Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov is an outstanding Soviet historian whose scientific work has received worldwide recognition. The scientist's works have been translated into English, French, German, Romanian and other languages. He has participated in international conferences, lectured at prestigious universities, written books and published articles. The fruitful activity of the scientist contributed to the development of historical science and auxiliary disciplines. Below is a brief biography of Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov.
Early years

The future world-famous scientist was born on May 31, 1893 in a bourgeois family. His father was an office worker. Wages were low, and the family lived in poverty. In 1902-1911, Mikhail Tikhomirov studied at the Imperial Commercial School. A great influence on a talented young man during this period of his life had a history teacher at the school - Boris Dmitrievich Grekov.
In 1917, Tikhomirov graduated from the historical department of Moscow University. His teachers wereoutstanding scientists S. V. Bakhrushin, R. Yu. Vipper, M. K. Lyubavsky, M. M. Bogoslovsky. Under the guidance of Sergei Vladimirovich Bakhrushin, Tikhomirov wrote his final work on the theme "Pskov rebellion of the 17th century." Subsequently, Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov finalized this study and published a monograph, for which he was awarded the title of Candidate of Historical Sciences.
Pedagogical activity
After completing his studies, Mikhail Nikolaevich periodically changed jobs and tried himself in different fields. He led the organization of the local history museum in Dmitrov, worked as a librarian in the Ilyinsky churchyard, taught paleography at the University of Saratov, was a school teacher, and collaborated with the Department of Manuscripts of the State Historical Museum.
In the 1930s, Tikhomirov began teaching at higher educational institutions in Moscow. After writing his doctoral dissertation on the analysis of Russkaya Pravda, Tikhomirov received a doctorate in historical sciences. In 1945-1947 he held the honorary position of Dean of the Faculty of History of Moscow State University.
Tikhomirov enjoyed love and respect among students and colleagues. He was overly demanding and quick-tempered, but this did not prevent him from becoming an excellent teacher and a role model for future scientists.
In the photo, Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov with his students.

Scientific activity
Tikhomirov's scientific works are devoted to the periods of early and developed feudalism in the Russian state and historyXVIII and XIX centuries. Also in his works, attention is paid to issues of class struggle.
The first research topic of the scientist was the history of the masses of the feudal period. Published works "Pskov uprising of 1650", "Novgorod uprising of 1650", a large-scale generalizing work "Peasant and urban uprisings in Russia XI-XIII centuries". As part of the study of this topic, Tikhomirov came to the conclusion that the masses are the driving force behind historical progress.

The second key problem, which is the subject of much research, is the history of the medieval city. The scientist wrote that despite a number of specific features of the development of Russian cities, they took shape in trade and craft centers simultaneously with European cities. This statement completely refuted the theory of the backwardness of Ancient Russia that was dominant in science at that time and allowed us to take a fresh look at the history of our country.
Tikhomirov also studied the history of Russian literature, the ethnogenesis of the Kazan Tatars, the connections of Ancient Russia with Byzantium, and the determination of the international position of Russia in the era under study. The works of Mikhail Nikolayevich Tikhomirov are fundamental to historical science and will never lose their relevance.
Development of problems of source studies
Tikhomirov's source analysis of Russkaya Pravda changed the previously prevailing views on the general course of the historical development of the Old Russian state. Tikhomirov proved thatthe appearance of the editorial offices of Russkaya Pravda was a product of the class struggle in society. A lot of work has been done in the process of studying the "Various Truth". Mikhail Nikolaevich managed to establish the date and identify the cause of the monument.
In 1940, Tikhomirov published the course "Source Studies of the History of the USSR from Ancient Times to the End of the 18th Century", which includes a detailed review of written sources for a specified period of time.
The contribution of a scientist to science

During the years of his scientific work, the Soviet historian Mikhail Tikhomirov wrote more than 300 works on topical issues of national history. He made a great contribution to the study of the history of the ancient Russian city, the popular movements of the period of the 11th-17th centuries, the development of Russian culture and the study of the historical roots of friendship between the peoples of the Soviet Union.
Mikhail Nikolaevich Tikhomirov led the search and description of unknown manuscripts, and also initiated the creation of a consolidated catalog of rare manuscripts that were stored in the archives of the USSR.
It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of when the foundations of Soviet codicology would have been laid, if not for the fruitful activity of Tikhomirov. His scientific works contributed to the development of this discipline in the Soviet Union, the subject of which is the study of handwritten books.