Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace

Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace
Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace

The maintenance of the workplace involves taking into account certain conditions, material equipment, which allow its rational use. This process affects productivity.

Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace has a positive impact on the production culture of the enterprise, leads to the full use of its reserves.

safe organization and maintenance of the workplace
safe organization and maintenance of the workplace


Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace is characterized by the following parameters:

  • temperature, exchange, humidity, light, cleanliness, mode of operation;
  • the state of labor discipline;
  • size of the production area, equipment, production inventory (racks, containers, stands);
  • specific placement of inventory, equipment, labor objects (aggregates, blanks, parts) and tools that provide rational employee movements;
  • the maintenance of the workplace together with devices andtools that are needed to implement the technological process;
  • presence of production accounting and technical documentation: drawings, process maps, work order instructions, tool book, brand;
  • providing the workplace with blanks, parts, materials, technical control, repair of fixtures and equipment if necessary.
organization of the workplace content of the organization of the workplace
organization of the workplace content of the organization of the workplace

Significance of the process

Safe maintenance of the workplace has a positive impact on productivity.

The results of statistical research testify that with the proper organization of the workplace, you can count on the high-quality and efficient work of an employee.

After analyzing workflows, it was found that the sitting position is the most beneficial. That is why, the rules for maintaining the workplace include the issue of placing seats in production, where the force is about 5 kg. When the working force exceeds 10 kg, work should only be done in a standing position.

In case of equal convenience between the two positions, the employee has the right to independently choose one of them.

Important information

Keeping a clean workplace is a must. All tools, fixtures, finished and processed products must be placed so that the employee spends a minimum amount of time on their laying, installation, getting.

There are certainrequirements for the maintenance of the workplace, according to which the axis of the employee's body must coincide with the working area.

The maximum number of movements they make must be within the working normal zone. The movements made by the employee should be associated with minimal effort. A variety of devices are suitable for this, which speed up and facilitate the procedure for performing the required amount of work. All movements are supposed to be rhythmic and simple.

Workplace maintenance is a way to increase productivity while increasing product quality.

requirements for the content of the workplace
requirements for the content of the workplace

General Conditions

The content of the workplace must meet the standards of he alth protection, as well as the most efficient use of the employee's energy. Standards for air temperature, its circulation, arrangement of inventory and equipment, and illumination of premises have been developed.

When designing workplaces, the requirements of technical aesthetics should be taken into account. If the inventory and equipment match the aesthetic requirements in terms of color and shape, you can count on a significant relief of human work.

Demands of the present

What is workplace organization? The content of the organization of the workplace is a prerequisite for increasing the efficiency of employees. In addition to muscle costs, in the process of labor activity, the load on the visual-nerve apparatus of a person increases significantly. With a rational, ergonomic design of workshops, the use of reasonablepainting inventory and equipment can increase the tone of workers, with minimal energy costs, increase labor productivity.

Correct selection of colors helps reduce fatigue, is considered an excellent prevention of conflicts in the workplace.

safe workplace maintenance
safe workplace maintenance

Selection of materials

Statistical studies conducted in the workplace have confirmed the possibility of increasing labor productivity by 15-20 percent if the above factors are observed.

Green-blue, yellow colors have a positive effect on the central nervous system. It is advisable to paint the upper part of the walls, ceilings, window blocks with light shades: cream, white, blue. Light colors reflect more than half of the sunlight, so there is a significant saving in electrical energy. The panels used on the walls are recommended to be painted light green. Stationary parts of modern equipment should be painted green, while moving parts should be painted yellow or cream.

Shelving installed in production halls matches the main equipment in color. Contrasting shades are chosen for levers and buttons on control panels.

workplace rules
workplace rules

Danger warnings in different colors

In order to prevent the likelihood of industrial injuries, compliance with safe working conditions, some elements are painted in warning colors:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red.

Yellow color is used to designate those parts and materials that can push, pinch, which the worker can hit, get seriously injured. For example, transport and lifting equipment, monorails, carts, cranes, initial and last steps of stairs are painted in this color. To enhance the effect, the alternation of yellow and black stripes is used.

Red color - a signal of increased danger, a warning about the possibility of fire. It is used when painting brake devices, fire fighting equipment, prohibition signs.

Orange hue is used to indicate parts and mechanisms that can injure workers. It is used when painting sharp edges, interior surfaces, exposed fixtures of machines, contact with which can lead to electric shock.

Orange color is suitable for radiation warning.

Green is allowed for safety materials, exit doors, medicine cabinets.

on-the-job training content
on-the-job training content


Professionals offer to enhance the effect with high-quality lighting. It has special requirements. The maximum amount of light should be in the working area so that the employee is comfortable in performing his direct functional duties.

Depending on the specifics of production, the amount of electrical energy supplied to the work area is significantlyvaries.

Work on labor protection

Immediately after employment, a new employee is given an introductory briefing at the workplace. Its content depends on the specifics of the enterprise.

According to article 216 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a responsible employee (labor protection specialist) and the director of the enterprise are required to make explanatory recommendations that relate to specific activities.

keeping the workplace clean
keeping the workplace clean

Instruction options

There are several options for briefings, each of them uses its own instruction.

The primary view is carried out before the direct performance of official duties. It is mandatory for all categories of employees, regardless of working conditions. It will include questions regarding a safe route to the workplace, methods and technologies for performing direct job duties, precautions, as well as requirements for clothing and footwear, appearance when performing work functions.

Introductory briefing is used in situations where an employee is hired. A second option is needed in cases where emergency situations arise that demonstrate the incomplete knowledge of employees in the field of labor protection, organization and safety of the workplace.

Furthermore, follow-up briefings are necessary after emergencies occur. Their purpose is to periodically update the knowledge of employees. The frequency of repeated briefings is once a quarter.

Unscheduled briefings are carried out with changes intechnological chains. For example, when new equipment is installed in the shops, the requirements for the organization of the workplace change, so the labor protection specialist conducts unscheduled briefings for employees. The reason for unscheduled briefing may be an accident at work, caused by a violation of safety regulations, improper organization of the workplace. A special journal indicates the reason that led to circumstances of this kind. Based on the results of the inspection of the commission created at the workplace, a certificate of injury is drawn up.

Targeted briefings are intended for specific tasks, the implementation of which is associated with a serious danger to the he alth of the employee. They are held as needed. For example, theoretical classes are held with the development of acquired skills in practice. The results of the briefing are recorded in a special journal, the employee puts a signature confirming the reality of its conduct.

Organizing a quality and safe workplace is the task of an employer who thinks about the he alth of his employees. The activities associated with this process pay off with the high productivity of employees, an increase in the prestige of the company, and also lead to additional material profit for this enterprise.
