What a beautiful and important word - "admiral"! So noble and militant. Saying it, one immediately recalls Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, famous for his exploits and services to the country, Her Majesty's Admiral.
But what does the word "admiral" mean? And how well do you understand and use it? If you aspire to be literate and don't want to be seen as ignorant, you need to read this fascinating article. And everything will become clear to you!

The word "admiral": meaning
The word "admiral" is of Dutch origin. But, according to the dictionary of the fabulist Ivan Andreevich Krylov, this word comes from the Arabic "emir al bah." Which translates as "ruler / lord / master of the seas."
The Dutch changed it a bit to make it easier to pronounce. And as a result, the Arabic word turned into Dutch (admiraal).
In Russian, the word "admiral" (whose meaning is quite diverse) appeared thanks to the great Russian emperor Peter I, known for "cutting a window to Europe" and creating the Russian fleet.
The word has three meanings:
- Firstly, it denotes the rank, rank (with severalgrowth steps) of the highest officers of the navy. Both in Russia and in many other countries.
- Secondly, this is the name of the person who bears this title.
- Thirdly, the species of diurnal butterflies (having a black-red-white color), which belong to the Nymphalidae family and live in European and Asian countries, is also called admiral.
Who is the admiral?
So, Admiral. The meaning of this word has Arabic roots. And it translates as "lord of the sea." A whole flotilla is subordinate to a person with this rank, therefore this title is both prestigious and very binding, responsible at the same time.

The rank of admiral has a certain hierarchy:
Rear Admiral. Commands one division, in the event of the death of a vice admiral, he takes his place at the head of a squadron consisting of three divisions.
- Vice Admiral. Commands a squadron.
- Admiral. On his shoulders lies the leadership of the flotilla, which includes several squadrons.
- Fleet Admiral. Chief in command, so his word determines the further outcome of events. Basically, the admiral of the fleet sits on the general staff.
History of the origin of the title
Admiral is one of the oldest ranks, it appeared in the early Middle Ages on the territory of the Arab countries. Already in the XII century, this title came to Europe and became the naval equivalent (equal in status) to the rank of general on land. ButPromoted to field marshal very soon.
In France, the "lords of the seas" were even appointed by the kings, having a special admiral's baton and their own flag, and their authority included commanding all the forces of the fleet.
How did the rank appear in Russia?
Admiral is a naval rank that was introduced into the Russian fleet by decree of Peter I back in 1706. The first Russian emperor built his fleet like the Dutch army. That is why the rank in its meaning was equated to a land general.
Also in the 19th century, a hierarchy of admiral rank appeared. Ranks were introduced such as:
- rear admiral - major general;
- vice admiral - lieutenant general.
In 1935, the Russian Navy also gained this title. After that, the following titles were added:
- Fleet Admiral;
- Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union (until 1993. Now Admiral of the Navy of the Russian Federation).

Rank Rear Admiral
But first things first. The meaning of the word "rear admiral" is as follows: rear admiral is the first step in this hierarchy. The rank or rank, according to the height of one's status, is equivalent to a land major general.
Russian Rear Admirals:
- Nikolai Osipovich Abramov;
- Alexander Petrovich Alexandrov;
- Vasily Emelyanovich Ananyich;
- Neon Vasilyevich Antonov;
- MikhailIvanovich Arapov;
- Vladimir Aleksandrovich Belli;
- Viktor Platonovich Bogolepov;
- Nikolai Aleksandrovich Bologov;
- Pavel Ivanovich Boltunov;
- Sergey Borisovich Verkhovsky.
Rank Vice Admiral
Vice Admiral is the second step of the admiral's hierarchy. Corresponds to the rank of lieutenant general in the general troops.
Russian vice admirals:
- Valentin Petrovich Drozd;
- Ivan Dmitrievich Eliseev;
- Zhukov Gavriil Vasilyevich;
- Ilya Danilovich Kulishov;
- Lev Andreevich Kournikov;
- Mikhail Zakharovich Moskolenko;
- Alexander Andreevich Nikolaev;
- Anatoly Nikolaevich Petrov;
- Yuri Fedorovich Ral;
- Alexander Mikhailovich Rumyantsev.
Rank admiral
Admiral is the third step of this hierarchy. Second in seniority after Admiral of the Fleet. Corresponds to the land rank "colonel general".
Russian admirals:
- Pavel Sergeyevich Abankin;
- Nikolai Efremovich Basisty;
- Nikolai Ignatievich Vinogradov;
- Lev Anatolyevich Vladimirsky;
- Arseniy G. Golovko;
- Fyodor Vladimirovich Zozulya;
- Ivan Stepanovich Yumashevich;
- Stepan G. Kucherov;
- Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko;
- Philip Sergeyevich Oktyabrsky.
The most famous Russian admirals, known for having played an important role both in the fate of the fleet and in the fate of the whole country, are:
- Fyodor Matveyevich Apraksin (repelled the attack of the Swedes on St. Petersburg, forced the Vyborg fortress to capitulate, took part in the defeat of the squadron of the Swedish King Charles XII).
- Fyodor Fedorovich Ushakov (did not lose a single ship and won all forty-three battles).
- Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern (led the first Russian round-the-world expedition).
- Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov (command of the fleet and ground forces during the Crimean War and the Battle of Sevastopol).
- Nikolai Ottovich Essen (participation in the Russo-Japanese War and command of the B altic Fleet in World War I).

Title "Admiral of the Fleet"
The highest level of the admiral's hierarchy. Corresponds to the military rank of "general of the army". A person holding this rank is considered the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy (Navy).
Only the best have achieved this title. In the USSR, they had this rank:
- Sergei Georgievich Gorshkov;
- Ivan Stepanovich Isakov;
- Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov.
After the collapse of the Soviet Union, I managed to reach the rank and get the title:
- To Felix Nikolaevich Gromov;
- To Vladimir Ivanovich Kuroyedov;
- To Vladimir Vasilyevich Masorin.
Butterfly Admiral
In dictionaries there is not only a direct interpretation of the word "admiral". Because in addition to the designation of the naval rank, as well as the person who wears this rank, there is also a butterfly called that way.

Of course, this butterfly has nothing to do with the sea. She lives on land and can be seen during the day. But why was she given such an unusual "marine" name?
It's all about her colors, she is very reminiscent of the admiral's uniform. The butterfly has black wings, with a wide red stripe along the edges, very similar to the stripes of the admiral's trousers. In addition, white spots also flaunt on the wings of a butterfly, like orders and stars on an admiral's uniform.
Admiral Butterfly is a flocking creature that loves warmth very much. That is why, before the onset of cold weather, it flies to warmer climes, mainly to African countries. Its wings are quite large and durable, thanks to which the butterflies can easily cover considerable distances.
Butterfly caterpillars are also very beautiful. They are white with yellow dots and stripes. Caterpillars love to feast on nettles and thistles. And butterflies prefer fruit juice, flower nectar and plant juice.

Admiral Butterflies are very unusual and it is a violation to kill them. Since these charming creatures are quite rare, they are even listed in the Redbook.
Now you know how the word "admiral" is interpreted, and you can use it correctly. Thank you for your attention!