On the kind hands of nurses, their encouraging words, not only the cure for diseases depends, but also the course of rehabilitation. You can't do without caring midwives who welcome new citizens into this world, without competent pharmacists and scrupulous laboratory assistants. Many specialized educational institutions of the Russian Federation train nurses, including medical colleges in Chelyabinsk.

Medical education in Chelyabinsk
In the capital of the South Urals, professional medical education can be obtained at state colleges and at an educational institution that has the status of a non-state one. They differ somewhat in the forms of education, funding issues, the speci alties offered for mastering, and the level of basic school education. There are three colleges in total:
After the 11th grade, the Medical College of the South Ural State Medical University (SUSMU) is recruiting. future paramedics,obstetricians/midwives, pharmacists, laboratory technicians, nurses/nurses are trained full-time, free or paid
Colleges after 9th and 11th grade: Chelyabinsk Basic Medical College and Ural Medical College (non-state). The first of them, free of charge and for a fee, trains obstetricians / midwives, pharmacists, nurses / nurses, paramedics in person. In a non-state college, the education of nurses / nurses and paramedics is paid, full-time. The sisters (grade 11) of these colleges study part-time
Choice of school
When the time comes to get a professional education, the natural question will arise, which of the medical colleges in Chelyabinsk to enter?
The choice depends on a number of factors:
- basic school level (grades 9, 11);
- desired profession;
- funding source (budget, commerce);
- preferred form of education (full-time, evening).

What you need for admission
Citizens of the Russian Federation, who have decided on the choice of an educational institution and the direction of training, collect the necessary documents and deliver them to the admission committee of the Chelyabinsk Medical College on the specified days and hours. List of documents:
- school certificate;
- Russian passport;
- 4 photo cards 34;
- medical examination results.
Information about the possibilities of filing documents by citizens of other states, you need to find out on the website of the educational institution.
Entrance tests involvetesting applicants for their suitability for future professional duties. In the conditions of competitive selection, they pay attention to the average score of the school certificate and the results of the test. There are no other tests for applicants.

CHELGMA College of Medicine
This college provides educational services based on the Chelyabinsk Medical Academy. It is a structural link of the South Ural State Medical University and is positioned as a faculty. Education is carried out at twenty-three departments of a higher educational institution in full-time, by semesters, on a budgetary or paid basis. You can count on admission to an educational institution only after the 11th grade. If you want to get a college education after the 9th grade, you should choose another institution.
Both girls and boys can study medicine, nursing, midwifery, laboratory diagnostics and pharmacy. The training period for medical assistants is almost four years (46 months), for all other specialists - about three years (34 months). Nonresident students are provided with a hostel. Training of future medical staff is carried out by specialists with extensive pedagogical and clinical experience:
- doctor of medical sciences - 1 employee;
- PhD - 22 employees;
- best full-time teachers.
Studying at the "university" medical college of Chelyabinsk is interesting and prestigious. Positive, and at the same time, a serious attitude remains with the guys onthroughout the years of study. The bright years of student life make the prospects of future he alth workers more rosy, contribute to their active life position.

Profession "Nurse"
Pharmacists, paramedics, obstetricians, and laboratory assistants are specialists in high demand in the Russian Federation. The labor market also needs skilled nurses.
The speci alty "Nursing" is a priority for educational institutions that train medical staff. In medical colleges in Chelyabinsk, future nurses and nurses study from 2 years 10 months (grade 9) to 3 years 10 months (grade 11).
In Chelyabinsk there is a worship monument "Sister" by A. L. Tishin, personifying the feat of front-line nurses who helped save the wounded during the war. At the present time, one cannot do without their mercy, because the actions of nurses determine how accurately and responsibly the procedures prescribed by the doctor or paramedic will be performed. The scope of duties of chief assistant doctors depends on the place where they work. These are operating nurses, procedural and sentry nurses, as well as those who work in the offices of district doctors. Nursing staff are in demand everywhere.
For school graduates who decide to enter medical schools, open days are held, where children are introduced to the rules of admission, training opportunities and prospects for future employment. The websites of colleges have all the necessary information for applicants who have chosen the medical profession by callhearts!