Technologies have made it so that in the 21st century anyone can learn in a matter of seconds the details of any interesting incident from every corner of the Earth where there is a blogger. That is why the chronicler is a relic of ancient times, a profession mysterious and incomprehensible to contemporaries. But at the same time, it is very important for the study of history, since it was thanks to it that the first archival records appeared, according to which people were able to recreate the image of the past formed by their ancestors.
What is the origin of the word?
Direct connection with the term "chronicle" is obvious even with a superficial study of the issue. What was the essence of the profession? Every prince had a chronicler. This position is responsible, albeit subtle. Such a specialist noted the most significant events in the life of the entire state or a separate region, after which he entered in a special list in chronological order.
Some lists were short, with a date and a concise description. Others dwelled in detail on the life of the townspeople, the specifics of the conflict situation, or quoted the most striking speeches of military leaders and rulers. Today, it is not uncommon for fiction and cinema to borrow images directly from such sources.

How is the concept deciphered?
Possibly several equivalent interpretations. The main meaning of the word "chronicler" directly indicates the type of activity, while the secondary ones play with meanings. Two versions are popular:
- directly the compiler of the chronicle, its author;
- a person who regularly records events.
A full-fledged ancient Russian analogue of a scientist-historian, albeit with peculiarities. It is difficult to be objective when universal criteria for evaluating a text have not been developed, and a king constantly stands behind his back, wanting to become famous for centuries. But even in such conditions, the chronicle gave an idea of the life of both the common class and the aristocrats.
Today everyone who keeps a personal diary is a chronicler. The population is literate, has the skill of writing. And the pictures of everyday life and the description of vivid emotions against a historical background differ little from the classical chronicle, even if they do not have the same significance for the preservation of people's memory.

How in demand these days?
Get the glory of the conditional Nestor, not everyone can afford. But accessing the Internet is a matter of two seconds. Let bloggers lean more and more towards commerce and try to talk about cosmetics and ways to make money. Initially, each of them is a chronicler in the public space. The author shares his thoughts, reactions to current topics, and to his work alsoThousands of commenters respond. And the result is a colorful biography, which in a couple of centuries can form the basis of scientific research.