The practice of continuous development, updating existing knowledge and skills today is becoming traditional for most areas of professional activity. Technology and information are changing so fast that every specialist has to regularly upgrade their competencies. For some categories of workers, this becomes a mandatory requirement, backed up by law. In this case, we are talking about advanced training and retraining of civil servants.
Government employees
An indicator of the professionalism of a specialist in the civil service is certain knowledge, skills and abilities that demonstrate the level of his competence. The system of advanced training of civil servants is aimed at their constant renewal and improvement.
Required knowledge includes information in the field of political science, management, economics,sociology, as well as an understanding of the specific goals and responsibilities within the position.
Possessing professional knowledge, an employee must be ready to apply it in practice, for example, to analyze an administrative situation and suggest ways to resolve it.
Skills are acquired during the regular performance of official duties, in typical situations. The automatism of some actions significantly saves time and minimizes errors.

Training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants
According to the norms of the current legislation, the professional development of a civil servant must be carried out during the entire period of tenure in public office. The term "professional development" includes:
- upgrading the qualifications of public civil servants;
- retraining;
- internship.
Civil servants participate in these events when they are appointed to another position, attestation, transition to the category of senior employees, entering the service, by the decision of the employer.
An employee can choose to be trained in Russia or abroad, with or without work interruption.
Professional development services are provided by organizations of additional vocational education.
Government Decree on advanced training of civil servants
Regulatory requirements for professional development activities for employees were established in 2008. The document was adopted at the levelRussian government.
Organizations that implement professional additional education programs are allowed to independently determine their content and the technologies used. At the same time, the requests of the state body, on the initiative of which the training is carried out, should be taken into account first of all. Distance technologies and e-learning can be used in the educational process.
One of the conditions is the emphasis on the practical orientation of classes. Lectures should take no more than 30% of the study time.
Forms of final certification are determined by the educational organization independently. The results of its successful completion are reflected in a certificate of advanced training or a diploma of retraining.

Professional development
There are a number of requirements for this line of professional development. Advanced training of civil servants is organized in order to form certain competencies in them or improve existing ones. We are talking about the knowledge and skills necessary to perform official tasks.
Minimum terms for mastering study programs have been established. Previously, they were 72 hours, then the bar was lowered to 16.
In the event that the volume of the program is more than 72 hours, some thematic sections may be credited to the employee in agreement with the employer. This is possible if he has already improved his qualifications (no more than 3 years ago) under the relevant program.
Vocational retraining
Retraining is a larger undertaking, and the requirements for its implementation are markedly different from the mechanisms for advanced training of civil servants.
An employee is faced with the need to undergo such training if he has to perform fundamentally new professional tasks.
The duration of training under retraining programs must be at least 250 hours. As a result of the course, the student receives a diploma of professional additional education indicating the qualifications received.
This allows him to apply for positions that have special eligibility requirements.
The decision on the retraining of employees in the positions of the "highest" and "main" groups, as well as those belonging to the category of leaders, is taken directly by the head of the state body.

Themes and directions of educational programs
Problems of additional education programs for civil servants largely depend on the direction of their activities. New legislative initiatives also play an important role. The Ministry of Labor annually compiles a list of topics most in demand for advanced training of state and municipal employees.
This year, this list includes 8 areas of training:
- public finance management;
- project activities;
- modern technologies of public administration;
- social and economic developmentRF;
- effective control (supervisory) activities;
- ensuring national security;
- use of digital technologies;
- legislation and regulation.

Academy of Civil Service and National Economy
Training and advanced training of civil servants are carried out in many organizations of additional education. However, this list also includes recognized leaders who traditionally provide a high level of education.
One of these institutions is the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA). Up to 45% of civilian municipal and civil servants take courses here every year.
Before the start of training, a special personal diagnosis and assessment of professional potential is carried out. On their basis, a professional trajectory (individual development plan) is formed. The content of the programs is constantly updated, students undergo internships in Russia and abroad. Areas of study: management, international relations, personnel management, public administration, jurisprudence.
The academy also carries out attestation of civil servants and applicants for the respective positions.

Address of the RANEPA: Prechistenskaya emb., 11.
High School of Public Administration
In the structure of the presidential academy there are several divisions that provide advanced training for civil servants. One ofAmong them is the Higher School of Public Administration (GSSU), established in 2013. Among its key activities are:
- assessment of competencies of applicants for civil service positions;
- introduction of distance technologies into the educational process;
- improving the competencies of civil servants;
- introduction of innovative personnel technologies, systems for diagnosing and assessing managerial potential;
- certification of civil servants;
- expert and analytical work to support government;
- international cooperation and exchange of experience in the field of public administration.

Institute of Civil Service and Management
In 2011, a new institute appeared in the structure of the RANEPA. The tasks of the Institute of Management and Civil Service included the training of highly qualified managers capable of solving non-standard tasks and making prompt decisions in difficult situations.
Another important area of work was the advanced training of federal civil servants, aimed at acquiring systemic knowledge and competencies.
Among the teachers of the institute are not only domestic specialists, but also professors from leading world universities. The exchange of experience in public administration is promoted by training at the Institute of foreign students.
On the order of state corporations, the Institute's employees prepare expert opinions on the prospects for using foreign experience in public service.
Institute for National Security and Law
When developing additional education programs, it is necessary to take into account the requirements for advanced training of civil servants established by law, as well as thematic areas identified as priorities. The Institute of Law and National Security of the RANEPA offers more than 30 advanced training programs for civil servants of various durations and formats of the educational process (full-time, full-time / part-time, remotely). Duration - from 16 to 72 hours.

The topics of educational programs are quite wide:
- anti-corruption forms;
- national security;
- corporate governance;
- legal basis for rulemaking;
- prevention of terrorism;
- implementation of state programs;
- effective management;
- HR technology and security;
- regulation of migration processes;
- business communication and conflict resolution, etc.
Also, at the institute, you can undergo retraining (from 250 to 1800 hours) in the following areas:
- translator in the field of economic and national security;
- digital economy lawyer;
- national security and public administration.
Interregional resource center of St. Petersburg
Large centers of excellence for federal civil servantslocated not only in Moscow, but also in the Northern capital. One of these institutions is the St. Petersburg Interregional Resource Center. This is a training center for the governor's administration for civil servants of various administrative structures. More than 2.5 thousand specialists of various levels are trained here every year.
The Center implements more than 40 training programs on 11 topics that are a priority both for St. Petersburg and other regions. Among them:
- public services and control;
- business culture;
- purchasing and budget policy;
- ecology;
- national security;
- social sphere;
- project management;
- office work and personnel policy;
- information and communication technology;
- city economy;
- anti-corruption.
Duration of courses - from 16 to 120 hours.

Retraining University
There are situations when a specialist in the civil service does not have the opportunity to take part-time training and go to courses in the capital. In this case, organizations that implement fully remote advanced training programs for civil servants come to the rescue.
These include, for example, the Code of Criminal Procedure. It offers over forty programs for civil servants. Following the results of the courses, a certificate or diploma of the established form is issued.
In addition to the traditional areas of training,such programs as "Technology for working with citizens' appeals", "Business protocol", "Procurement activities and contracts", "Anti-corruption expertise of projects", "Methods of working with citizens' appeals", "Regulation of migration processes", "Corporate governance", " Financial control”, “Social services and support”, “Technical operation and management”, “Rule-making and legal regulation” and many others.