How to make lists of used literature?

How to make lists of used literature?
How to make lists of used literature?

Writing a written work of any kind - term paper, diploma, abstract or just an article - requires the presence of such an element as a list of used sources and literature. It, as a rule, is located at the end of a creative work and is not only a numbered list of bibliographic descriptions. It contains a kind of key that can give an idea of such qualities of the author as correctness, ethics in relation to other people's creative work, accuracy and consistency.

What is

Literature lists contain detailed information about what the author relied on in his research. Here you can find comprehensive data on sources:

  • Author information.
  • Place and year of publication.
  • What kind of information is contained.
  • Name of publisher.
  • Number of pages.
  • Journal number or book volume.
lists of used literature
lists of used literature

All this set of information, arranged in a clearly defined order, is called a bibliographic description and forms a list of used literature according to GOST. It is he who is the special regulatory document that contains all the design rules.

What purpose do bibliography serve

There may be several of them. Firstly, the list of used sources and literature is an organic component of any scientific work. Without them, the fundamental nature of this or that creative work becomes doubtful. After all, it is not a secret for anyone that the author takes his knowledge and information about any process, subject or phenomenon from any source, which can be:

  • previously conducted research in a particular area;
  • scientific works of other authors;
  • tutorials and reference books;
  • articles published in specialized scientific journals, etc.

The list goes on.

Secondly, the lists of references contain valuable information about whose works, scientific works the author relied on in his research. You can get an idea of what opinion he holds on a particular issue.

list of used sources and literature
list of used sources and literature

Thirdly, for those who continue research in the considered or related issues, lists of used literaturegive accurate information about a particular source.

Design features

This is perhaps the most difficult moment associated with this part of the creative work, since it includes a number of subtleties that are overlooked by negligent students, graduate students or graduate students. There is a lot of information on how to draw up a list of used literature: examples, relevant regulatory documents, and much more. So, what to keep in mind when starting to design.

Location of sources

Here you can use the following options:

  • in alphabetical order, arranging sources based on given authors or titles;
  • as referenced or cited - a fairly simple way, but only at first glance, because it makes it difficult to find the necessary source, so it can be used in small works;
  • in accordance with the type of document, the list is compiled based on the type of publication used (normative acts, articles, books, etc.), divided into parts, within which the sources are arranged alphabetically;
  • chronologically, if we are talking about historical research and you need to pay attention to the periodization and publication date of the source.

As a rule, students use the first two options in their work.

Bibliographic subtleties

The next point that you need to pay attention to when considering the design of the list of used literature is the bibliographic description. It contains a number of components that are arranged in a well-defined order.

  1. Indication of the author's surname with initials. It could also be an alias.
  2. The title of a book, textbook, article or other work is given without quotes.
  3. Additional information about the title is provided.
  4. After the punctuation mark, the author's surname is given here again. The only difference is that the initials are in front of it. If there are two or three authors, then elements of information about them are placed similarly.
  5. Provides information relating to the publication, including place or city, publisher name, and year of publication.
  6. Follow the total number of pages or numbers if only part of a book or journal article was used.
list of used literature according to GOST
list of used literature according to GOST

Approximately in this way the list of used literature according to GOST is formed. However, there are a number of other elements that may be included in the description. This is an indication that the information is an electronic resource. It is given, as a rule, in square brackets and follows the title. The URL or access mode is placed at the end of the bibliographic description.

Literature in the diploma: what you need to know in order to properly issue it

Here you need to remember that for research of this level, the presence of certain sources is assumed. Their type and content should correspond to the subject of the work.

list of used literature of the thesis
list of used literature of the thesis

As you know, the structure of the thesis consists of an introduction, several chapters, a conclusion, a listused literature. The latter is connected in a certain way with all the listed elements. In the introduction, the authors who de alt with the stated problems are indicated. If their works were used when writing, then there must be links in the text, which will lead to bibliographic descriptions and allow you to create a list of used literature of the thesis. It is located at the very end of the explanatory note, following the conclusions but before the appendices.

