The main subsystems of society: social studies table (Grade 10)

The main subsystems of society: social studies table (Grade 10)
The main subsystems of society: social studies table (Grade 10)

The division of the structure of society into conditional spheres is, on the one hand, a basic, and on the other hand, a very extensive topic. In the school course, a lot of attention is paid to it, and tasks for it are found both in the Unified State Examination and in the OGE. Compiling a table "The main subsystems of society" in the 10th grade is a common task. It is not surprising, because any student must clearly understand how exactly different spheres differ, what kind of social relations they include. When mastering this topic, it is extremely important to avoid confusion. In order to systematize information, it is worth studying the main subsystems of society in the table.

Division of society into subsystems

Let's start with the definition of society. Society in a broad sense is a system of connections between people, their associations and ways of interacting with each other. So society is a big structure. But more than that, it is subdivided into elements.

As already mentioned, the division of society into spheres is conditionalcharacter. However, it is necessary to somehow distinguish and isolate social processes related to various aspects of human life.

There are 4 main public spheres:

  • Political.
  • Economic.
  • Social.
  • Spiritual.

It is important to note that these spheres do not line up in a hierarchy. They are equally important for the normal functioning of the whole society. Consider the main subsystems of society in the table.

Political sphere

Politics is an integral part of the life of any modern person. Whether we like it or not, it affects us directly or indirectly. But what exactly is the scope of the political sphere? In the table on the main subsystems of society, this issue is considered in more detail.

Political sphere
Political sphere
What relationship includes Main social institutions Activities Specifics
Political sphere The political sphere includes relations between large social groups - classes, strata, nations. They seek to win political power and use it for their own purposes.

The state is the main social institution.


Has sovereignty



Has a monopoly on the use of legal violence

Main activity inpolitical sphere - defending their interests and striving to gain power. Basic Shapes:


Creation of parties


Typology of political cultures:

1. Patriarchal type

Low competence

Lack of interest

Focus on local values and opinions of leaders

2. Subject

Targeting interesting states

Low individual activity

Easy manipulation

3. Activist

Strong citizen engagement

High Interest

Desire to realize own interests


Economics is an integral part of social science, acquaintance with which begins only in the 10th grade. The table on the main subsystems of society highlights the basic concepts that are necessary for students.

Economic sphere
Economic sphere
What relationship includes Main social institutions Activities Specifics
Economics Relations regarding the production, distribution and consumption of economic goods.




The institution of private property - in countries with market economies.

The main activity is production.

It is aimed atmeet the basic economic needs and demands of society, but at the same time directly affects them.

According to the theory of K. Marx, the economic sphere determines all other spheres of society, that is, how production is arranged, other social relations depend.

Now this theory is classical, but rather marginal.

Social sphere

This is probably the most understandable topic, as we all experience it in our daily lives. But due to apparent simplicity, you can miss a large layer of important theory, which is revealed in this table on the main subsystems of society.

Social sphere
Social sphere
What relationship includes Main social institutions Activities Specifics
Social sphere The system of connections between the main elements of society: social groups, social communities, as well as individuals. Family Activity includes the creation of comfortable conditions for work, life and leisure.

There are two main approaches to understanding the social sphere:

M. Weber

Key concepts:

1) A stratum is a community of people with a similar level of income, prestige, and access to power and education.

2)Social mobility

K. Marx

The economic sphere defines the relationship between the layers, which are distinguished based on access to the means of production.

Spirit Realm

Art, religion, education - all these social structures are included in the spiritual sphere. Without it, the harmonious upbringing of a person is impossible, since it is precisely this that is the most important part of the socialization of the individual, if we compare the spheres of society. In the table on the main subsystems of society, its features and components are described in more detail.

Culture and art
Culture and art
What relationship includes Main social institutions Activities Specifics
Spirit Realm The spiritual realm is the realm of ideas. It includes political, socio-economic, moral and philosophical theories, as well as attitudes about their production and consumption.





Activity in the context of the spiritual sphere is divided into spiritual production. Their essential difference from economic ones is that spiritual goods do not disappear when consumed, but transform the inner world of a person. The result of human activity in the spiritual sphere is social consciousness.

Spheres of society in their interconnection

Despite the fact that in the table the main subsystems of society are singled out separately, inin real life, they exist in close relationship. Moreover, it is very difficult to perform an action that would affect only one area. Therefore, it is important to use the social studies table "The main subsystems of society", which helps to clearly understand which relationships relate to a particular area.

Interactions in society
Interactions in society

For example, the state allocated money for the creation of a patriotic film. Children from low-income families were invited to the premiere show for free.

In this case, the state acts as a political institution, so its actions are related to the relevant area. At the same time, cinema is included in the spiritual sphere, and its production - in the economic, as it requires material costs. In addition, benefits are part of the social sphere, aimed at smoothing out inequality.

Thus, in one situation all 4 subsystems are connected at once. Due to the interweaving of spheres, it is sometimes difficult to single them out and attribute them to a specific one, but the data in the table on the main subsystems of society will help you learn the material and successfully complete tasks on this topic.
