Perhaps you have heard of such a Russian city as Novy Urengoy: someone has been there passing through, and some live on a permanent basis today. However, if you ask a person to talk about this locality and even show its location on the map, most will fall into a stupor. To prevent this from happening, in this article we will tell you everything about Novy Urengoy: what region it belongs to, where it is located, what its history is and what both visiting tourists and indigenous people can pay attention to here.
One of the cities of Western Siberia: general information
The city of Novy Urengoy - what region does it belong to? To the Tyumen, which, in turn, is an integral unit of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The city of Novy Urengoy is the largest settlement in the district and one of the few that overtake the administrative center of its subject both in terms of industrial potential and population (we are talking about comparison with Salekhard). Covered in this articlethe city is separated from the latter by 450 kilometers to the east; with Moscow it, located in relation to the capital in the northeast, is separated by 2,350 kilometers. In addition, the inhabitants of the city of Novy Urengoy, unlike Muscovites, live in a different time zone: for example, the first traditionally celebrate the New Year and other holidays 2 hours earlier. Today, about 116 thousand people live in the city. As a key link in the largest gas-bearing region, Novy Urengoy, whose location map will be presented below, is unofficially referred to as the country's gas-producing capital.

On the map, Novy Urengoy is located on the banks of the Evo-Yakha River, which is a tributary of the Pura. Two other rapids also flow in the city: these are Sede-Yakha and Tamchara-Yakha, which conditionally divide the settlement into the Northern and Southern parts. The territory of urban areas is surrounded on all sides by the Purovsky district and heavily swampy areas. In total, Novy Urengoy (which region the city belongs to and what its general current position is has already been described above) covers an area of 113 square kilometers. The Arctic Circle is already beginning 60 kilometers north of it.

Climatic conditions
So, if it is now clear which region Novy Urengoy belongs to, it's time to move on to the analysis of provisions that are more practical for a person - for example, what is the situation with the weather and average temperatures? The city's climate can becharacterized as sharply continental. What does this mean? Since this settlement is located at the intersection of 2 climatic zones of the forest-tundra zone, subarctic and temperate, there is a severe winter here, the duration of which reaches 9 months, and a cool summer, lingering on average only for a period of just over 1 month. Important factors influencing weather conditions and shaping the climatic situation include the presence of permafrost, the proximity of the city to the sea, as well as the continuous circulation of Atlantic air masses. The average January temperature is -21.7 degrees, June - +9.1; at the same time, the relative humidity of the air is 78%, and the average wind speed reaches only 3.4 m/s. Frequent temperature fluctuations in Novy Urengoy (a map of Russia helps to analyze all the conditions and factors that shape the climate) are accompanied by blizzards, snowstorms, snowstorms. Most of the flat terrain of the settlement is bound by permafrost ice, which in summer thaws only to a depth of 1 to 2 meters!

The beginning of the story
It is a pity that the facts about the development of cities and, in particular, Novy Urengoy, are not indicated on the map of Russia - and there is not enough space, and the purpose of these directories is different. Few people would take it into their heads to study the historical formation of this particular settlement, and in vain! The history of the city reveals many interesting things: from the very beginning it was closely intertwined with the development of the Urengoy gas field, discovered in June 1966of the year. However, in fact, the roots of the formation of the city must be sought even earlier, namely in 1949, when, by order of Stalin, the construction of a transpolar railway track began in the subpolar tundra zone for trains to run along the Salekhard - Igarka route. To linger at the former trading post of Urengoy was not part of the plans of the builders, who for the most part belonged to the rest of the thousands of camp prisoners sent to lay the road. However, Stalin died, the construction work was curtailed and forgotten, the constructed tracks were called “dead”, but for Urengoy it was a turning point: it was the once unfinished railway forks that helped drillers and seismic explorers discover deposits in these lands and quickly equip them. In January 1966, a new Urengoy structure was already opened here. The pioneer team was the company of employees of the seismic station V. Tsybenko, who occupied the barracks of the once abandoned camp, where GULAG prisoners used to live.

The way forward
Subsequently, active mining continued here: in June 1966, foreman V. Polupanov and his team drilled the first exploration well. It was after this that a footnote appeared on the map of the country, pointing to the unique Urengoy natural gas field. September 1973 was marked by the fact that on the site of the city that did not yet exist at that time, a peg was driven in with a sign and a symbolic inscription on it: “New Urengoy” (where the city is located,we, the descendants, now know). In December, the construction of a settlement familiar to Russians today began. The settlement developed rapidly, which was associated with an increase in the activity of the gas produced in it. In 1980, Novy Urengoy, which was not previously considered a city (what region this place belongs to and what its historical formation is, now everyone can answer) finally received the long-awaited status and was now called a city of district significance! Since 1984, gas from here began to be exported to Western Europe using the Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod gas pipeline built in 1983.

In November 1984, the village of Korotchaevo passed into submission to Novy Urengoy and the city council representing it at the administrative level, and in May 1988, the village of Limbyakha. As a municipal entity, Novy Urengoy was formed only in January 1996 with reference to one of the relevant laws of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and in 2004 the above-mentioned settlements ceased to exist as independent administrative-territorial elements and became part of the city of Novy Urengoy. As a result, the city with a length of 80 km has become one of the longest in the world!
Serious measures
An interesting fact is that in 2012 the city actually became closed, given that there was no actual legal basis for this. Entry into the city could only be carried out with a special pass. Such drastic measures were necessary becausethe level of crime in this area has approached a critically high value. Various terrorist organizations were active here, in connection with which the situation had to be resolved on an emergency basis. There is also an unconfirmed hypothesis that such a practice of a pass system was introduced to regulate the migration of the population, limiting the internal and external "turnover" of residents. Be that as it may, such a system in Urengoy, whose name means “dead place” in one of the local Nenets dialects, lasted about six months and then was abolished.

Novy Urengoy, being a fairly young city, manages to show extraordinary industrial potential. So, within the settlement there are 3 whales of the gas production industry, each of which is a subsidiary of Gazprom: Tyumenburgaz, Yamburggazodobycha and Urengoygazprom. They account for about 74% of all gas produced in the country! Construction work on the resumption of railway lines is being carried out by the Yamal Railway Company. 80% of river traffic falls on the Urengoy river port, which has dozens of ferries and tractors.
Of the key places in Novy Urengoy, a map with the streets of which will be offered below, one can single out the Museum of Fine Arts, commissioned in 2015, a multifunctional, modern and technological station, the largest fountain in KrainyNorth, visually resembling a sail. On the roof of the Helicopter shopping center, which is designed in eye-catching colors, visitors can see a model of a real aircraft rotorcraft. There are also monuments and temples in the city - real examples of architectural art and architecture (for example, the Epiphany Cathedral, built in 2015, which is the tallest building in the city).

There are many universities operating on the territory of Novy Urengoy, including:
- branch of Moscow State Open University;
- branch of Tyumen Oil and Gas University;
- branch of the Tobolsk State Pedagogical Institute. DI. Mendeleev;
- branch of Tomsk State University of Radioelectronics and Control Systems;
- branch of the Moscow Open Social University (Institute) and others.
As you can see, here, in one of the cities of the Tyumen region, you can not only live, but do it successfully: study, work and make plans for the future.