Rene Gilles Method: description, examples

Rene Gilles Method: description, examples
Rene Gilles Method: description, examples

The Rene Gilles method is designed to analyze the social fitness of children. It also allows you to analyze the relationship between the child and other people. The Rene Gilles technique allows you to study personality traits, some behavioral characteristics.

Test features

The film-test contributes to obtaining information that significantly complements the idea of the inner world of a younger student.

Rene Gilles method is an excellent material for identifying conflicts in the system of interpersonal relations of schoolchildren. It allows the teacher to influence such relationships, to influence the subsequent development of the child's personality.

Material specifics

Rene Gilles' method for younger students is visual-verbal. The test includes 42 pictures of adults and children.

Also, Rene Gilles' method of interpersonal relations involves 17 test tasks, for which the child is given no more than thirty minutes. This material is intended for examination of children aged 4 to 12 years.

methodology for younger students
methodology for younger students


How is the method of interpersonal relations of the child Rene Gilles? Before the start of the examination procedure, the child is told that he will have to give answers to questions based on the pictures that the teacher-psychologist will show him. The kid carefully examines the drawings, reads or listens to questions, then answers them.

Test conditions for younger students

The Rene Gilles method is a study option for students in grades 2-3. Since they have reading skills, they are not supposed to familiarize themselves with the instructions, the guys independently complete the tasks, having familiarized themselves with the requirements of the test.

Rene Gilles' method for younger students requires serious training on the part of the teacher. Initially, the psychologist prepares a large number of sheets with test tasks, then spends a sufficient amount of time transferring the results to a special result registration form.

Rene Gilles technique for younger students
Rene Gilles technique for younger students

Research in Toddlers

Rene Gilles' method for preschoolers involves reading the test questions aloud by the teacher. An additional verbal explanation of the actions that the kids will have to take is also expected. The child's answer in this case can be verbal or in the form of instructions, that is, it is not supposed to be spent on the test notebook methodology.

The Rene Gilles method involves the child choosing his place among the people shown in the picture. Also among the tasks is the identification of oneself with a certaina character who occupies a certain place in the group proposed in the image.

examples from the questionnaire
examples from the questionnaire

Important aspects

The Rene Gilles Method is a stimulus material for determining the level of development of interpersonal relations in a children's team (group).

The child in the test tasks needs to choose a form of behavior that is familiar to him. Part of the tasks is built according to the type of sociometric questions.

So, the Rene Gilles method for schoolchildren makes it possible to obtain information about the attitude of a particular child to various people around him: parents, friends, surrounding phenomena.

Psychologists consider it rational to conduct only an individual form of such testing. The result of the Rene Gilles technique is to get a clear understanding of the baby's comfortable stay in society.

cinema version
cinema version

You need to know

To get real results, it is important to conduct the test without the presence of unauthorized persons, including the baby's parents.

It is undesirable before the completion of the survey to delve into the family and other relationships of the child with those people whom he mentions when answering the psychologist's questions, so as not to focus on them. It is better, after completing the test part, to ask who they are for the baby, why he remembered them when looking at the images.

questionnaire for younger students
questionnaire for younger students

Extra material

We offer some René Gilles materials designed especially for elementary school children toanalysis of relations between schoolchildren. Today there are many variations of it. The proposed interpretation of the René Gilles methodology is designed for kindergarten and elementary school children.

