Secondary education and schools 2024, September

What is measured in watts: definition

Watt is one of the units of power. The international designation of watts is W, and in Russian - "W". Now this energy measurement parameter is widely used in various mechanisms - from household appliances to complex technical structures

How to overcome the distance from Sochi to Anapa?

This article will consider the route between Sochi and Anapa. Travelers planning a summer vacation in the Krasnodar Territory can cover the distance between these sunny cities in several ways: by sea, by train, by car and by bus

OFP what is it and what is it for

The article gives descriptions of general physical fitness. Some general norms and exercises are given

The purpose of educational work. Plan of educational work for the year. Deputy director for educational work

The purpose of the educational program is to form a harmonious developed personality. That is why extracurricular activities are so important, stimulating schoolchildren to self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement

Disinterested - how is it? What is hidden behind this seemingly simple word?

Disinterestedly means sincerely. Heartily. Without expecting any reward in return, absolutely. If you think about it - few people could do something for another person just like that. However, there are such people. They are called unselfish

Diffuse type nervous system: characteristic

Since evolution gave life on Earth a diffuse-type nervous system, many more stages of development have passed, which have become turning points in the activity of living organisms. These stages differ from each other in the types and number of neuronal formations, in synapses, in terms of functional specialization, in groupings of neurons, and in the commonality of their functions. There are four main stages - this is how the nervous system of the diffuse type, stem, nodal and tubular was formed

Stationery is what everyone needs. The etymological meaning of the word "stationery"

Stationery is… To continue the sentence and answer the question, you need to understand that we are talking about a compound word formed by adding the initial form of a completely different one - "stationery". The concepts of "manufactured goods", "foodstuffs", "sports goods" and so on are formed similarly. In the article we will consider the etymological meaning of the word "stationery" and give it a definition

Variability in biology is Types of variability

Variability in biology is the occurrence of individual differences between individuals of the same species. Due to variability, the population becomes heterogeneous, and the species has a better chance of adapting to changing environmental conditions

How fungi differ from plants and other organisms

How are mushrooms different from plants? Mushrooms have features that make them related to animals and plants. In appearance, they are closer to plants, and in terms of metabolism and type of nutrition, they are closer to animals

Why milk turns sour and spoils quickly

To understand why milk turns sour, let's look at what processes occur during fermentation. There are several types of fermentation: lactic acid, propionic acid, alcohol and butyric. The first three types are used to create lactic acid products, but butyric and putrefactive bacteria give spoiled milk a bitter taste

S alts of carbonic acid. The use of s alts of carbonic acid

S alts of carbonic acid: formulas, composition, presence in nature, production, properties and applications. Classification and names of s alts of carbonic acid

Interaction of acids with metals. The interaction of sulfuric acid with metals

The chemical reaction of an acid with a metal is specific to these classes of compounds. In its course, the hydrogen proton is restored and, in conjunction with the acid anion, is replaced by a metal cation

Reducing properties have Redox properties

Redox reactions play an important role in animate and inanimate nature. Consider the algorithm for their compilation, analysis, as well as the basic concepts, meaning

The bodies of mushrooms are formed by what? Features of the structure of the body of the fungus

The kingdom of mushrooms includes many species. Lower fungi belong to microorganisms. A person can only see them through a microscope or on spoiled food. Higher mushrooms have a complex structure and large sizes. They can grow on the ground and on tree trunks, they are found where there is access to organic matter. The bodies of fungi are formed by thin, tightly adjacent hyphae. These are exactly the species that we used to collect in baskets while walking through the forest

Trophic chain. pasture food chain. trophic food chain

The trophic chain is the relationship at the nutritional level between various macro- and micro-organisms through which energy and matter are transformed in ecosystems. All plant, animal and microscopic organisms are closely related to each other according to the principle of "food - consumer"

Where is Thailand located: geographical location and features of the country

Thailand is perhaps one of the most advanced countries in terms of tourism. Well, who hasn't heard of the famous Thai massage or boxing? Where is Thailand located on the world map? About the geographical location and features of this country, read further in the article

French time zone: the difference with Moscow

France is a country that constantly attracts Russian tourists. But before you go to the homeland of foie gras and cinema, you need to know the little subtleties for the trip, so as not to get confused in the transport schedule. What is the time zone of France and what is its difference with Moscow? We will know about it now

Agricultural and industrial regions of France

France is the most romantic country in the world according to tourists. But what do we know about it, besides the fact that it is a country of baguettes, wine and foie gras lovers? In fact, not much, so we propose to deal with the main areas and find out which region is famous for what, and at the same time get rid of ignorance

Proverbs about neighbors and sayings

Proverbs about neighbors: folk wisdom is always right. This article will collect a list of proverbs and sayings about our beloved and unloved neighbors. Interested? Then scroll down and read our article to the end. It will be interesting here

Rules for reducing fractions with examples

If your child is studying at school, in mathematics the topic "Reduction of fractions" and he needs help understanding this topic, then this article is especially for you! Here we will go in order: from rules to examples. After reading this article, you can be sure that your baby will succeed

