Secondary education and schools 2025, January

Cordegardie is a guardroom: description and purpose

Most residents of the northern capital know the building of the guardhouse at the St. Petersburg outpost. However, the rest of the term will seem, to put it mildly, unfamiliar. The fact that this is a guardhouse will be described in detail in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Different answers to the question what is development

Some subject, having visited the mining of precious stones, apparently left an unclean trail behind him. Therefore, he got into development with the relevant authorities. And they, I must say, have fresh and effective developments to quickly bring cases to court. The same word is used in three different meanings. We need to understand these meanings. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

And now we start to guess which knot cannot be untied

It turns out that there is more than one answer to the question: "Which knot cannot be untied?" Some of them are both humorous and quite serious. There was even one that you can find out only by digging in the dictionary of phraseological units. You can take a chance and add your own options to the answers given below. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

About the Mysterious Minerals Mined Everywhere, Guys

I remember a well-known anecdote where a teacher in a modern school could not prove to children that a jaguar is a wild animal, not a car. This situation is quite possible if the lesson is not about animals, but, say, about minerals. Riddles about gold and diamonds can be a revelation for someone. It turns out that they are not mined at all in jewelry boutiques. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Kattegat Strait: where is it located, what is it characterized by, what attractions does it have?

An interesting fact is that only one natural waterway connects the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the B altic Sea. The Kattegat is in the middle of this path. It is an addition to the Danish canal system (also called the B altic). They are located between Jutland and the Scandinavian Peninsula. On the world map, these two land areas are located in Europe, in its northwestern part. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

How many times larger is the Earth than the Moon? Dimensions and interesting facts

The moon is the only satellite of the planet Earth. We see it daily in the sky. The moon has a fairly strong influence on the planet and even on the psyche of people. The study of the satellite has been going on for more than 2,000 years, and continues today. Despite the latest technology, scientists still have many questions. Today we will study how many times the Earth is larger than the Moon and what would happen if the planet lost its faithful satellite. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

An example of isotopes in inorganic chemistry

Isotopes (from other Greek ισος - "equal", "same", and τόπος - "place") - varieties of atoms (and nuclei) of a chemical element that have the same atomic (ordinal) number, but different mass numbers. The name is due to the fact that all isotopes of one atom are placed in the same place (in one cell) of the periodic table. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Who has a mustache longer than legs, the cockroach helped me guess

Antennae help butterflies keep their balance in flight and warn of imminent danger. If a cockroach is torn off its head, it will live no less, or even more, than its fellow, but, of course, if the latter is not fed at the same time. The length of some individuals of the titan lumberjack beetle reaches almost 17 cm! Among the representatives of this tribe, neighboring with man for thousands of years, there are many those who have mustaches longer than their legs. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

A venerable is a well-deserved and respected person

It will not be possible to accurately assess the contribution of each to the development of science or to the happiness of the people around him. But at the same time, you can always show respect for the diligence of a specialist, dedication and high professional qualities, calling him a venerable one. What is this word? Find out from the article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

"Thank you!": the meaning and origin of the word

Never forget to thank a person. Sincere gratitude cheers up, and the one who thanks, and who is thanked. After all, gratitude is pleasant to all people without exception. It allows us, to some extent, to repay a debt for a service, help or support. "Thank you!" - we sometimes hear from someone. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider what it means "thank you". Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

"Attic s alt": the meaning of a phraseological unit

"Attic s alt" is an expression that is not so common in everyday speech. Rather, it can be called a book. Looking ahead, we note that it is associated with the name of Mark Tullius Cicero, a famous Roman orator. What do they mean when they want to “sprinkle” such s alt?. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Distillation is the process of obtaining different products from oil

Distillation is a process that is widely used in the chemical industry as well as other industries. Let us consider this process in more detail, taking oil refining as a basis. It is a mixture of various hydrocarbons, which, in turn, are used in many areas of modern chemical production. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

What is a trench: the meaning of the word

Practically everyone has come across the word "trench". But not everyone knows that this term has several meanings. For example, this is the name of some villages and towns on the territory of Russia and Ukraine. It is also a military abbreviation. What is a trench? This issue will be discussed in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Consulate is Definition and meaning of the word

Many have come across such a word as "consulate" in conversation or in the media. This is a body of one state, created on the territory of another (with its consent) to perform strictly defined functions. Its location and area of activity are established by mutual agreement. About the meaning of the word "consulate", its types, as well as about representatives in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Tunisia: description of the country, its features

About the country of Tunisia heard, perhaps, any student. But not every adult can easily find it on the map or, moreover, talk about its economy, population and history. Therefore, we consider it useful to recall the main features of this country. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

What is the lexical meaning of the word "classic"?

The lexical meaning of the word "classic" is very diverse. It is used in various fields and is both bookish and colloquial at the same time. This definition is also used when talking about art, literature, poetry, and when they use a special term, and also pronounce it in a figurative sense. The set of lexical meanings of the word "classic" will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate: application and formula

Those who are fond of chemistry or work in the chemical industry know how dangerous sulfuric acid is. When working with this type of poison, special uniforms are required. In combination with other elements, the action can either increase or decrease, as, for example, in the case of the interaction of sulfuric acid and sodium carbonate. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Appearance is both character and face

It's a well-known fact that there are words that have multiple meanings. In the topic of today's publication, we will consider what "appearance" means. This word is polysemantic, but it should be remembered that all the meanings of polysemantic words are interconnected and have something in common. Let's trace this connection. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Is it a mistake or an oversight to overdo it?

