Agrarian University (Volgograd): faculties and reviews

Agrarian University (Volgograd): faculties and reviews
Agrarian University (Volgograd): faculties and reviews

Volgograd State Agrarian University has been operating on the market of educational services for more than 70 years. This educational institution has brought up more than one generation of qualified specialists for the agricultural sector. The university continues to do this today. A wide range of areas, the availability of bachelor's, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies - all this is Volgograd Agrarian University.

About higher education institution

Agricultural University in Volgograd is a dynamically developing educational institution, one of the largest universities in our country. It trains about 16 thousand students in the speci alties of agricultural, engineering and technological and economic profiles. For a huge number of years of work, the university has created the necessary material and technical base for high-quality education. Also, the university has created all the conditions for the disclosure of the creative potential of students.

All of the aboverefers to the present. But what happened in the past? For the first time, the educational institution opened its doors to students in 1944. The university was founded in Uryupinsk and was called at that time the Stalingrad Agricultural Institute. In its organizational structure there were only 4 faculties and a small number of speci alties. As the development progressed, the number of structural units increased, new areas of training appeared.

Today, the Agricultural University is located in Volgograd at 26 Universitetsky Prospekt. It has 8 faculties:

  • agrotechnological;
  • engineering and technological;
  • biotechnology and veterinary medicine;
  • commodity science and processing technologies;
  • environmental and reclamation;
  • tourism and service;
  • electric power;
  • economic.

Let's get to know each of them.

Agricultural University Volgograd
Agricultural University Volgograd

Faculties of Agrotechnology and Engineering Technology

The Faculty of Agrotechnology traces its history since the founding of the university. It is a large structural unit. Applicants choose it for several reasons. Firstly, at the undergraduate level, the structural unit offers applicants 5 areas of training related to forestry, horticulture, landscape architecture, agronomy, agrochemistry and agrosoil science. Secondly, the faculty has modern equipment, many doctors of science work.

Engineering and technologicala structural unit also appeared at the time of the founding of the Agricultural University in Volgograd. At that time it was called the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization. To date, the structural unit is on the path of development. It improves its material and technical base, introduces new developments in the educational process. Regarding the areas of training, it is worth noting that there are only 3 of them at the bachelor's degree: "Agroengineering", "Technosphere safety", "Professional training".

agrarian university volgograd faculties
agrarian university volgograd faculties

Faculty of Biotechnology and Veterinary Medicine

This structural unit appeared in 2012, but it is associated with the veterinary and zootechnical faculties, which began their work in 1944. The modern faculty offers undergraduate and specialist degrees:

  1. At the first stage of higher education, applicants can choose from Animal Science, Aquatic Bioresources and Aquaculture and Veterinary and Sanitary Expertise.
  2. There is only one educational program at the speci alty. This is Veterinary Medicine.

Other faculties and speci alties

The considered structural units are of interest to many applicants, but besides them, there are other faculties at the Volgograd Agricultural University and speci alties:

  1. The Faculty of Commodity Science and Processing Technologies, which has existed since 2004, offers directions related to food products from plant and animal raw materials, product technology and organization of publicnutrition, technology of production and processing of agricultural products, commodity science.
  2. The Faculty of Ecology and Reclamation, which has existed for over 50 years, offers many educational programs at the undergraduate level. These are "Ecology and Nature Management", and "Fire Safety", and "Applied Geodesy", etc.
  3. The other faculties (tourism and service, electric power and economics) offer no less interesting and popular speci alties. Among them are "Service", "Tourism", "Electric power and electrical engineering", "Economics", "Management".
Agrarian University Volgograd passing score
Agrarian University Volgograd passing score

Reviews of students about the educational institution

A lot of positive comments have been left about the Agricultural University in Volgograd. Students love studying here. Many teachers interestingly present the material at lectures, share their practical experience. Students pay special attention to the student exchange programs that the university has.

For example, it is possible to have an internship in Germany. Studying in this country is designed for 4 months. Students improve their knowledge of a foreign language, acquire new experience and knowledge in major subjects. The information obtained in Germany is then used by students when writing term papers and theses.

agrarian university volgograd address
agrarian university volgograd address

Agrarian University of Volgograd: feedback from applicants

Reviews about the university are still coming. In their comments, they strive to share important information withother persons who decide to submit documents to the selection committee of the Volgograd State Agrarian University. For example, about passing scores, they say that you should not pay attention to these indicators. They change every year. A high passing score at the Agricultural University of Volgograd in one speci alty last year may drop significantly next year.

Applicants only recommend to prepare hard for the exams and try to pass the highest possible score. They also advise considering the minimum number of points. Only with such results it will be possible to submit documents:

  • Russian language - 36 points and above;
  • biology, geography, chemistry, physics - 37 points and above;
  • mathematics - 28 points and above;
  • social studies - 42 points and above;
  • computer science - 40 points and above;
  • history - 34 points and above.
agrarian university volgograd reviews
agrarian university volgograd reviews

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Agricultural University in Volgograd has proven its effectiveness over the years of its existence. This is a pretty good school. Many students and graduates absolutely did not regret their choice after graduating from schools and colleges.