Also, the thesis supervisor may require the use of "fresh" sources in the work, the date of publication of which was not earlier than five years before the writing of the diploma.

accounting list of references
accounting list of references

It should also be remembered that all references should be in the explanatory note, located before the conclusion and list of references. These final elements of the thesis should not contain them, since the first contains the author's own conclusions and proposals, and the second contains the sources themselves.

Naturally, each discipline or field of science has its own design features. Let's take a closer look at some of them.

Legal niceties

If you want to make a list of used literature on the law, you need to pay attention to the following points.

Order of sources. It begins with legal acts and documents. Next come the materials of legal practice. Behind them, in this order, is the rest of the literature: books,periodicals, foreign publications and Internet resources. If some element is missing, for example, practice materials, then the rest of the literature will immediately follow the legal documentation

list of used literature on law
list of used literature on law

Hierarchy in the placement of legal sources. They are arranged according to their legal force, starting with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, followed by international legal acts ratified by Russia. If the text of the work uses an international treaty in which the country is not a party, a link to it is located immediately after the list of decisions of the judiciary

Sometimes a lawyer needs to refer to legal acts that have already lost their legal force. In this case, they must also be included in the list, but placed at the end of the list of the current legal framework. These sources are subject to the rules listed above, with the only difference that the corresponding mark is made in brackets. Then come laws, decrees, acts of the government and ministries. Within a group of legal acts, the arrangement is made on the basis of what kind of document is used. If these are orders or resolutions, then they use alphabetical order, if normative acts, then chronological.

If the text of the work contains references to any of the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, then such a source is placed after departmental and ministerial acts. Regulations of local governments or other state structures followlegislative acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Accounting features

Has its own specifics and such a field of activity as accounting. The list of references used here is also compiled on the basis of the legal significance of the sources. Laws come first. They are followed by provisions, instructions and practice materials. Next come tutorials, books and periodicals.

What you need to know if a management job

Here the rules that were given above apply, on their basis a list of used literature is compiled. Management as a special field of activity can affect any industry. If the questions relate to jurisprudence, the rules for the location of regulatory documentation are used. When characterizing sanitary standards and labor protection at the enterprise, it should be taken into account that standards and instructions should be placed after acts of greater legal force. Further, textbooks, books, periodicals and other publications are placed.

Examples of literature design

They will help you finally figure out how to put the bibliography in order.

Example of designing a tutorial or article:

  • Sviridov P. R. Features of the formation of legal entities [Text] / P. R. Sviridov. - Moscow: Prince's Court, 2013. - 280 p.
  • Petrov F. K. Tsar Peter as a reformer / F. K. Petrov // Philosophical Review. - 2013. - No. 9. - S. 33-38.

As you can see from the example, the area of authorship is separated by a slash followed by initials, and thensurname. If the book mentions several authors, then the description is given in this way:

Vetrova Z. K. Financial accounting [Text]: textbook for universities / Z. K. Vetrova, R. S. Balashova, K. V. Yarkova. - Moscow: Financier, 2011. - 355 p

list of references example
list of references example

A bibliographic description begins with a title if the work has four authors whose initials and surnames are given after a slash.

Business management [Text]: methodological guide to term papers / D. R. Mitrokhina, V. A. Goryunova, Z. I. Sinitsyna, P. D. Kartokhin. - Krasnograd: KraDTU Publishing House, 2011. - 265 p

How to make a correct list of used literature if there are links to online publications? Here you need to be aware that such sources, as a rule, complete the list and always indicate the mode of possible access to them.

Research in Ukraine [Electronic resource]: multi-subject. scientific magazine / Kievsk. polytechnic un-t. - Electron. magazine - Lanky: KPI, 2008. - Journal access mode:

Examples of legal sources

How to draw up a list of used literature if it includes legal documents, acts:

  • On the formation of a commission for the administrative reform [Text]: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 22, 2013 521 // Collection of legislation. - 2013. - 31. - Art. 3320.
  • On the economic situation [Text]: Federal Law of 30 Jan. 1-FZ // Collection of legislation. - 2012. - 7, (February 2). - S. 1346-1398 (p. 375).

If we are talking about technical documentation, then its design will be as follows:
