The education system in South Korea: features and nuances

The education system in South Korea: features and nuances
The education system in South Korea: features and nuances

The higher education system in South Korea is almost a cult and is a fundamental aspect of life. Every Korean believes that a good and quality education is a personal path to a brighter future.

Implies a quota mechanism. That is, there are quotas for the admission of applicants in the capital - universities are prohibited from conducting their own entrance exams, instead they take a single graduation.

Preschool education

Preschool education
Preschool education

It is proposed to start this education from the age of three. Slightly different systems operate in different parts of the country, including seat allocation processes, which can be conducted through a lottery (especially in large densely populated cities) or random testing.

Pre-primary education is not compulsory, but unofficially considered as such. After all, at this age, children learn about the world around them. Trained at the age of 3 to 6 years. Payment is made, although there is government support for parents from families withlow income.

Below are the types of school education in South Korea.

Primary School (Chodeung Haggyo)

school education
school education

From the age of 5-6 (depending on the place and abilities of the child) it is mandatory to attend elementary school. This stage of training is provided free of charge. Every child registered with the authorities is automatically assigned to a school. The department distributes letters indicating the place of study, the letter will come even if the child is studying at home or in a private school. In this case, parents will have to contact the authorities to explain the situation if they are not going to take the offered place.

How are they doing in elementary school?

Primary school lasts 6 grades and the curriculum is extensive, covering basic skills, physical education and languages. Starting from the third grade, English is taught to all students 1-2 hours a week.

Teaching usually starts early in the morning and ends late in the evening. There is a fee for additional care, although low-income families, as long as both parents are working, are eligible for a subsidized education, and sometimes free.

After elementary, children move on to a middle school known as Jung Haggyo.

High School (Jung Haggyo)

high school
high school

Begins when students are about 12 years old and lasts for three years. High school in South Korea is free and covers both compulsory and optional subjects.

The curriculum at this stage remainsbroad and includes mathematics, Korean and English, social studies, arts and physical education. There are also "moral education" classes.

At this stage, schooling starts to intensify, there is increased pressure on children to get good grades. In areas where high school entry is on an academic basis, it must be ensured that they can enter one of the most prestigious schools. Students are split into streams based on their ability in many subjects, and competition can be fierce.

For the entrance exams to secondary education, the entire school career is taken into account. This takes some of the pressure off final exams, but it still requires kids to get consistently high grades. Not surprisingly, at this stage, many students begin additional learning outside the classroom.

School (Godeung Haggyo)

high school
high school

There are several different options for secondary education. For example, from 15 to 18 years old, students can go to a school specializing in a foreign language, art or music, although they will face stiff competition and will have to pass exams for admission. Otherwise, there are also mainstream schools where admission is based on your home address.

At this stage, education should be paid for by parents, although there are some benefits for low-income families. Tuition includes school meals. This education system in South Korea is notconsidered compulsory, although the admission rate is high.

If students want to go to university, they must take the College Academic Aptitude Test (CSAT), which is quite difficult. To get good grades at this stage, you usually need to take additional training or go to a "children's school".

Monitoring education

education monitoring
education monitoring

The quality assurance system of education in South Korea includes monitoring the results of students and the work of teachers. As well as checking the heads of educational institutions and administration. The activities of local authorities, heads of education departments, research institutes, as well as sector politicians, are monitored and evaluated.

Tracking the level of knowledge and quality of student learning includes: assessment at the school level (by the teacher), at the regional, national and international levels.

Quality control

korea exam
korea exam

Educational institution can independently conduct monitoring. The quality control of the education system in South Korea includes the concept of educational assessment. In order for the examination to take place at the highest level, teachers are sent to advanced training courses in education assessment.

A specially designed evaluation and motivation system for teachers helps to improve the quality of education and the level of teaching staff. The evaluation criteria include a set of internal qualities, such as attitude to work, attendance at refresher coursesqualifications, participation in teacher meetings and research, etc.

The education system in South Korea has two types of general tests for students. The first test is conducted for third grade students in determining the level of assimilation of initial knowledge (DTBS). The minimum level of basic knowledge is confirmed, such as reading, writing, arithmetic.

Evaluated not only the knowledge of students, but also the work of the school, as well as local government. The purpose of this study is to continuously improve the quality of education.

Based on all this data, programs are being developed for those who have not reached the minimum level of knowledge in core subjects.

The second test is the National Educational Achievement Assessment (NAEA) for Years 6, 9 and 10. The Specialized Institute for Curriculum and Assessment (KICE) conducts research, develops curricula, studies and monitors school achievements.

In addition to the assessment of knowledge, as well as in the first test, a study of the teaching staff is being conducted. Questionnaires are arranged for teachers and administration of educational institutions to investigate the reasons for a particular test result.

Interesting facts about the education system in South Korea

Interesting Facts
Interesting Facts

There are several interesting facts about the life of schoolchildren and education in general:

  1. A good education for Koreans is a position in society. Society relations are formed depending on the university. Relationships are strictly regulated. Gofrom one group to another is impossible.
  2. When creating a family, young people are guided by the level of education.
  3. Since 1994, the "State Institute of Special Education" has been operating, which conducts research and also raises public awareness of the needs of people with disabilities. In South Korea, the system of inclusive education is developing simultaneously in several directions, which are responsible for different groups of children who need special conditions. Their main function is to involve in the educational process children with disabilities and having certain difficulties in learning.
  4. A large number of young people from other countries are attracted by the "Study in Korea" program. The country has built well-equipped campuses.
  5. For families with low income, a system of government loans. But provided that the student meets the requirements of the institute.

Summing up, it can be noted that the education system in South Korea consists of a comprehensive assessment: at each stage of the learning process, everything is thoroughly checked. The slightest deviation from the indicators is detected and corrected by additional methods.
