Physics - what is it? What is quantum physics?

Physics - what is it? What is quantum physics?
Physics - what is it? What is quantum physics?

From the Greek "fusis" comes the word "physics". It means "nature". Aristotle, who lived in the fourth century BC, first introduced this concept.

Physics became "Russian" at the suggestion of M. V. Lomonosov, when he translated the first textbook from German.

Science Physics

physics is
physics is

Physics is one of the basic sciences of nature. Various processes, changes, that is, phenomena are constantly taking place in the world around.

For example, a piece of ice in a warm place will start to melt. And the water in the kettle boils on fire. An electric current passed through the wire will heat it up and even make it hot. Each of these processes is a phenomenon. In physics, these are mechanical, magnetic, electrical, sound, thermal and light changes that are studied by science. They are also called physical phenomena. By examining them, scientists deduce laws.

The task of science is to discover these laws and study them. Nature is studied by such sciences as biology, geography, chemistry and astronomy. They all apply physical laws.


In addition to the usual ones, physics also uses special words called terms. This is "energy" (in physics it is a measure of different forms of interaction and movement of matter, as well as the transitionfrom one to another), "strength" (a measure of the intensity of the influence of other bodies and fields on any body), and many others. Some of them gradually entered into colloquial speech.

For example, using the word "energy" in everyday life in relation to a person, we can evaluate the consequences of his actions, but energy in physics is a measure of studying in many different ways.

energy in physics is
energy in physics is

All bodies in physics are called physical. They have volume and shape. They consist of substances, which, in turn, are one of the types of matter - this is everything that exists in the Universe.


Much of what people know has come from observation. To study phenomena, they are constantly observed.

Take, for example, various bodies falling to the ground. It is necessary to find out whether this phenomenon differs when falling bodies of unequal masses, different heights, and so on. Waiting and watching different bodies would be very long and not always successful. Therefore, experiments are carried out for such purposes. They differ from observations, as they are specifically implemented according to a pre-planned plan and with specific goals. Usually, in the plan, some guesses are built in advance, that is, they put forward hypotheses. Thus, in the course of the experiments, they will be refuted or confirmed. After thinking and explaining the results of the experiments, conclusions are drawn. This is how scientific knowledge is obtained.

Values and units of their measurement

Often, studying any physical phenomena, perform different measurements. When a body falls, for example, the height is measured,mass, speed and time. All of these are physical quantities, that is, things that can be measured.

mass is in physics
mass is in physics

Measuring a value means comparing it with the same value, which is taken as a unit (the length of the table is compared with a unit of length - a meter or another). Each such value has its own units.

All countries try to use common units. In Russia, as in other countries, the International System of Units (SI) is used (which means "international system"). It adopts the following units:

  • length (a characteristic of the length of lines in numerical terms) - meter;
  • time (flow of processes, condition of possible change) - second;
  • mass (this is a characteristic in physics that determines the inertial and gravitational properties of matter) - kilogram.

It is often necessary to use units that are much larger than the conventional multiples. They are called with the corresponding prefixes from the Greek: "deka", "hekto", "kilo" and so on.

Units that are smaller than the accepted ones are called fractional. Prefixes from the Latin language are applied to them: “deci”, “santi”, “milli” and so on.

light is physics
light is physics


To conduct experiments, you need instruments. The simplest of them are the ruler, cylinder, tape measure and others. With the development of science, new devices are being improved, complicated and new devices appear: voltmeters, thermometers, stopwatches and others.

Mostly devices have a scale, that isdashed divisions on which values are written. Before measurement, determine the division price:

  • take two strokes of the scale with values;
  • the smaller is subtracted from the larger one, and the resulting number is divided by the number of divisions that are between.

For example, two strokes with the values "twenty" and "thirty", the distance between which is divided into ten spaces. In this case, the division price will be equal to one.

Accurate measurements and accuracy

Measurements are more or less accurate. The allowable inaccuracy is called the margin of error. When measuring, it cannot be greater than the division value of the measuring instrument.

Accuracy depends on scale division and correct use of the instrument. But in the end, in any measurement, only approximate values \u200b\u200bare obtained.

Theoretical and experimental physics

These are the main branches of science. It may seem that they are very far apart, especially since most people are either theorists or experimenters. However, they are constantly evolving side by side. Any problem is considered by both theorists and experimenters. The business of the former is to describe the data and derive hypotheses, while the latter test theories in practice, conducting experiments and obtaining new data. Sometimes achievements are caused only by experiments, without theories being described. In other cases, on the contrary, it is possible to obtain results that are checked later.

phenomenon in physics
phenomenon in physics

Quantum physics

This direction originated at the end of 1900, whenA new physical fundamental constant has been discovered, called the Planck constant in honor of the German physicist who discovered it, Max Planck. He solved the problem of the spectral distribution of light emitted by heated bodies, while classical general physics could not do this. Planck made a hypothesis about the quantum energy of the oscillator, which was incompatible with classical physics. Thanks to it, many physicists began to revise old concepts, change them, as a result of which quantum physics arose. This is a completely new view of the world.

Quantum physics and consciousness

quantum physics is
quantum physics is

The phenomenon of human consciousness from the point of view of quantum mechanics is not entirely new. Its foundation was laid by Jung and Pauli. But only now, with the emergence of this new direction of science, the phenomenon began to be considered and studied on a larger scale.

The quantum world is many-sided and multidimensional, it has many classical faces and projections.

The two main properties within the framework of the proposed concept are super-intuition (that is, receiving information as if from nowhere) and control of subjective reality. In ordinary consciousness, a person can see only one picture of the world and is not able to consider two at once. Whereas in reality there are a huge number of them. All this together is the quantum world and light.

This quantum physics teaches to see a new reality for a person (although many Eastern religions, as well as magicians, have long possessed such a technique). It is only necessary to change the humanconsciousness. Now a person is inseparable from the whole world, but the interests of all living things and things are taken into account.

Just then, plunging into a state where he is able to see all the alternatives, he has an insight that is the absolute truth.

The principle of life from the point of view of quantum physics is for a person to, among other things, contribute to a better world order.
