The vast territory of South America is occupied by Brazil, washed from the east by the Atlantic Ocean. This country is the fifth largest in the world by area. It spreads over plains and lowlands, mountains and hills, attracting tourists with its exotic nature, history and original culture.

Portuguese is the official language of this federal state. Most of the population by religion are Christians. The country is divided into 26 states. Brazil has many beautiful cities. Each of them is interesting and unique in its own way, and is famous for its special history and sights.

Once this country was a Portuguese colony, then it received self-government, but until the end of the 19th century, it was headed by emperors. The United States of Brazil is a power that emerged on the world map in 1889 through the elimination of the monarchy, political and social reforms. The Federal Republic (this status was assigned to the state in 1967) has a turbulent history full of wars, coups,crises and upheavals, the struggle for power, economic and political independence.
According to the current constitution, the states of the country have sovereignty, have their own laws and state authorities. They are able to divide and unite, as well as dismember in accordance with the decision of the legislative assemblies. Although federal relations are strictly regulated from above.
Brazil states are listed below.

Capital of the country
The modern city of Brasilia, whose name is consonant with the name of the country, arose quite recently. Only in 1957 was its first stone laid. The construction of this desert community, designed by architect Lucio Costa, a developer of Latin American modern styles, has become an economic and social necessity for local residents associated with the decision to productively use previously underdeveloped territories.
The city of Brasilia is located in the center of the country near the Descoberto and Preto rivers. It was built in just three years. The composition of its population today is estimated at 2.5 million inhabitants. This is a federal district, the seat of the country's government and its president. Some of the Brazilian states have their own municipalities in and around the capital.
The main architectural style of buildings and other structures of the city is modernism, which evokes a feeling of plasticity, sensuality, straightforwardness, even fantasy. Now it is the fourth largest settlement in the country, which has everything: clinics, schools, cafes and restaurants,retail outlets, churches, cinemas, car parks.

Rio de Janeiro
Travelers admire this city at first sight. Rio de Janeiro is considered the pearl of Brazil - a beautiful place that stretches along the Guanabara bay. Today it has more than six million inhabitants. Until 1960, this fantastic city was the capital of the country, but even now it is considered its cultural and intellectual center, a place of concentration of creative bohemia.
However, in addition to beautiful buildings, there are enough dilapidated buildings made of bamboo, cardboard, old boards - these are favelas (Brazilian slums). But the city is famous for its wonderful beaches. Among them are Copacabana, Ipanema, Leblon, Botafogu.

The names of the states of Brazil in some cases are consonant with their capitals. Rio de Janeiro is one of them. The state itself is located, like the city, on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean. 16.5 million people live on its territory. The locals call themselves "Fluminense".
Sao Paulo
Another state whose name is the same as the name of the capital is Sao Paulo. Among its fellows, it is rightfully considered the most economically developed and populated (it has 41.5 million inhabitants). This is the southeastern state of the country, which has access to the Atlantic Ocean. As in neighboring Rio de Janeiro, the population in these parts is the most diverse and multinational.
After all, the ancestors of the inhabitants,Portuguese colonists and settlers from other European countries at one time mixed here by blood with local Indians, as well as Africans brought here by force during the slave trade.

The capital of Sao Paulo is considered a city of skyscrapers, but at the same time, like the major cities of many other Brazilian states, it is a city of contrasts. Here, fashionable districts and favelas adjoin each other.
This state got its name from the name of the largest full-flowing river not only of this continent, but of the whole world. The length of the Amazon is about 6.5 thousand kilometers. The river is officially recognized as one of the natural wonders of our planet and is navigable. Moreover, all the major cities of this state are located along this main river transport highway in the state.
In addition, Amazonas is the largest state in Brazil in terms of area, occupying almost a fifth of the entire country. It is located in its northwest, crossed by the equator, dividing into two parts located in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The equatorial forests are considered the least developed territory of the state. The landscape of another significant part of the area is a swampy plain.
The city of Manaus is the capital of this state. It was founded in 1669 and at first was only a fort on the lands of the Manoa, a warlike tribe of Indians. This city became world famous during the period of the so-called rubber fever - a very successful era in economic terms inthis country. The city is also famous for its wonderful opera house, opened in 1896.

The states of Brazil have one, which is commonly referred to as the golden one. It is adjacent to Amazonas and is located to the east of it. This is Para. The city of Belen is the capital of the state, practically located on the equator line.
This area is called the Eastern Amazon. The territory itself is predominantly a plain and in the rainy season is flooded with the waters of the great Amazon. After 1964, two huge roads stretched through it - Belen-Brazilia and Transamazonica. Measures to develop this region have brought results. The world's largest reserves of iron ore were found here, and most importantly, gold deposits.
This made it possible to talk about the so-called "miracle of Para", that is, about significant opportunities and we alth that suddenly fell upon this region. But the sudden happiness gave rise to its own problems. The barbaric development and greed of visitors who poured into this area threatens to destroy the bowels of the region and the ancient Indian culture.