New standards have become decisive in the work of teachers. GEF introduced a new era of Russian education. Let's find out what is the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, what knowledge a teacher should have.

On the need to adopt second generation standards
In 2010, the media presented the results of the PISA study, which was conducted in 65 countries, including the Russian Federation. This international survey addressed three questions:
- does the training meet international standards;
- what changes have taken place recently in the education system;
- what is the direction of further improvement of education and upbringing in the educational institution.
As part of the analysis of the application of the system-activity approach, 15-year-old students were involved in the survey. Assessment was carried out in the following areas: reading technique, logical skills, natural science skills. The researchers were given the task of assessing the ability of the children to use the knowledge gained at school innormal situations.
According to the results of the survey, the Russian Federation was in 45th place out of 65 countries in terms of literacy of students in secondary schools. Experts noted in Russia a direct relationship between the financial situation of the family and the good result of the child's education. The poll leaders were South Korea, Finland, China, Singapore.
About 27% of Russian schoolchildren did not show the required reading technique, 29% did not master elementary mathematical concepts, 22% did not master the basics of natural science.
FGOS 2 generations were planned as a real breakthrough in Russian education. The basis for the development of standards is the installation of a complete transfer of schools from a “catching up” to a “leading” model, the refusal to copy European educational systems. The creators of the GEF IEO took into account the informatization of society, developed the foundations of the theory based on the competence-based educational paradigm. Ultimately, successful citizens who have competencies and skills, who love their country and traditions, should leave the educational institution. Also, among the distinctive features of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO, we note the transition to a design and design strategy based on a system-activity approach, an increase in the importance of educational work in educational institutions.

Innovations in GEF
The basic paradigm was changed from knowledge to system-activity. Primary school teachers have already realized what is the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard. For each lesson, they indicate the learning universal skills that every child should eventually have.
For previous education systemThe task of the teacher was to give the students the maximum amount of new knowledge. For the innovative paradigm, the task was a competency-based approach, personal growth. The Federal State Educational Standards orient the educational community towards obtaining the final result. Responsibility for it is assigned in the new standards to all participants in the educational process, including the student himself.
Answering the question of what is the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, we will use the Concept of Spiritual and Moral Education and Personal Development. The new standards require serious attention to the educational process in educational institutions. The standard considers the school as a bearer of social identity. Educational institutions are obliged to educate a patriot and a citizen, to fully reveal the talents of children, develop them, and maintain close cooperation with the families of schoolchildren and social institutions.
The school and society are recognized as partners according to the technology of the Federal State Educational Standard, an agreement is being discussed between the municipality, the educational institution, the family.
It is supposed to depart from the traditional classroom system, develop project skills, develop skills for independent search and selection of information.
The methodological basis for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard includes the formation of skills for putting forward a hypothesis, selecting a methodology, and analyzing the results of work. When developing the new generation of the Federal State Educational Standard, the priority was the formation of general educational skills and abilities, their application in real conditions.

“Fundamental core” of GEF
The developers are confident that the main difference between the Federal State Educational Standards is a minimized approach toconstruction of educational space on the basis of fundamentality. During the development of the economy, the importance of basic education is obvious. It is the main factor in the application of innovative technologies, the ability of the Russian Federation to be competitive in the market. The authors of the UUD concept are Molchanov S. V., Volodarskaya I. A., Asmolov A. G. They are convinced that the standard of general education should have included a social request. The Russian Federation is moving from an industrial type to an information society, in which the emphasis is on high innovative potential. The main task of education in such realities is cognitive, personal, general cultural development. A child receiving basic education should be able to learn.

