What do they pass in the 9th grade in the exams?

What do they pass in the 9th grade in the exams?
What do they pass in the 9th grade in the exams?

OGE is one of the first serious tests for every teenager. Constant excitement, nerves, stress - all this takes the child out of a rut. Ignorance of any subtleties of the exam can make it very difficult for a child to prepare. Therefore, if you have any questions about how to choose what to take in the 9th grade, how to better prepare for tests, etc., then be sure to read this article to the end.

What is OGE?

What is OGE
What is OGE

OGE is the main state exam, which every student who has completed nine grades must pass. Having passed the OGE, a teenager can continue his studies at a college, technical school, or stay at school until grade 11. At the end of the 11th grade, the student will need to pass the exam, which is an analogue of the OGE.

One of the main goals of the OGE is to check how well the student has mastered the school curriculum in 9 years.

What exams are taken at the OGE?

Some of the students do not know what they are taking for the OGE in the 9th grade. It should be noted that you need to take two mandatory exams and two optional ones. Compulsory exams are regulated by the Ministry of Educationand at the moment it is:

  • Russian;
  • math.

Elective items are more interesting. Students are offered a list of subjects that can be taken in grade 9. At the moment it consists of items such as:

  • biology;
  • geography;
  • history;
  • computer science;
  • literature;
  • social studies;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • foreign languages (English, German, French, Spanish).

As we can see, this list does not include exams such as physical education, drawing, music, and the like. So those guys who want to go the easy way will be disappointed.

You have to write your own exams
You have to write your own exams

It is worth noting that in 2017 the Ministry of Education put forward the idea to introduce another mandatory exam - the history of Russia. Whether this idea will be implemented or not, only time will tell.

So, we figured out what to take in grade 9 and now we can move on to the topic of points and grades.

How many points do you need to get on the exam?

Each exam has its own passing scores, conversion scale and evaluation criteria. Let's deal with each item.

OGE points
OGE points

In this table you can see the number of points you need to score for a particular assessment.

Besides this, there are special cases of work evaluation. Consider such a subject as the Russian language. For example, two students scored the samethe number of points - 34. The first of them is marked "excellent", and the second - "good". It would seem that they scored the same number of points, but the marks received for the exam are different. The second student is in a hurry to file an appeal, but there is no need to hurry in this matter. First you need to figure out in which tasks the second student has errors.

In order to get a mark of "5" in Russian, certain conditions must be met: if a student scored less than 6 points according to the GK1 - GK4 criteria (literacy assessment criteria), then he will be given a mark of "4" regardless of the total number of points. Literacy is assessed by presentation and composition, therefore, the second student made mistakes in one of these tasks.

Similar cases can be encountered in the math exam. If the student does not score at least two points in the "Geometry" module, then the mark "2" will be set.

In such cases, you need to be especially careful, so in the process of preparation, you should study the criteria for evaluating work.

Also, in many schools after the 9th grade, profile education begins. To get on any profile, you need to score a certain number of points in profile subjects. The threshold is set by the school.

Which exams are the easiest?

Your score for the exam:)
Your score for the exam:)

Most students, choosing exams, wonder what is easier to take in the 9th grade. According to schoolchildren who have already passed the OGE, computer science is considered the easiest subjects,geography and social science. However, these disciplines become easy only if the student is satisfied with the mark "3". In cases where such a low score is not needed, you will have to try hard in preparation.

OGE is a lottery. You can get caught, both a difficult and an easy option, so it's hardly worth hoping for "easy exams". To begin with, it is worth determining what subjects you like, and then it will be possible to understand what is better to take in the 9th grade.

How to choose exams?

Love to study your subject
Love to study your subject

This is the most pressing issue among all the guys, so we will pay special attention to it.

