The article tells how to properly compile a list of literature on management, where to find the design standard and what to pay special attention to.
Why do we need a bibliography?
This is an integral element of any document - scientific work, report, assignment. Often the question arises of what it should consist of.
References list consists of a list of books, magazines, articles, monographs, Internet sites that were used to complete the work. In particular, in the field of management, there is a huge amount of useful material, but not all of them on the same topic. Depending on the content of the work, the list of literature on management can be very different. It will include only those sources that were used in one way or another by the author: they were read, scrolled through, used as the main idea, served as the basis for conclusions, are carriers of terms or quotes contained in the work.

The list of references on management shows how widely the management problem disclosed in the work has been studied, how much material the author has studied inthe process of completing the task set in the work.
Rules for the design of bibliography
Resources in the bibliography can be grouped in different ways:
- alphabetically;
- as mentioned in the text;
- chronologically.
Any of these options are acceptable, but the first one is the most popular.
If there are namesakes among the authors, such sources are listed alphabetically by initials. If there are foreign publications, they are also placed alphabetically after the Russian list.
It is worth noting that the concepts of "list of references" and "list of references" are often confused. It must be understood that the first concept is much broader than the second.
The list of used literature on management (or sources) will include only those books (or articles, websites, etc.) that have been cited or whose ideas are presented in the work. In this regard, bibliographic records, as a rule, are arranged in the order they are mentioned in the text.

For example, the list of literature on management includes 3 textbooks, 1 dissertation, 5 articles and 2 Internet resources, and the list of used sources includes only 2 books and 1 article, links to which are present in the text of the work.
Rules for the design of a bibliographic record
A bibliographic record is a description of a book or any other source in the bibliography. There are rules for the design of such records, set out in the relevant regulatory documents: GOST7.1-2003, GOST 7, 0-99, GOST 7.5-98, etc.
In general, there are a few simple rules to remember about how to format a bibliography:
- A description of a book or other source must include: authorship, title, publisher information, year of publication.
- Optionally, if possible, information is added about the circulation, the number of pages, places that you should pay special attention to in the context of the work in question.
- Author credit starts with last name, followed by initials.
- Legislative acts should be described starting from the title of the document, without abbreviations (for example, the Russian Federation - RF), indicating the date of publication in the Russian newspaper (which is the official condition for the law to enter into force);
- Rules, standards, patents require an approval authority.

For a more convenient compilation of the list, it is recommended to use the description and examples indicated in the GOSTs listed above.
Features of compiling a management bibliography
The directions of management are as diverse as the features of the work of the head. In this regard, the list of literature on management can vary greatly depending on the direction, tasks and goals of the work. Let's look at some examples.
A list of literature on financial management should not do without the book "Fundamentals of Financial Management" (Van Horn JK, Vakhovich JM). It is also unlikely that work on financialmanagement will bypass John L. Kelly's financial staking strategy. It is worth adding a few sources on the financial analysis of Russian authors.
The list of literature on strategic management may include many foreign publications, since the terms of this area of management have long been translated into Russian and are used in everyday life. It is worth citing the works of Professor G. Mintzberg, who developed key programs for the strategic development of organizations.

In general, the sources used by the author when compiling any work on management should reflect the comprehensive study of the issue and be included in the list of literature on management as a guarantor of the quality of the work of the researcher.