Volgograd Pedagogical University (VGSPU): description, faculties, reviews

Volgograd Pedagogical University (VGSPU): description, faculties, reviews
Volgograd Pedagogical University (VGSPU): description, faculties, reviews

Volgograd State Socio-Pedagogical University (until 2011 Volgograd Pedagogical University) is the largest in the region and one of the oldest educational institutions in the Russian Federation for the training of teaching staff. About 13,000 applicants study at 11 faculties of the university.

The beginning of glorious deeds

Volgograd Pedagogical University was founded as an industrial-pedagogical institute on October 1, 1931. Initially, the main purpose of the institution was to train teachers for both general education schools and vocational schools. In 1934, the buildings of the GPU printing house and several dormitories were transferred to the university. However, there was clearly not enough training space.

The first graduation took place in 1935: only 83 teachers of chemistry, history, physics and mathematics were sent to schools, technical schools and FZU. However, by the early 1940s, the institute was already one of the largest in the southwest of the USSR.

VGSPU photo
VGSPU photo

Scorched by war

The war made adjustments to the work of the Volgograd Pedagogical University. Most of the male teachers and applicants either went to the front or participated in the construction of defensive lines. After the air raids in August 1942, the main building, the library, and part of the dormitories were destroyed. The work of the university was terminated.

In the very first months after the liberation of Stalingrad, the city administration raised the question of the immediate restoration of the work of the educational institution before the People's Commissariat of Education. Considering that there were no buildings suitable for training in the city, the Pedagogical Institute was temporarily transferred to neighboring Kamyshin. The first classes took place on November 15, 1943. In the spring of 1945, the restoration of the main building in Stalingrad began, and in 1948, teachers and students returned to their native Akademicheskaya Street to the rebuilt classrooms.

Post-war years

The 1950s were years of dynamic growth for the Stalingrad Industrial Pedagogical Institute. If in 1945 there were 57 teachers teaching at the university, then in 1950 their number increased to 114 people, 33% of whom had academic degrees. Gradually, the material and technical base was strengthened, and finally, students received well-equipped laboratories and linguistic classes at their disposal. In 1956, a training television center was launched.

Science developed in parallel. By 1960, about 1000 scientific papers were published by teachers, 314 publications were published. In 1961, a full-fledged laboratory building was commissioned. In the same year, due torenaming the city, the Institute became known as Volgograd.

Dormitory VGSPU
Dormitory VGSPU

Further development

In the 1970s, the university had four dormitories, three educational buildings, four museums (of which the Zoological Museum was the best in the Volga region). The construction of a new 9-storey building of the institute has begun.

In the 1980s, VSPI continued to develop. In 1981, there were 6 faculties. The number of students exceeded 6,500, and about 400 highly qualified teachers were involved in their preparation.

In 1992, the Institute was transformed into the Volgograd Pedagogical University under the auspices of the Russian Academy of Education. On its basis, experimental promising teaching methods were worked out. On May 10, 2011, after another reorganization, the university became known as the Volgograd State Social and Pedagogical University.


Looking at the photo of VGSPU, it becomes obvious that this is a large modern university with a strong material and technical base. Today the university is located in five buildings in the central part of the city of Volgograd. The structure includes:

  • Institutions: advanced training, foreign languages, Confucius, art education, pedagogical informatics.
  • Centers: educational and methodological, scientific and educational, childhood problems, historical, culture and leisure, personal development and others.
  • School-studio of choreography "New time".
  • Botanical Garden.
  • Library, archive.
  • 11 faculties.

BVolgograd VGSPU occupies a special place among educational institutions. More than 13,000 students, interns and graduate students from 30 countries of the world study at the university. The institution trains teachers in more than 20 speci alties.

VGSPU admission committee
VGSPU admission committee


The leading research areas are:

  • Development of theoretical and methodological foundations of a holistic pedagogical process at school and university. Student-centered education technologies.
  • Research on the history, natural environment, economy, ecology and culture of the native land.
  • The human factor in language and literature.
  • Modernization of pedagogical systems in the region. Integration of science and education.
  • Algebraic systems and related structures.
  • Technologies for obtaining diamond-containing substances.
  • Study of galvanomagnetic and optical properties of low-dimensional structures in strong electric fields and others.

Scientific conferences and seminars of various levels are regularly held. Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel is carried out through postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Material and technical base

The area of the educational and laboratory base of the educational buildings is about 6000 m22. The book fund of the library has over 810,000 copies of scientific, educational and fiction literature. The university has its own publishing houses, including RPO and a printing house.

Most needy students are provided with places in 4 dormitories. At VGSPUoperates a sanatorium. The sports base with an area of 1550 m2 includes large and small halls, gyms, a table tennis hall, as well as a sports camp on the Akhtuba River. Employees and students relax on the Black Sea.

VGSPU Volgograd faculties
VGSPU Volgograd faculties

Admission to VGSPU

The admission committee starts accepting documents in early June at the address: office 0126 GUK, 27, prosp. Lenin, Volgograd, RF, 400066. Previously, faculties and institutes hold Open Days, the schedule of which is published on the official website of the university. There is also a list of documents for various types of training.

According to statistics for 2017, passing scores depend on the training profile. The minimum scores (38-39) were noted in such areas as economics, psychology, preschool education, and pedagogy. The maximum passing scores (over 70) fell on such disciplines as choreography, design, graphics, translation studies, Chinese, English, French.

VGSPU reviews
VGSPU reviews


VGSPU, being a large regional university, annually attracts thousands of applicants for various forms of education. According to students, the quality of teaching is quite good. However, in 2012, the regulatory authorities had questions to the leadership of the university, because of which it was included in the list of insufficiently effective ones. However, during the year, the administration carried out a number of reorganization measures that made it possible to rehabilitate itself before the Ministry of Education andstudents.

A big plus is good material and technical equipment, the availability of their own hostels, an extensive list of sports, entertainment, educational activities. Interest clubs operate, a student newspaper is published.