  1. You need to choose those subjects that you like to study. Yes, perhaps the student is not so good at them, but if you really like the discipline, then preparing for the exam in it will only be a joy. The student will not force himself to go to get ready, complain about how tired this preparation is, because studying this subject brings him real pleasure. Don't listen to teachers who say you won't pass a class. With interest and a great desire, you will be able to pass the exam for a decent score.
  2. You need to choose items that will be useful in the future. When choosing what is better to take in the 9th grade, it is necessary to take into account the future and desired profession. If a student really wants to go to study as a philologist, then he needs to improve literature and English, since these are the subjects that will have to be taken in the form of the Unified State Examination in order to enter the desired faculty. They might not be very interesting right now.schoolboy, but if he did not like them at all, he would hardly want to become a philologist.
  3. Give preference to those disciplines that the student understands better than the rest. When a teenager has not yet decided on a profession, he tries to choose what he understands best. It is necessary to decide that it is easier to pass in the 9th grade, so as not to overload yourself too much, and during the summer period try to decide on the exams for the exam and the future speci alty. However, the process of preparing for the exam will not bring any pleasure, and this is fraught with the fact that the future student will simply begin to "memorize" the material without delving into the essence.

Choosing an exam is a really important decision, so every student should approach it responsibly. It doesn't matter what others pass in the 9th grade. What matters is what you choose.

How to prepare for the exam for "excellent"?

How many points do you need to score on the OGE
How many points do you need to score on the OGE

There are several ways to prepare for exams:

  • Tutors are the most common way of preparation among schoolchildren. Teaching takes place at the tutor's home or in the classroom. One of the advantages is the ability to practice right at home. How many people come to class? Students study either individually or in a group, usually 4-5 people. The frequency of classes can be discussed, but most often - once or twice a week. Depending on the qualifications of the tutor, the cost of the service is from 400 to 500 rubles / hour, or even more. What is the effectiveness of such training? If, in addition to tutoring, a studentdoes it on his own, then such training can be quite effective.
  • Self-training. Another common method of preparation, which is used by students who do not have the opportunity to study with a tutor. They practice at home, there is no need to travel or go anywhere. The student is engaged in one and the frequency of classes, their intensity depends on his desire and the availability of free time. What is the effectiveness of such training? With self-preparation, it is difficult to find the really necessary material among the huge amount of "water". However, on social networks you can find special groups for preparing for exams, in which they often post the necessary information. The effectiveness of such training is 50/50. But with hard work, you can prepare for all 100.
  • Preparation online. A new type of training, which appeared relatively recently, but is already widespread among children. Schoolchildren study at home, there is no need to go or drive anywhere and this is a big plus. Since the classes are held online, about 100 people gather, but no one interferes with each other, so we can assume that the online teacher is engaged individually. Classes are usually held 3-4 times a week. What is the cost of the service? For a month it comes out about 1000-1500 rubles. That is, about 100-140 rubles per lesson. But the cost depends on the online school where the student is being trained. What is the effectiveness of training? If the child is well engaged, then the effectiveness may be higher than with classes with a tutor. Teachers give homeworktasks, arrange various quizzes, therefore, if a student completes them and actively participates in various competitions, he will successfully prepare for any subject.

Will there be answers?

Never rely on answers posted on the Internet. In 2018, there were many cases where a child used them, and they were wrong. If you do find anything, then keep in mind that no one will provide material for "5". You need to get high marks with your knowledge.

What about other countries?

What is sold in other countries?
What is sold in other countries?

Learn about what they pass in the 9th grade in other countries. The domestic education system is very similar to that in the countries of the former USSR and the CIS. What is passed in the 9th grade in Ukraine? After the end of the 9th grade, the students of this country pass the Sovereign Final Attestation - DPA. DPA includes exams in the Ukrainian language, mathematics and another subject that the educational institution chooses.

In Kazakhstan, students take the State Exam. The procedure involves testing knowledge in the native language, mathematics, as well as two optional exams.

In Lithuania, for example, children do not graduate after the ninth grade, but must complete the 10th grade, having received a general basic education. Compulsory exam - Lithuanian. Then schoolchildren can continue their education in gymnasiums in order to enter a university, or get a profession in schools.

In the Republic of Belarus, the system is almost the same. After the end of the ninth grade, students must pass three compulsoryexam: Belarusian and Russian languages, mathematics. All of them are in writing. For those who studied in a national minority language (Lithuanian or Polish), the number of exams is increased. Students must pass an additional exam in this language as well.

In Germany, secondary education is divided into two levels. The first begins with a secondary school, college or gymnasium (at the request of the parents). After the ninth grade, students take the usual final exams in mathematics, German and a foreign language. After them, the student receives a certificate stating that he graduated from school and can continue his education in any simple profession. According to statistics, two-thirds do this, and the rest, who finish the nine-year school well, go to the tenth grade to get an entrant and thereby open the way to higher education.
