The well-being of a person and the well-being of the state as a whole depends on the level of development of social life skills. However, "standard" attitudes and requirements for each member of society do not exclude the possibility of having their own style of behavior and life, which is considered a sign of originality. Teenagers, for the most part, try to stand out "from the crowd" with their appearance, demeanor, unusual views and judgments.
Communication Styles
Starting a conversation about what clericalism is, it should be said about the variety of styles of interpersonal communication.
A person's choice of ways of communication depends on many factors - the conditions in which it occurs, the nature of relations with a partner (personal, business), the degree of development of communication skills and even the level of his upbringing.

The most common descriptions of these communication styles in the scientific literature are:
- colloquial household;
- journalistic;
- scientific;
- ritual (characteristic for people of variouscrops);
- formal business.
Psychology, revealing the features of interpersonal communication, calls the following styles:
- humanistic (equal),
- imperative (authoritarian),
- manipulative (secret influence on the interlocutor),
- ignoring (indifferent),
- conniving,
- inconsistent.
Clerical words can prevail when communicating with a certain group of people engaged in the same business (work, study, gym) and using one or another style of communication.
Official business communication
This style is typical for the speech of office workers. He is characterized by unemotionality, formality, a limited vocabulary, depending on the specifics of the work. Clericalisms - the words of an official business style - can most often be heard when clerks communicate with each other. And also they abound in references, extracts, methodological developments, reviews, etc. This is the style of documentary official communication.

Business paper in the form of a special form (agreement, act, certificate, law, instruction, etc.) or an oral presentation by an employee at a meeting, a seminar contains special turns of speech - clichés (“in view of the circumstances that have been revealed …”), abbreviations, abbreviations (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Youth Center, KGB). The absence of emotionally colored words and expressions is characteristic. The purpose of official, business communication is to briefly, in a language understandable to employees of a particular department, give specific information.
Regionalism - good or bad?
With what isclericalism, familiar to almost every person. These figures of speech and words, specific for business communication, become habitual for employees of institutions and can gradually enter their daily lives. Some consider them a sign of education, non-standard personality. But it can also be an indicator of poor vocabulary or inability to express one's thoughts.

In fact, these expressions themselves do not carry negative information and are not "bad". But they give an official tone to communication, relatives perceive them as a sign of loss of feelings. In the literature, one can find descriptions of heroes abusing clericalism. Examples of really inappropriate use of them in everyday life:
- I breastfeed my baby.
- He squandered all the family money yesterday.
- I ask for your hand… for the purpose of starting a family.
Many business style words have become familiar and most citizens are not perceived as clericalism. Examples of expressions that can be found in everyday communication:
- This information is news to me.
- Your inefficient studies are pushing me as a parent into drastic measures.
What to avoid with family and friends
Having understood what clericalism is, you should remember them “in person”. Experts believe that these words and turns of speech characteristic of business communication in everyday life become parasitic words:
- The combination of several nouns in one phrase instead of a verb: “Have you considered the prospectsimproving the quality of education? instead of "Have you thought about how to improve your grades?"
- Terms and foreign words ("specificity" instead of "features", "status" instead of "position" or "condition").
- Denominative prepositions formed from nouns: "in terms of your sentences" instead of "according to your proposals", "because of the absence" instead of "because of the absence".
- Abundance of participial and participial phrases.
So, what is bureaucracy? Words and expressions appropriate in business speech, but inappropriate in everyday communication, giving it an overly official style.

drawing conclusions
The style of life and communication with others is a mirror of a person's inner world. The right one is the one that does not harm either himself or society. Its formation begins in childhood and continues, in fact, for several decades. It is important to note that this is not only the concern of parents and teachers, but also of the person himself - the result in most cases depends on his own will and efforts.