Fire is life, not destruction

Table of contents:

Fire is life, not destruction
Fire is life, not destruction

One and a half million years ago, a wonderful phenomenon appeared in people's lives. This is fire…

With the warmth and light of the flame came the ability to cook food, ward off dangerous beasts, bake clay and melt metals.

The modern world inherited an invaluable opportunity to use the fiery resource. Many objects used by people in everyday life owe their origin to the "fiery helper".

Fire combines everything: strength, determination, passion, comfort, warmth, light… Fire is awe-inspiring and attracts at the same time!

Fire in people's lives
Fire in people's lives

Fear of fire

What is fire really? According to chemistry experts, fire is an oxidative reaction that releases light and heat. In the understanding of historians, the fire element is an integral part of the four significant earthly elements, which played a primary role in the birth of civilization. BUTmystics ascribe divine origin to fire and are afraid of it.

The sense of danger at the sight of uncontrolled fire occurs in many people. For most of us, the fear of the fire element is embedded in the subconscious, and it's not just about fires.

It has long been known that there are areas with high electrical intensity on Earth, this is due to the tectonic features of individual territories. Such tension causes:

  • unusual item fires;
  • fire-related mysterious phenomena: luminous glow in the atmosphere; soaring in the air space of unusual spherical objects with a bluish glow;
  • pyrokinesis is a phenomenon of spontaneous combustion of people.

It's no secret that many mystical stories and legends surround the concept of fire. The types of fire are interpreted in a very diverse way, but they have one common “fiery” meaning.

Bonfire in nature
Bonfire in nature

What people call "fire"

In D. V. Dmitriev's dictionary, the usual Russian word "fire" has different interpretations:

  1. The hot, brightly lit gases produced during combustion are fire. You can be in it (be engulfed in flames, burn), you can breed (kindle), you can betray (destroy) fire.
  2. Fear like fire (terribly afraid), run like fire (flee as fast as possible, and no longer mess with a critical situation).
  3. To go into fire and into water (to devote oneself entirely to a person).
  4. Let everything burn with a blue flame (fire) (quit painful deeds).
  5. Fire rowan (brightcolor).
  6. Fire - kindled fire, hearth.
  7. Fire - indoor light from incandescent bulbs.
  8. Eyes burn with fire (fiery gaze, aspiring).
  9. Fire is the process of actuating small arms. "Fire!" - call commander.
  10. Fire can be opened (start shooting) and stopped.
  11. Be like on fire (temperature).
  12. Fire of love, hate (strong feeling).
  13. Man is fire (energetic, strong).
  14. Bengal sparkling fire
  15. Eternal memorial flame
  16. There is a situation of getting out of the fire and into the frying pan (extremes), and it happens to be between two fires.
  17. There is no fire and smoke (means that the rumors are not in vain).
  18. Sometimes they fight with fire and sword (ruthlessly), add fuel to the fire (aggravate the conflict), go through fire and water (overcome all trials).

In philosophy there is the term "fire element", in Christianity - "heavenly fire of God", in mythical legends there are deities with the face of fire. Live fire arises from the mutual friction of two wooden parts. The popular fire show involves juggling with burning objects.

Fire show
Fire show

Fire is a certain stage in the combustion process

The violent reaction in which combustible materials are oxidized by oxygen is called combustion. The combustion process is accompanied by fire. This releases a large amount of light and heat. Fire is a specific stage in the complete combustion cycle.

From a chemical point of view, this is a stream of hot gases,formed in the area of interaction of burning substances and combustion products, forms a flame and goes up. This process demonstrates the essence of the appearance of a flame, shows what fire is.

From the point of view of physics, fire is a luminous hot zone of interaction of vapors, gases or products of thermal decomposition of a combustible substance with oxygen.

What and how it burns

The degree of ignition of individual materials and their combustion temperature are not the same. The most common ignition of a solid occurs at 300 °C. The temperature of a burning match is 750-850 °C. Wooden matter ignites at 300 ° C, and it burns at a temperature of 800 to 1000 ° C.

Fire serves people
Fire serves people

The combustion temperature of propane-butane can range from 800 to 2000 °C. A temperature of 1300–1400 °C accompanies the combustion of gasoline. Kerosene ignites at 800°C, and in pure oxygen conditions at 2000°C. The ignition temperature of alcohol is about 900 ° C.

Predetermining the situation in the fire is not difficult if you know what kind of material is burning.

Fire is a friend

Practically everything that people use to ensure a comfortable existence is associated with fire:

  • thermal energy in everyday life: gas and heating, electricity and light;
  • mining and smelting of ore; production at enterprises of equipment, household items, even forks.

Without fire, neither ceramic production nor glassmaking is possible. The connection with the fire of the chemical industry, metallurgy, and nuclear energy is obvious. Would stop withoutfire steam engines and transport.


Fire serves people in different ways, but always requires careful and careful handling.
