval of a teacher, especially one they consider to be an authority.
Another kind of division is intentional versus unintentional demands. In the first case, the teacher relies on the target program, lesson plan, plans the result, corrects the methods used in the process.
Main findings

Uniform pedagogical requirements for the organization of the educational process, existing in a particular education system, guarantee stable communication and interaction of all participants in the process and all components. The educational system, with a properly established system of requirements and control, acquires integrity, stability, and leads to high results. Parents should not be afraid of this term, it is important to control that the requirements for the child are not overstated, they are within the legal field. It is important to find contact with a teacher who will tell you which pedagogical and educational technologies will be the most successful in each case.