Dialogue between generations is very important for the upbringing of young people. Unfortunately, older teachers often use such expressions that teenagers, in principle, cannot fully grasp the essence of what was said. They begin to throw jokes, make fun of mysterious words. But, for example, a request not to show the underwear to others is a completely reasonable and even useful suggestion! But what exactly are we talking about? What should a schoolgirl hide and try to cover in the future?
Old Russian secrets
Philologists will instantly point to the original "underside", which is transferred to the modern language already in the meaning of "bottom". The definition indicates the hidden state of the thing. Therefore, in the 21st century, “underneath” is a word that has two decodings at once:
- under something else;
- hidden, secret.
The first meaning is literal. They are called the lower layers of clothing, underwear. The second implies any personal things that need to be hidden from strangers. It comes to meanings or important but confusing thoughts. The attitude of young people is not surprising: the word is considered colloquial and at the same timeoutdated. It can still be found in some regions of Russia, but it is not widely used.

Modern language
So what are teachers asking for then? The adjective is still incomprehensible! But as a substantiated noun, it makes sense. "Undershirt" is a good and very revealing example of the interpretation of "worn under something." Depending on the number used, the speaker may indicate different things:
- Underpants - in pl. h;
- underwear in general - in units. h.
This includes briefs, a bra, garter belts, even a petticoat and other pieces of clothing that are usually hidden from view. The fashion of past centuries was directly subordinate to the moral and ethical principles of society, so it was difficult to demonstrate to others the wearable element of clothing. If someone saw the underwear, this could well serve as a reason for accusing a person of dissolute behavior.

Use today
Should the word be excluded from the lexicon, since it is outdated? By no means! As a noun, the word is actual. It allows in a delicate way to hint at unworthy or inaccurate behavior, as a result of which the interlocutor demonstrates those things that are better left unseen. In most situations, “underwear” is a replacement for the word “underwear”, so as not to be embarrassed and not to drive others into the paint. However, to pronounce such a definition in public, as well as to engage inshowing negligee, once again not worth it!