Most thinking people have already heard that skills are much more important than knowledge (thanks to infobusinessmen for total enlightenment). But for some reason they do not write what a skill is. This is the ability to work in a semi-automatic mode, without thinking for a long time over each operation of the process. The skill is acquired only through practical exercises.
Giving up flexibility?

People differ in learning ability. Some believe that it depends on age. But this is not true: it depends on the plasticity of the psyche. And this quality is only partly innate. Most often, having matured a little, a person forbids himself to be educated (according to the apt statement of the psychologist Kozlov). If you fight for the right not to listen to criticism, your learning ability plummets.
Step by step
The formation of skills and abilities goes through several stages. At the first, you do not know how and do not notice that you do not know how. On the second, you already see when you made a mistake, but not before. At the third, you are aware of the process and know how to avoid mistakes. On the fourth -the process goes to the automatic level, saving the resources of your psyche. They say that there is also a fifth step - the ability to make and teach someone who does not know. Knowledge and skills are quite easily transferred if you know and know something very well.
Curiosity is a must

What does it take to acquire a skill? It's not easy if a person refuses to be curious. Of course, much depends on the type of psyche, and on the current emotional state. The best way to make success impossible is to call it boring for once. Everything, now it will be difficult for you. Although this can be overcome if you break the case into pieces and deal with it quickly. But the quality will suffer. So don't call things boring.
Everyone can
The second tactic for success is to look for role models. That is, people who already know how to do what you are trying to master. Skill is not an exclusive phenomenon. Sports schools teach that what is done by one person can be done by anyone else. Anyone. And this is a sport where people work for decades for the sake of one centimeter of a record, but not everyone becomes a star. What can we say about the inhabitants, in whose life productive work brings much better results?
System approach

It is important to have feedback, without it it is quite difficult to get a skill. It's only in Hollywood that the lone hero learns everything himself. In reality, it is necessary to interact with somelearning system. It will give you two important things: motivation and information. The second is more important, since the problem of motivation can be solved in a different way. Courses, universities, or just specific people can become your system. Do not believe when a person proudly claims to have made himself. It was made by people he found and liked.
Don't give up
A lot depends on whether you can learn from mistakes. Persistence is important, which in some experiments was measured in minutes spent by a person on solving a problem that is in principle unsolvable. Are you sure that you would be at the top of the scale for this indicator? If not, practice and learn to focus on the task at hand. Don't be afraid of complexity.