What types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement: definition and description

What types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement: definition and description
What types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement: definition and description

A sentence is a small unit of communication, which is characterized by the completeness of intonation. Words are connected by means of prepositions and endings, as well as by semantic meaning. What types of sentences are distinguished according to the purpose of the statement? In writing, a sentence ends with a period, exclamation mark, or question mark. In addition, it has a grammatical basis, which consists of a subject and a predicate.

according to the purpose of the statement, three main types are traditionally distinguished
according to the purpose of the statement, three main types are traditionally distinguished

Types of simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement

Sentences usually convey the following basic forms of thought:

  • Judgments.
  • Question.
  • Motivate.

According to the purpose of the statement, three main types of sentences are traditionally distinguished:

  • Narrative.
  • Interrogative.
  • Incentives.

This list answers the question of what types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement. Each type is characterized by a certain set of indicators and structural intonation. These include the following: function words, verb forms, and others. Every offercan have a certain emotional coloring with the help of intonational means and particles.

The main task of a declarative sentence is to convey information about events or phenomena to the addressee of speech.

You can get information from a person using an interrogative sentence, which formulates a question about situations or phenomena of interest.

Declarative sentences

What types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement? Narrative sentences are such sentences that tell about some specific fact of reality. It is characterized by a calm and even intonation. If you want to logically highlight a word, then the tone rises on it, and then it falls. As a rule, a period is placed at the end of declarative sentences. Such sentences express a complete thought, based on a judgment, and may also contain a description or message.

A distinctive feature of declarative sentences is the completeness of their thought. It is usually conveyed with the help of a special intonation, in which there is an increase in tone on the word that logically needs to be highlighted, and at the end of the sentence there is a calm decrease in tone. Also, narrative is one of the types of sentences for the purpose of speaking in print advertising.

what types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement
what types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement

In composition, declarative sentences can be one-part and two-part. In addition, they are divided into commonand non-common.

A declarative sentence can communicate an intention or desire to perform some action. It can also be a story about events or actions. In addition, a declarative sentence can serve as a description of something.

Interrogative sentences

What types of sentences are distinguished by the purpose of the statement? Such sentences, in which a person asks about something unfamiliar to him or wants to confirm his thought, are called interrogative. With the help of them, the speaker wants to get new information about something, as well as the denial or confirmation of any assumption. Such sentences are characterized by a strong increase in tonality on the word that is associated with the question. As a rule, a question mark is always placed at the end of an interrogative sentence.

types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement in print advertising
types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement in print advertising

Interrogative sentences have the following means of expression:

  • Interrogative words - adverbs and pronouns.
  • Word order.
  • Definite interrogative intonation.
  • Particles - really, is it, is it.

The following question words are often used in such sentences:

  • what;
  • who;
  • what;
  • why;
  • where;
  • whose;
  • from where;
  • where;
  • when;
  • why.

Also, an interrogative sentence can be used as a title in the text.

Also the question canbe used as a means of expression and not require an answer, that is, be rhetorical. Such interrogative sentences are used as declarative sentences with emotional overtones: Who can keep love? (A. Pushkin).

Types of simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement
Types of simple sentences according to the purpose of the statement


To the question of what types of simple sentences there are for the purpose of the statement, one can also answer: incentives. A sentence that expresses a desire to push someone to the right actions is called an incentive. It expresses advice, a request, a wish, a warning, a threat, an appeal or an order: Tyrants of the world! Tremble! (Pushkin). Such offers are addressed, as a rule, to a third party or interlocutor. The intonational coloring of an incentive sentence can be different: it can end with an exclamation mark or a period, depending on what it expresses. Such sentences are characterized by motivating intonation: strengthening the voice and raising the tone. Grammatically, incentive sentences are formed by particles, incentive intonation, interjections, verb forms: Would you leave, Nastya (Leonov).

The speaker's own intention or desire to do something is not an incentive.

what are the types of a simple sentence for the purpose of the statement
what are the types of a simple sentence for the purpose of the statement

Emotional coloring of sentences

Descriptive, interrogative and incentive sentences can have a certain emotional coloring. Conveying emotions throughspecial service words and intonation characterizes the exclamatory sentence. Feelings of anger, joy, fear, admiration are conveyed with the help of interjections and exclamatory intonation: Come on, Tanya, speak! (M. Gorky). This sentence is motivating and emotional in tone, it expresses annoyance and impatience.

Exclamation particles

Emotionality in exclamatory sentences is created using the following words:

  • what;
  • here;
  • how;
  • well;
  • what the.

Exclamatory sentences express a variety of feelings (hatred, fear, anger, doubt, surprise), as well as motivation (request, order).