Who doesn't love Mom's homemade apple pie? Sweet and sour cake with a golden brown crust and with the smell of cinnamon! But imagine that it is incredibly oversweetened. The same cherished balance between “sweet and sour” and “sweet” has been broken. Overdoing is the same as overdoing it. So what does it mean to overdo it?. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Throne - what is it? Throne in church and secular life

Many people have come across the term "throne". It is most commonly associated with roy alty and various kingdoms. However, this is not only a richly decorated chair of the monarch. The term refers to both the Orthodox Church and the Vatican city-state. About the fact that this is a throne, about its meanings in detail in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

The meaning of the word "toil", or a game of imagination

Do you know people in your environment who cannot live a day without work? They also rest while doing some work. They are characterized by the so-called "Sunday Syndrome": headaches, nausea, even vomiting, which miraculously disappears on Monday. Other than work, they are not interested in anything. Such people are constantly toiling around without work. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider the meaning of the word "toil". Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Analysis of an extracurricular activity: structure and recommendations

Any educational process involves an assessment of the effectiveness of the work being done. To track the feasibility and effectiveness of measures taken in this direction allows the analysis of extracurricular activities. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Formula for determining the volume of a cone. Problem solution example

Each student in the study of stereometry in high school came across a cone. Two important characteristics of this spatial figure are surface area and volume. In this article, we will show how to find the volume of a round cone. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

What is the valency of sulfur? Possible valences of sulfur

In its numerous compounds, sulfur exhibits different valencies. This formal property must be taken into account when writing formulas reflecting the composition of a substance and equations of chemical reactions. What is the most common valency of sulfur? Let's find out with specific examples. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Project activities in preschool educational institutions: types, goals and objectives

Project activity in the preschool educational institution is a unique way to ensure co-creation, cooperation between adults and kids. It allows to implement a personality-oriented approach to upbringing and education. Project activities in the preschool educational institution contribute to the development of the creative abilities of preschoolers, turns them into active participants in all events taking place in kindergarten. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

How to write an essay at school

Abstract work has become a common task in secondary schools. That is why we will dwell on the rules for writing an essay, we will give useful tips for those students who dream of getting a good grade for their work. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

The lightest metal. What are light metals?

The first metals that man discovered were gold, copper and silver. They have been used since ancient times. What are these substances? What is the lightest metal?. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Competence-based approach in education - features, problems and interesting facts

Russian education is currently under reform. After the introduction of a new generation of FSES in schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, teachers began to use a competency-based approach in their work. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

The biggest lake in the world. List of largest lakes by area

A lake is a natural body of water that has arisen within a lake bed. It has no access to the sea or ocean. There are about 5 million lakes of various sizes in the world. Today we will look at the largest lakes in the world and interesting facts about them. And our list opens with the largest body of water - the Caspian Sea. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

What is the importance of mammals in nature and human life?

According to modern estimates of biologists, there are about 5.5 thousand species of mammals in nature, and man himself completes this imaginary pyramid (together with higher primates and dolphins). Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Tundra food chain. All links in the food chain

Tundra stretches in a narrow strip in the northern part of the planet. It is located very close to the Arctic desert zone, and the natural conditions here are not much more pleasant. However, in this part of the planet there are living beings. How do they interact with each other? What does the food chain look like in the tundra? Let's find out. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

How to determine the latitude and longitude on the map?

Here is a way to determine geographic location on the earth's surface using latitude and longitude. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Systematics of birds: goals and objectives, modern orders of birds

Taxonomy (systematics of the class of birds in particular) is one of the oldest sections of the complex of biological sciences. Its main goal is to identify the entire diversity of organisms, develop the theoretical and practical foundations for their classification, and establish family ties between individual species and groups of species. Without this, it is not possible to navigate in the diversity of the surrounding organic world. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Some interesting facts about Germany

Germany has always been the most important cultural center of Europe and the whole world. It would seem that its history and culture are generally known to everyone. After all, although Germany is a foreign country for us, it is not at all exotic. What might be interesting about this state? This is what will be discussed in this article. For you, we have selected the most unexpected and interesting facts about Germany. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Polesye is a physiographic region located on the territory of the Polesye lowland

Polesie region is located within the Polesie lowland. This is not only a geographical, but also a historical and cultural region, where their own traditions and separate groups of dialects were formed. Most of Polissya is located on the territory of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Gold colors of autumn. Bright colorful colors of autumn. The writing

Summer, of course, is a wonderful time of the year, but with the onset of autumn, the whole world seems to change. It becomes brighter and more colorful. The colors are intertwined, creating the golden colors of autumn. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Foreign languages: Ilya Frank's method

It's no secret that learning a foreign language is impossible without constant practice. The Ilya Frank method helps students read fascinating books in their original language, systematically building up their vocabulary. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

What does it mean to generalize? To sum up or highlight the main thing?

Do you like fairy tales? Remember them? After all, we associate them with our childhood, and it is they that have a significant impact on the formation of a person's personality. Fairy tales teach goodness, help to navigate in life. And, despite the fact that fairy tales are fiction, it is thanks to them that we gain new experience. They make our life fuller and generalize entire classes of concepts. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider what it means to "generalize". Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

How does war affect a person and the country as a whole?

The article describes in detail the impact of war on the state, society and man. A detailed description of all the negative factors arising from the war is given. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01

Cognitive is What is cognitive science, cognitive?

The word "cognitive" comes from the noun "cognition" and the Latin cognitio "learn". It is used in a number of complex scientific terms, one way or another related to a person's ability to know. What is the meaning of the word "cognitive" in itself, and what do the terms associated with it mean?. Last modified: 2025-01-13 07:01