Secondary education and schools 2024, September

Proverbs about music - why people like to listen to songs

Music can cheer you up, working with a song is faster and more fun. Therefore, singers and musicians have always been respected. And it is not surprising that in Russian folk art there are proverbs about music

The process of education - what is it? Fundamentals and methods of the process

The process of education is an important aspect in shaping the rising generation of the country. It is necessary to have a clear idea of the forms, methods, features of education in order to properly organize educational and extracurricular activities

Poetry of the Silver Age: poets, poems, main directions and features

The 19th century, which became a period of extraordinary rise in national culture and grandiose achievements in all areas of art, was replaced by a complex, full of dramatic events and turning points of the 20th century. The golden age of social and artistic life was replaced by the so-called silver one, which gave rise to the rapid development of Russian literature, poetry and prose in new bright currents, and subsequently became the starting point of its fall

Complex analysis of the poem. Nekrasov, "Schoolboy": characteristics, main idea and impressions

Realism and not a word of lies - this is the main feature of the work of Nikolai Nekrasov. Traveling through the expanses of his native state, the poet managed to see a lot: deep sadness, need and the unbending strength of the Russian spirit. These realities are clearly reflected in his poems. Each line of the works is filled with pain and sadness, but behind them lies the hope for a better future

"The blue fire swept": analysis. The history of writing a poem

The main theme in Yesenin's work was Russia. And only in the last years of his life the poet created a number of lyrical works dedicated to feelings for a woman. They contain heartfelt confessions and longing for the passing of youth. One of these creations is “The blue fire swept up”. An analysis of the poem is presented in this article. swept fire blue analysis

What is irrigation? Irrigation types

What is irrigation? It is one of the most important technologies used in agriculture. All plants need water to carry out photosynthesis, through which they produce organic matter in order to grow, develop and eventually bear fruit

Charming Uzbekistan, its capital Tashkent and other Asian delights

Tashkent is the capital of Uzbekistan with a population of more than two million people. To date, this city is recognized as the largest in Central Asia. Not everyone knows when it arose, how it developed, what events it experienced. Therefore, this article will definitely be interesting in educational terms

Merciful - what's the word? We disassemble together

Charity is slowly going out of fashion. Self-esteem, selfishness, and taking advantage of everything are relevant now. But you can’t live like that, we are people, not soulless robots. And we will devote our material to such a word as "mercy". What does it hide under itself, and what synonyms can you pick up for it

What hides the meaning of the word "sacred"?

Mysterious knowledge, indisputable truth, religious essence, divinity - all this is described by the word "sacred"

Who is the warrior? Origin, meaning and interpretation

Of course, masculinity is valued not only in the character of men, but also in the character of women. People generally should not be capricious, selfish. And they, on the contrary, must be capable of sacrifices for the sake of a great (or at least their own) goal. What image could embody such traits in itself? This is a warrior

Receptacle is. Concept, features, functions

An important role in the structure of the flower of a plant is played by the receptacle, the functions of which are to create a reliable support for other parts of the flower

Education, varieties, structure and function of lysosomes

We would like to devote our article to the question of what is the structure and function of lysosomes. We will consider this topic in detail from different angles, including the process of formation of these structures, their varieties, structural features, and many other issues

Classification of plants: examples and characteristics of the main systematic groups

All plants that exist on the planet are so numerous and diverse that scientists have repeatedly tried to systematize them. To this end, they divided the representatives of the flora into different species and groups. This kind of sorting is based on their main characteristics

Generative plant organs: flower, fruit and seed. How do plants reproduce

Generative organs of plants are a flower, a seed and a fruit. They provide plants with sexual reproduction. In this article, we will talk about each of these organs

Methods for solving quadratic equations. Vieta formula for quadratic equation

Quadric equations often appear in a number of problems in mathematics and physics, so every student should be able to solve them. This article details the main methods for solving quadratic equations, as well as examples of their use

"Three Station Square" in Moscow. Where people come from all over Russia and the CIS

Where do all the people who live not only in the territory of the Russian state, but also in neighboring countries, gather together? It is in the capital of Russia, or to be more precise, in the place that is called the "Square of the Three Stations"

The most beautiful cities of the Bryansk region

Bryansk region is a cluster of surprisingly original cities, towns and villages. Each of the settlements of the region has its own amazing history and sights

Lead azide: description, preparation, reactions. The use of azides

The s alt of nitrous acid is Pb(N3)2, a chemical compound also called lead azide. This crystalline substance can have one of at least two crystalline forms: the first form α with a density of 4.71 grams per cubic centimeter, the second form β - 4.93. It dissolves poorly in water, but it dissolves well in monoethanolamine

"Trees die standing": a summary of the play

The play "Trees die standing", written by the Spanish master of the word, made a splash. She remains popular to this day. What is the secret of success?