  1. The picture shows a table with several people. Mark with a cross the place where you are.
  2. Now place other people around you and the table. Who are they for you? Mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister, friend, comrade.
  3. In the figure there is a table, in its center there is a person that you are familiar with. Where would you sit?
  4. Who is this person for you?
  5. Imagine that you spend your holidays with your family at people who own a big house. Your family is housed in several rooms. Choose a room for yourself, brother, mom, sister, dad.
  6. Mark with a cross the room you have chosen for yourself.
  7. Now designate the rooms where you would like to place your family: mom, brother, sister, dad.
  8. You are visiting again. With a cross, show the rooms of loved ones and your room.
  9. It was decided to give one person an original surprise. Would you like it to be done? To whom exactly? Or do you care?
  10. You have the opportunity to go on vacation for a few days. There is one condition - you can invite with you only one person who is very dear to you. Who will you take?
  11. Tell me about the person you would invite with you on this exciting journey.
  12. Imagine that you have lost something that is very dear to you. Who would you try to tell about this first?trouble?
  13. You have a toothache, and you have to visit the dentist to remove the bad tooth. Will you go to the doctor alone?
  14. If you decide not to go alone, who will you take with you?
  15. You did a great job on your test. Who will you tell about your result first?
  16. Imagine that you are on a country walk. Put a cross where you are.
  17. You went for a new walk. Mark where you are now.
  18. Now try to depict not only yourself in the picture, but also place several other people. Sign (tell) about those people who walk with you.
  19. Imagine that you and a few other people were given gifts. Someone's gift turned out to be much better than yours. Who would you like to see in this place? Or do you absolutely not care who it is?
  20. You have a long road ahead, you will have to go far from your loved ones and relatives. Which one will you miss the most? Tell (write below).
  21. Imagine that your friends went for a walk. Put a cross where you are now.
  22. Who do you like to play with? With guys who are younger than you, older, or with your peers? Choose one of the three answers.
  23. In the picture you see a playground. Mark with a cross the place where you will play.
  24. And here are your comrades who quarreled over the rules of the game. Show me where you are with a cross.
  25. One of the guys pushed you on purpose and you fell down. What will you do? start cryingfrom resentment? Complain to your teacher? Won't you say a word? Or will you rebuke a friend?
  26. The picture shows a person you know very well. He tells something to those people who are sitting on the chairs. Who is he?
  27. You are one of them too. Mark with a cross the place where you are sitting.
  28. How often do you help your mom? Rarely? Constantly? Choose one of the answers.
  29. You see several people around the table. One of them is trying to explain something to the other interlocutors. You are among them, mark yourself with a cross.
  30. You are walking with your friends, and some woman is trying to explain something to you. Put a cross where you are.
  31. Everyone on the walk settled down on the grass. Where are you in the picture? Put a cross where you are.
  32. The figure shows people watching an interesting performance on stage. Show where you are with a cross.
  33. Some of your comrades are laughing at you. Will you cry out of resentment? Will you laugh at him? Will you shrug your shoulders? Or will you start calling names and hitting him? Choose one and options.
  34. What will you do if someone starts laughing at your friend? Will you hit the offender? Will you laugh at him? Will you cry? Will you remain indifferent? Choose the option that suits you.
  35. Another child took your pen without permission. What will you do? Will you cry? Will you laugh at him? Will you beat him and call him names? Will you remain indifferent? Choose one answer.
  36. You play checkers and lose. What will you do? Will you start crying? Will you continue the game? Will you be nervous? Highlight one ofoptions.
  37. Dad doesn't let you go for a walk. Will you pay? Will you be offended? Will you protest? Will you go for a walk without permission? Which answer is closer to you?
  38. Mommy doesn't let you go out with your friends. How will you act? Will you protest? Will you cry? Will you be offended? Will you go for a walk without your mother's permission? Choose the option that is closer to you.
  39. Your teacher asked you to keep an eye on the class during his absence. Can you handle this responsibility?
  40. You and your family went to the cinema, where there are many empty seats. Where would you sit?
  41. Which seats would you like for the rest of your family?
  42. Who don't you want to see next to you?

Registration sheet

R. Gilles' method allows you to analyze the child's attitude towards friends and relatives. Its result allows you to identify behavioral characteristics.

The psychologist evaluates the attitude towards the mother according to the answers given by the child to questions 1-4, 8-15, 17-19, 27, 38, 40-42.

Relationships with the father are identified by questions 1-5, 8-15, 17-19, 37, 40-42.

The relationship of a child to parents (mother and father in a joint parental couple) is revealed in the answers to questions 1, 3, 4, 6-8, 13-14, 17, as well as 40-42 questions.

Relationships with a sister (brother) are revealed in 2, 4-6, 8-13, 15-19, 30, 40, 42 questions, and with a grandmother (grandfather) - in 2, 4, 5, 7- 13, 17-19, 30, 40, 41 assignments.

The student's curiosity is demonstrated by the answers given in questions 5, 26, 28, 29, 31, 32.

Communicative characteristics of the childdetermined in 4, 8, 17, 20, 22-24, 40 questions. Leadership qualities are visible in 20-24, 39 tasks, and conflict and aggressiveness are revealed in 22-25, 33-35, 37, 38 questions.

An alarming signal is the positive answers to questions 7-10, 14-19, 22, 24, 30, 40-42.

Projective psychodiagnostics

The René Gilles Questionnaire is a form that is a transitional state between design tests and a regular questionnaire. This is where its main advantages lie. Such a technique can be used as a tool for a serious study of the personality of a child of preschool or school age, as well as for research related to statistical processing of the results.

pictures from the questionnaire
pictures from the questionnaire

Principles of the methodology

The "film test" by R. Gilles is based on the principle of "projection" - personal relationships that act as direct or indirect attitudes, behavioral manifestations that are translated into a test situation, do not cause defensive reactions in the child.

The method also uses the principle of "symbolic linearity" - an emotional barrier between different people through linear distances in the proposed situation. Since the subject needs to choose a place for himself, his friends and relatives, an emotional attitude towards the people around him is formed. Examination of a child does not involve a detailed story, the technique is limited only to choosing his place in the proposed images, determining the distance between people.

the key to the test
the key to the test


For psychologists, teachers, parents, information about interpersonal relationships in the children's (classroom) team, as well as mutual understanding between the child and his parents, sisters, brothers, grandparents, is important. To get a complete picture of such relationships, the profile of R. Gilles is suitable.

The test tasks proposed in the questionnaire are related to “cognitive initiative”, “inquisitiveness”, “cognitive orientation”.


It is at the age of 4-8 that relationships with peers are important for a child. The development of the child's communicative qualities depends on how successfully such relationships develop. the considered technique is an excellent way to determine interpersonal relationships in a team, in a family, it helps teachers and psychologists to identify problems that a child has in a timely manner and find a way to eliminate them.

Despite the variety of psychological tests that currently exist in pedagogy, the French method is considered one of the simplest, most convenient, understandable options for identifying interpersonal relationships, and therefore is used in many preschool and school educational institutions. The key to the questions is clear, convenient, so the diagnostic results are easy to decipher.
