Composition-reasoning is the kind of creative work that must be done when passing the compulsory exam in Russian in the 9th and 11th grades. This task helps to understand how well students speak written language, how they can reflect on universal or linguistic topics, navigate in the text they read and draw conclusions from it. That is why, starting from the 5th grade, the guys know what the plan of an essay-reasoning in the Russian language is. Of course, depending on the age characteristics, the parts differ slightly from each other, but the basis is the same. Let's figure out what it is, the plan of the essay-reasoning in the Russian language, which is submitted for the school final exam.
What is a reasoning essay?
For starters, let's figure out what a reasoning essay is. This is the kind of work when it is necessary to prove or disprove an idea. In addition, in such an essay, they reflect on a phenomenon, figure, historical event.

What distinguishes a reasoning essay from other creative written works? special structure. The fact is that when composing a text-description or narration, you can go in different ways, use, for example, a ring composition, change structural elements in places. The plan of the essay-reasoning in the Russian language is always unchanged. It is not allowed to rearrange its elements. In this work, regardless of the topic, there should always be a postulate, a thesis. After that, it should be proved, citing weighty arguments. The conclusion is the final part, it summarizes the main idea.
Composition of the USE format
Although the texts of reasoning essays are similar in structure, however, they differ in exams in the 9th grade and in the 11th grade (GIA and USE, respectively).
As for the creative work of Part C at the Unified State Examination, here it is more voluminous. The plan, although it is structurally similar to the classical one, is still undergoing some changes. Everything comes from the type of work. What are graduates encouraged to do?

Their attention is presented to the text, where it is necessary not only to identify the author's position, to formulate the idea of the text, but also to put forward their thesis. Agreement and disagreement must be supported by arguments. Moreover, those that are given not from their life experience, but from works of literature are most appreciated.
So, the plan of the essay-reasoning on the Russian language of the exam is as followsway:
- Promoting the problem of the read text.
- Student comments.
- The main idea of the read text.
- Proposing a student's own position on this issue (an agreement with the author or a polemic with him).
- Argument 1 (better in fiction).
- Argument 2 (from my own life experience).
- Output.
The most difficult points of the plan, on which all creative work depends, relate to the definition of the problematics of the text and the reflection of its idea. So, many graduates begin to retell the actions of the characters in the third paragraph, thus formulating the theme. The task is different: to determine what is the author's thought, the formulation of the main idea. And here one cannot do without the skills of a reader.
Composition of GIA format
The plan of the essay-reasoning in the Russian language of the GIA is slightly different, it is simplified. Ninth-graders are offered a choice of one of three types of creative work in part C.
Task 15.1 involves writing an essay that reveals some linguistic phenomenon. Graduates are invited to reflect on whether we really need punctuation marks, how rich our language is, and others. The thesis here has already been put forward by the authors of the exam: you can either agree with it or refute it. Naturally, your point of view must be supported by two arguments.

This is a rather difficult type of work, because the guys are not too savvy in linguistics. That's whyeven at the beginning of their studies in secondary school, they delve into the plan of an essay-reasoning in the Russian language (grade 5). Students get acquainted with this type of text, recognize its constituent parts. Further, from year to year, the skills of writing reasoning on a linguistic topic are improving.
Task 15.2 implies the answer to the question on the read text. Here, the options for tasks are as follows: explain the meaning of the name or one of the sentences that reflect the main idea of the text. The compilers may also ask for reasonable clarification of the ending of the passage.
Assignment 15.3 is closest to the work of the exam. Here it is necessary to reveal any universal concept: friendship, kindness, mercy, courage and others. Moreover, the arguments must be taken both from the read text and from life, fiction.
Thus, the plan of the essay-reasoning on the Russian language for the exam in the 9th grade is as follows:
- Intro.
- Thesis.
- Argument 1.
- Argument 2.
- Output.
Main components: thesis
As mentioned above, students are already familiar with the plan for composing a reasoning in the Russian language. Grade 9 is not the starting point for its study. Work must be carried out in a planned and consistent manner. Let's analyze the main components.
As with any essay of a narrative, descriptive nature, reasoning must have an introduction. You don’t need to write a lot, just one or two sentences are enough, in which the awareness of the problem lies, its topicality, and maybe evenAbout the author. The latter is a characteristic feature of essays in the USE format.

Next - the thesis. This is a sentence that contains the point of view of the student himself. With it, he confirms or refutes what was said in the author's text. A correctly put forward thesis is the key to the success of all work, because the further selection of arguments depends on it.
The right arguments are the key to success
As for the arguments, both in the essay of the GIA and in the exam, they require at least two. Note that they should not only reflect the essence of the text, but comment, prove exactly the thesis with which they are inextricably linked.
As for the work of the GIA, here are the arguments from the read text or from your personal life experience. Moreover, the maximum number of points can be obtained precisely for correctly given arguments.

As for the essay-reasoning of the Unified State Examination, here you will have to recall the works of the classics in order to earn maximum points for the argument.
Conclusion is the result of all the work. In principle, it strongly resonates with the thesis. After all, here it is said that it was possible to prove the essay.
In addition to points for the content of the work, students receive an additional mark for the grammatical and speech components, the reliability of the presentation of information (factual errors). And of course, spelling and punctuation literacy are assessed.