What is politics? Why is it an ordinary citizen? What does this concept include?
Politics. Social Studies Lesson
The political sphere is one of the four spheres of public life of a society along with economic, social and spiritual ones. What does social science tell us about this? The sphere of politics in science is divided into three concepts:
- Type of human activity.
- One of the four areas of social life in a complex dynamic system of society.
- A type of social relationship between people in a group.

The concept of political activity
Each of us, without noticing it, is involved in the political activities of the state in which we live. Indeed, politics plays a leading role in our life. After all, we all live within a society that is controlled by such a social institution as the state. This is how the well-known German scientist M. Weber described the involvement in politics of each individual in society:
- Involvement "on occasion". This is when a citizen of the country makes a one-time political decision and participates in the political life of the country. A striking example is the presidential election or a referendum on the mostimportant issues in society.
- Part-time involvement. When a citizen is actively involved in politics, but the main activity is another area. For example, entrepreneurs are members of a political party and periodically participate in its life.
- Professional politicians. These are people whose main activity is this area.

Influence on politics
For greater influence on the political sphere, people create strong associations on a certain basis (classes, castes, etc.). From the course of history, one can recall the influence of certain social groups on changes in the device in the country. Often, reorganization was achieved through revolutions.
In the USE tests, social science pays great attention to this issue. The modern influence of citizens on politics in the country is achieved through association in political parties and movements. A special role in decision-making in the state belongs to the political elite. This is a small circle of people who concentrate in their hands the greatest influence in the country. It includes the most important government positions, such as the president, ministers, leaders of the ruling political parties.
A distinctive feature of political activity is that it is aimed at society as a whole, and not at its separate sphere. This raises one controversial question: "Are all means good for creating a bright future in the country?" Are cruel punitive measures acceptable for the future flourishing of the state? For example,extremists and religious fanatics answer such questions in the affirmative. Any methods should be used if they bring closer to the cherished goal. In other words, the end justifies the means.

From the course of national history it is clear that similar movements arose in Russia. Suffice it to recall the Party of Socialist Revolutionaries (AKP) with their massive terrorist attacks and assassinations of leading political figures of the 19th century. The communists were not limited to anything after the 1917 revolution and the Red Terror that followed. The goal is to destroy the classes of "kulaks and masters" by any means. To prevent such events, a separate topic ("Politics") in social studies is being studied.
Political institutions
This is one of the types of social institutions that serve in society to achieve certain needs of society. Political institutions are necessary for security, ensuring social order, peaceful adoption of the most important decisions for society. The main one, of course, is the state. In addition to it, political institutions include political parties, trade unions, associations.
Political parties
They are voluntary associations of people with identical views on the development of the state and society. Each party has a clearly defined program of actions and transformations, an ideology, and achieves the fulfillment of these tasks by means of methods permitted in the state. As a rule, these are elections to legislative structures with the aim of adopting universally binding laws for all residents of the country.solutions.

Naturally, such an association should be regulated by legal norms. In the Russian Federation for these purposes, in 2001, a special Federal Law "On political parties" was adopted. He clearly articulated the definition. A political party is a voluntary association of citizens of the Russian Federation to achieve their political demands by participating in elections of government bodies at all levels, as well as in political actions and debates, public speeches.
Goals of political parties
The main ones are:
- Promote their candidates to legislative bodies at all levels.
- Formation of public opinion on a particular issue.
- Political education of citizens.
Political parties are a very complex mechanism. Each has its own ideology, program, structure and procedure for determining candidates for legislative assemblies. This is studied in more detail in other topics of the course "Social Studies". Politics, as one of the topics, does not focus on this much attention. It only gives general concepts.

Political relations
This term refers to the relationship of people, subjects that arise in the political sphere. Any interactions that are connected with the authorities in the center or locally will be the subject of such relations. Examples include:
- Interaction between government mechanisms. For example, between government andline ministry.
- Interaction between a certain state structure and social groups. For example, between the state and the military reserve.
- Interaction between state structures and non-state social movements and formations. For example, the Ministry of Agriculture and trade unions of farmers.
- Interaction between the state and individual citizens.
- Interaction between political parties and non-political formations such as trade unions, cooperatives, etc.
- Between the state and interstate international structures and divisions. A striking example is the relationship between the Russian Federation and PACE (Parliamentary Assembly of Europe).

Relationships can develop in different ways. Mutual assistance, competition, lobbying, state support measures, sanctions and restrictions - all this depends on the specific goals of each of the parties. If they match, then there is cooperation. But if the goals are different and contradict each other, there is a confrontation between the participants in political relations.
What social norms govern such relations at the USE? Social science as a subject of school discipline answers the following:
- Political principles.
- Traditions.
- Legal regulations.
- Ethics.
Politics and power. Social studies as a school course
All political aspects are directly or indirectly related to one concept. This is power. More precisely, the struggle for it. Power is not necessarily a political concept. This term refers to any kind of command and control. For example, the influence of parents on children, the employer on a subordinate. Considers this term and the subject of social science. Politics as a special kind of activity is inextricably linked with the concept of power.
Sanctions apply to enforce orders. This is not always a negative concept. Sanctions are divided into positive and negative. The first to secure orders are incentives. For example, bonus, promotion, extraordinary vacation. Negative sanctions for maintaining power include punishments - dismissal, fines, deprivation of bonuses, etc. An important factor in maintaining power is the authority of the subject issuing orders or instructions.
Let's turn again to the course "Social Studies". Politics is not only the area where there is power. In society, the following types of power are divided:
- Economic. Control over resources, money, material values.
- Cultural and informational. Information control (radio, newspapers, television, etc.)
- Forced. Control by force (army, police, security forces).
- Political.

The last type of power has a number of distinctive properties that are unique to it:
- Applies to the entire society as a whole, living in the territory of the state. All other authorities are subordinate to the political.
- She acts on behalf of society at large.
- Only political power is given the right to use force legally.
- Has a single nationwide decision-making center.
- Uses all means of influence inherent in other types of power.
What conclusion can be drawn from studying the course "Social Studies"? Politics is one of the key activities that influences all others.