Scum - is it a curse or a weapon? Both

Scum - is it a curse or a weapon? Both
Scum - is it a curse or a weapon? Both

From childhood, we were told that swearing was bad, but studies have shown that in some situations, obscene language helps a person become insensitive to pain and demonstrate high results in strength loads. But I would like to note that the use of such non-normative words may indicate that a person is hurt and offended. This is a kind of “explosion” of emotions that you don’t want to hide, but want to get rid of them as soon as possible. So, in the topic of today's publication, we will consider in what cases people use the word "scum". It's kind of a mechanism that needs to be sorted out.

scum it
scum it

Body reaction

This reaction of the body physiologists call "fight or flight." Experiencing moral pain from someone, a person begins to experience a rapid heartbeat and increases the level of adrenaline, which helps to reduce the feeling of pain. And you "beat" with a word. Moreover, the use of obscene language, as was customaryto count in a cultural society has nothing to do with a limited vocabulary. So what does "scum" mean?

But honestly, or the meaning of the word

It is interesting that scientists from the University of Maastricht became interested in the phenomenon of swearing. They proved that the use of obscene language is an indicator of a person's honesty. And liars use third person pronouns or words with negative characteristics. Moreover, people are more likely to trust a speaker who uses profanity in his speech.

So, "scum" is a feminine word, although it is used in relation to both women and men. This expression denotes an extreme degree of hostility towards someone, which determines the attitude towards this person as insignificant and contemptuous. The noun is derived from the adjective "vile". The use of this word speaks of a high level of emotion that evokes a stronger physical reflex in response to action than any other words. As you know, swearing has always been taboo, and the stronger it was, the more emotional the answer would be.

The word "scum" has several synonymous words, such as "rubbish", "insignificance", "bastard".

scum - who or what
scum - who or what

Swear or not?

The thing is that obscene words are not just insults, they are a special energy message that can destroy a person. Once again, science comes to the rescue. So, Candidate of Biological Sciences Petr Petrovich Goryaev and his colleague Georgy Georgievich Tertyshny, Candidate of TechnicalSciences from the Institute of Management Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, have developed a special device that reads human speech and translates it into the mode of electromagnetic oscillations. The results showed that the use of foul language deforms the chromosomes, and the genes are swapped, which leads to mutations. So "scum" is not just a swear word, it's a biological weapon.