Education reform in Russia: general information, main tasks, problems and prospects

When did the reform of domestic education begin? How necessary was it? And what is her account? Questions about changes in the education system arise quite often. Especially considering that now the next stage of reforms is underway, the intermediate results of which are beginning to be noticeable in public life

The meaning of fairy tales, their morality and purpose

From early childhood, we all read a variety of legends, were, fiction, epics. Folk art is an important integral part of our culture. What is the meaning of Russian fairy tales, not everyone thinks, but it is embedded in every work. Often the meaning is deep enough, it is impossible for a child to understand it, but for adults it can be very interesting

New Jersey (state): cities, attractions, entertainment

New Jersey is a US state located on a huge peninsula between the Delaware and Hudson rivers. It is called "Little America". And this is not surprising, because New Jersey is the most colorful and unusual state in the country. In this publication, we will talk about the most interesting cities and attractions in this part of America

What is reality? Meaning of the word

Reality is actually happening events at a given moment in time. Around the character can only be physically tangible objects, people, space

Divination is trying to arrange your future with the help of magic

Hard work and building bridges with powerful people doesn't always pay off. Therefore, contemporaries often turn to primitive rituals for help. Can divination have a real effect or only a psychological one? What is generally included in the concept of this term? Find out in the article

Geographic location of Greece, sea, islands, nature, climate

Greece is located in the south of the Balkan Peninsula at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The territory of the country is washed by several seas and includes many small islands

African Orange River - hope and beauty of the continent

South Africa is poor in any water bodies, including rivers. Those water arteries that exist in this territory are small, and for most of the whole year they rather look like channels that have long been waterless. However, there are quite long and wide rivers here. The largest of them are the famous Chukovsky Limpopo, the Orange River (which is not at all close in color to an orange) and the Vaal

The main property of a fraction. Rules. The main property of an algebraic fraction

Speaking of mathematics, it is impossible not to remember fractions. Their study is given a lot of attention and time. Remember how many examples you had to solve in order to learn certain rules for working with fractions, how you memorized and applied the main property of a fraction

School in America: internal rules, subjects, terms of study. Secondary education in the USA

Most of the inhabitants of our country know about the education system in America only from films and books. It is no secret to anyone now that many of the innovations in our educational system are being borrowed from the United States. In our article, we will try to figure out what a school is in America, what are its features and differences from our educational institutions

Cities of Peru: main features

Peru is a large developing country located in South America. Its total area is 1,285,216 sq. km. Peru is bordered by the Pacific Ocean to the west, Brazil to the east, Colombia to the north, and Bolivia and Chile to the southwest

Methods of linking sentences in the text. Relationship of words in sentences

Text is a set of sentences that are grammatically and meaningfully related. Consistent presentation and transmission of the main idea with the help of specific terms, figures of speech and turns of phrase make it possible to achieve unity of style. Ways of connecting sentences in the text provide continuous thought without violating its structure

Countries of foreign Asia: general characteristics and regionalization

Foreign Asia is a region that leads the world not only in terms of area, but also in terms of population. Moreover, he has been holding this championship for more than one millennium. The countries of foreign Asia, despite their many differences, have a number of common features. They will be discussed in this article

Literary language is History of the Russian literary language

A literary language is one in which there is a written language of a certain people, and sometimes several. That is, school education, written and everyday communication takes place in this language, official business documents, scientific works, fiction, journalism, as well as all other manifestations of art that are expressed in verbal, most often written form (but sometimes also in oral form) are created in this language. )

What are drivers and what is their role

For many millennia, humanity has waged incessant wars. Weapons were gradually improved, more and more new ways to inflict as much damage as possible on the enemy appeared. In ancient times, the success of an army was often guaranteed by the use of war chariots, driven by charioteers. We invite you to get to know them better

The symbol of the southern hemisphere - the constellation of the Southern Cross

The Southern Cross constellation, as its name suggests, is available to residents of the southern half of our planet. You won't see it from Russian territory. Nevertheless, the name of this cluster of stars is known to many "northern" inhabitants in literature, it was mentioned by the great travel romantic Jules Verne and the epic Dante. In addition to literary sources, many people know the constellation of the Southern Cross from the Australian flag, where it symbolizes the state of Victoria

How much does a bear weigh on average? Which bear is the biggest? Who is bigger - brown or polar bear?

The bear is one of those animals that you don't want to meet face to face. Its dimensions inspire genuine fear. Surprisingly, at birth, some bears weigh less than 200 grams, and here the question of how much an adult bear weighs involuntarily arises

About which country first started growing potatoes

Potato in the life of a modern person is a familiar root crop, dishes from which are present on the table of an ordinary person almost daily. Relatively recently, potatoes were considered a rarity, and food made from them was a delicacy. What country was the first to grow potatoes?

What is "murmur": lexical meaning

What is "murmuring"? What is the lexical meaning of this word? Not everyone can say with certainty what the word "murmur" means. The article reveals the lexical meaning of this verb, its synonyms are given. There are also sample sentences

To scold is to try to educate

Some words remain the prerogative of colloquial speech, as they are used in the family circle in relation to relatives and friends. This state of affairs can persist for many centuries, due to which the original form loses its connection with the modern language and causes difficulties in understanding the interlocutor. The younger generation does not always understand: how is it to scold? How offensive is the meaning of the word? Although … Even the sound suggests that the speaker did not mean anything offensive

Across countries with a small and rich wheel edible

Evidence has been found for the existence of the wheel more than three millennia ago in Europe, the Caucasus and Mesopotamia. Slovenia has become the site of the discovery of one of the most ancient round movers of transport. And it happened in the 21st century. The first image of a wheeled cart was on a ceramic vase. It was found in Poland and dated to 3635-3370 BC

Cuff is not just about punching

Difficulties in learning the Russian language arise for many people not so much because of grammar with spelling, but because of the abundance of bright words, the meaning of which is not listed even by native speakers. Do you remember what a cuff is? Read the article and understand how little you know about your native speech