Kosovo (republic): capital, population, area

Kosovo is a republic of South-Eastern Europe, partially recognized by other states. It is located on the Balkan Peninsula of Europe, in the geographical region of the same name. Constitutionally, this region belongs to Serbia, but the population of Kosovo is not subject to their laws

What is the cytoplasm of a cell. Features of the structure of the cytoplasm

It is known that most living beings consist of water in free or bound form by 70 percent or more. Where does it come from so much, where is it localized? It turns out that each cell in its composition has up to 80% water, and only the rest falls on the mass of dry matter. And the main "water" structure is just the cytoplasm of the cell

Support School: Curriculum. Special school for children with learning difficulties

Most parents (especially dads) can hardly stand the very words "violation", "correctional" in relation to their children. But what to do if a special baby is growing in your family? The closer to 6-7 years old, the more acute the question of getting an education arises, the more painfully the answer is given to it

Hyoid bone. Muscles of the hyoid bone. Fracture of the hyoid bone

The adult human skeleton contains approximately 206 bones. Each of them has its own structure, location and function. Some bones help move, others protect our organs and tissues from mechanical damage, while others make it possible to perform actions such as chewing, swallowing and, of course, speaking

What is a diacritic?

Acritics are small characters that many consider to be just an unnecessary gimmick to make the alphabet look more fun. What are these gaps, circles, lights and ponytails, why are they needed and why should we not forget about them?

Radioactive metal and its properties. What is the most radioactive metal

Radioactive metal: plutonium, polonium, uranium, thorium, ununpentium, unbibium, radium and others. Characteristics, properties, effects on the body, application. Main Features of Radioactive Metals

Poison tree frog: description, photo

The tree frog is a tailless amphibian, which is often called a tree frog by the people. Translated from Latin, the name of the amphibian sounds like "tree nymph". It is believed that representatives of these amphibians first appeared on planet Earth at the same time as the dinosaurs. They easily merged with the environment and hid from predators, which allowed amphibians to survive to this day. These small but graceful creatures will be discussed in this article

What is a peninsula? Definition and interesting facts

Each of us in a geography lesson once faced with the need to define what a peninsula is. We will consider this definition in detail, discuss the types of peninsulas and interesting facts that we know today

"Overabundance" is about an incredible amount of surplus

Man tends to exaggerate his problems. Therefore, when faced with an unforeseen situation, he seeks to convey to those around him the emotions that overwhelm him in the most appropriate terms for the situation. And very often the best word is "overabundance". What does it mean? Read the article

Basic processes of cell life

Cell is the elementary unit of all organisms. The degree of activity, the ability to adapt to environmental conditions depends on its state. Cell life processes are subject to certain patterns

Vistula - the longest river in the B altic Sea basin

Vistula is the longest river not only in Poland, but also in the B altic Sea basin. In terms of water content, it is second only to the Neva. The sources of the Vistula are located at the Baranya Mountain in the Western Carpathians (Moravian-Silesian Beskids). The total length of the river is 1047 kilometers, and the area of its basin is 198.5 thousand square kilometers

Regions of Russia - their diversity and features

Regions of Russia are unique territorial objects that differ from each other in many features. Each region of the Russian Federation is unique, so it is worth considering at least some of them

Regions of Russia economic, geographical: description, features

Russia is a large state on the Eurasian continent, it occupies Northern Asia and part of Eastern Europe. Geographically, it ranks first in the world among states. The total population of the country is 146 million people. According to the form of government - a presidential-parliamentary republic; federal state. The official name of the country is the Russian Federation (RF). The capital is the city of Moscow

USE: essay plan. How to write an essay

School is very interesting and exciting. Of course, there are a lot of obstacles in the way of schoolchildren, such as writing creative works, exams, dictations, and so on. Most students are afraid of writing essays. We will definitely provide an essay plan (essay) for each subject (literature, Russian language, social studies)

One of the best places in the world - Lake Huron

People have always preferred to build their settlements on the banks of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. This is understandable and not surprising: both fresh water, and fish, and the beast go to the watering place. And for domestic needs, water is needed in large quantities. Lake Huron was no exception

How to write a presentation. How to learn to write an essay

Writing a summary for many students seems like a difficult part of the final exam. Can you learn to write it? Yes, if you start preparing in advance and follow a few steps in this article

Republic of Chad. State in Central Africa

The country of Chad is one of the poorest states on the African continent, it is located in Central Africa, in its northern part. Most of the country is occupied by the Sahara desert

Indirect development is characteristic of Indirect postembryonic development: examples

Indirect development is characteristic of invertebrates, mollusks and amphibians. In this case, the embryo has significant differences compared to the adult animal. As an example, an ordinary butterfly is suitable. Only after several stages of development have been passed, the small larva will be transformed beyond recognition

Tactile information: types and methods of obtaining. Tactile Information for the Disabled

Tactile information, according to many studies, has a direct impact on a person's perception of a situation

Ray-finned fish - types, general characteristics, structure of bony fish

Ray-finned fish belong to a very large class, which includes almost 95% of all currently known inhabitants of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. This class is distributed throughout all water bodies of the Earth and is a separate branch in the superclass of bony fish