Training at FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov

Training at FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov
Training at FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov

Russian University of Economics named after GV Plekhanov was founded in 1907 and today has the status of the largest economic university in Russia. Economics and commodity science, technology and engineering are the main areas in which specialists are trained if their qualifications correspond to the highest category.

fdo reu im plekhanov
fdo reu im plekhanov

Since 1998, the faculty of distance learning (FDO) began to work at the university, upon admission to which the applicant has the opportunity to receive a higher economic education.

What is the benefit of distance learning for students?

The essence of distance learning is that the student receives all the necessary knowledge without visiting the university, which allows him not to leave his place of residence and not stop working. At the same time, educational technologies are used that blur the line between full-time and distance learning, which allow maintaining a high level of quality of the knowledge gained. The student passes the entire training program through the Internet.

At FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov, personal presence may be required: during enrollment (in the process of submitting documents), during defensefinal works (term papers or diplomas). After graduation, you will also need to come to the university to complete the procedure for awarding and receiving a diploma.

List of programs at FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov

Program list includes:

  1. Accounting and audit - the basis of this program is the study of economic disciplines. In addition, students are taught computer programs of a narrow specialized focus and financial reporting.
  2. Marketing - the program teaches marketing tactics and strategies, conducting market research and creating effective advertising.
  3. Management of organizations - the program is aimed at obtaining all the necessary knowledge for the successful completion of tasks in managerial positions.
  4. Finance and credit - the program is devoted to the study of the intricacies of the financial market, banking and insurance, public finance. It teaches you to feel confident and navigate correctly in matters related to taxation and the securities market.
  5. Jurisprudence - the program teaches legal and economic disciplines. The main focus is "Civil Law Profile".

Tuition fees

The cost of distance learning at FDO PRUE. Plekhanov is from 105,000 to 135,000 rubles per year.

After graduation, graduates who successfully complete the university will be awarded the qualification "bachelor".

Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

FDO PRUE them. Plekhanov hasthe status of a state university, upon completion of which a diploma is issued confirming the completion of a course of study, the assignment of qualifications and the receipt of higher education.