Portrait according to the Federal State Educational Standard of a Grade 4 graduate
After four years of study, a student must:
- love your people, Motherland, region;
- respect and accept the values of society and family;
- with interest to explore the world, be active and inquisitive;
- have the skills to acquire knowledge, be responsible for the actions taken in front of society and family;
- be able to hear, listen to another person, motivate personal opinion, explain the position;
- follow the rules of a he althy lifestyle.
Portrait according to the GEF of a Grade 9 graduate
The concept of education modernization puts forward certain requirements for ninth graders:
- love your Fatherland, the land, know your native language, respect the spiritual traditions and culture of your people;
- to realize and accept the values of the family and human life, to be tolerant of representatives of different nationalities and religions;
- with interest to learn the world around us, to understand the importance of labor, creativity, science;
- be able to learn, realize the importance of self-education, use the acquired knowledge in everyday life;
- respect the laws of the Russian Federation, be socially active, possess moral values;
- appreciate the interlocutor, conduct a full-fledged dialogue, work in a team to achieve the goal;
- consciously implement and promote environmental safety;
- navigate the market of professions, understand the importance of professional activity for a person.
GEF portrait of a high school graduate
- love and appreciate your homeland, land, know the spiritual traditions and culture of the people, respect the people;
- recognize and accept the values of society, family, respect multinationality, understand belonging to one's country;
- think creatively and critically, purposefully learn about the world around us, accept the value of creativity, science for society and a person, be motivated for self-education and education throughout life;
- own the basics of understanding the world around us, motivated for innovation and creativity;
- readiness for cooperation, implementation of project and research activities;
- awareness of oneself as a person who respects the laws of the country, fulfills obligations to the state, society, family,humanity;
- respect the opinion of the interlocutor, find mutual understanding in the process of dialogue;
- to conduct conscious preparation for choosing a profession, to understand its importance.

Composition of the standard
Modernization of Russian education was necessary, given the realities of society. The standard included three groups of requirements:
- to mastering the educational program at the primary, secondary, senior level of education;
- to the structure of OOP, the ratio of scope and result;
- human resources, material and technical resources.
So what is the methodological basis of GEF? For the main school, the division into different subject areas has been preserved, individual curricula are offered, children with disabilities and gifted (talented) children have their own version of education. The teacher performs the function of a classical tutor, helps the student in self-improvement and development.

What will change in secondary (complete) education after the introduction of GEF?
First of all, the standards involve a significant reduction in the number of subjects. Of the 21 disciplines, 12 will remain. The new standard suggests leaving 6 subject areas for high school students, the guys themselves choose the disciplines they need. As obligatory subjects in OU left: "Russia in the world", life safety, physical culture. The chosen discipline is considered at three levels of study:
- first stage (integrated);
- second step(basic);
- third step (profile).
For specialized training, 5 hours per week are offered, for integrated and basic - 3 hours per week. An individual curriculum for a high school student contains three basic, three compulsory, three specialized subjects. Weekly load must not exceed 33 hours.

Professional staff
The success of the introduction of new educational standards directly depends on the qualifications of teachers. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has established new certification rules for teachers, as well as the timing of professional training (at least once every four years).
The volume of courses for middle and senior teachers is 108 hours, for elementary grades - 72 hours.
On the timing of the introduction of the second generation of the Federal State Educational Standards
2015 is set for basic education, 2017 for senior level. Fifth-graders who came in 2015 from elementary school continued their education according to the new standards. In each region and region of the Russian Federation there are special experimental sites. Seminars, conferences, testing are held in these educational institutions, the results of innovations are analyzed. The standard has become a powerful stimulus for the professional development of a teacher. The teacher, working according to the traditional form of education, simply passed on his own knowledge to the pupils, was a talking radio. According to the Federal State Educational Standard of the new generation, the teacher plays the role of a tutor, creates projects together with the children, and conducts research. The mentor is the organizer, moderatoractivities of the pupils, and not the warden.
Won't children be overloaded with the new educational system?
If we compare the workload of Russian schoolchildren with European peers, the difference is about 25%. Besides, no other country has such long vacations as Russian OU students have. When analyzing weekly hours, there is a serious overload of schoolchildren. In the Russian Federation, the minimum duration of schooling is 10 years, while in the countries of the "old world" children study for 12-13 years. When school life is extended under the Federal State Educational Standard to 12 years, the children will be unloaded, the issue of lack of time for specialized programs will be resolved.
New trends in the educational system help to form a successful personality, adapted to modern realities. When implementing a system-activity approach, the upbringing of a citizen of the country who knows how to honor and appreciate its traditions takes place. Schoolchildren learn to control their actions, to be responsible for them, to solve household tasks based on the knowledge gained at school. Shifting emphasis from narrow subject skills and abilities to universality, self-knowledge, development. The new standards have a fundamental basis; they imply an increase in students' cognitive interest in certain subject areas, in general, in the learning process. The importance of knowledge is not denied, but citizenship, patriotism, and communication skills come to the fore. A special place is given to educational work. Together with the parents, the teacher must form spiritual and moral qualities in the child.