What is katsap and moskal

What is katsap and moskal
What is katsap and moskal

Before you start describing this or that nickname, you need to determine which of them are offensive, and which are neutral - harmless. So let's start with the first one. An exonym is a nickname with a neutral connotation, and ethnopholism is a nickname with a negative connotation. So what is katsap?

Katsap - "robber" or "tsap"?

Khokhly, the Ukrainians, gave the Russians a joking nickname. Until now, scientists cannot find out the true reason for the appearance of the expression "katsap". The meaning of the word is different for everyone: some say “katsap”, that is, like a tsap - a goat.

what is katsap
what is katsap

To a shaved Ukrainian man, a Russian with a beard resembles a goat. Others argue that the nickname has Turkic roots and means "robber" or "slaughterer". From the word "katsap" there are different derivatives: Russia is called Katsapetovka, Katsapstan or Katsapia. A mocking nickname is often found in literary works and proverbs. For example, here is one, Ukrainian: "God created a tsap, but the devil is a katsap." But it should be noted that the word "goat" has recently received a negative meaning, initially its meaning was completely different.

Thanks to the following features, katsapov began to be compared withgoats:

- goats are known to be very stubborn animals;

- wedge-shaped beard, exactly like a Drac;

- the animal has a very specific smell.

Moskal is a Russian soldier

At a time when Moscow was not the capital, it still had a huge impact on the Russian lands and on the state affairs of neighboring lands. Russian or Muscovite - a native of Moscow. Initially, the nickname did not have a negative connotation. While on the campaign, the Russian troops did not live in camps or barracks, but in the home of the indigenous people. They were always full, and the soldier would remain hungry or be fed, depending on his ability to negotiate with the owners. Russian soldiers liked local girls, but their relationship did not last very long. There came a time when a soldier had to go to other lands, all relationships were forgotten. As a result of this, the verb “moskalit” appeared, which means to cheat or cheat. Ukrainians called Muscovites people who were in the service of the Russian Empire, regardless of nationality. After some time, representatives of other nations adopted this definition.

Moskal is a citizen of Russia, katsap is an ethnic Russian

In the Middle Ages, Europe considered Russians to be barbarians, because they took a steam bath 1-2 times a month, while Europeans practically did not wash. Tatars called Russians katsaps because they hunted animals for meat.

who are katsaps and moskals
who are katsaps and moskals

Who are Katsaps and Muscovites in the modern world? Ukrainians call citizens of Russia Muscovites, and Katsaps -ethnic Russians. In the southern Russian regions, the word "katsap" is more common than "moskal". The fact is that in these regions (Voronezh, Kursk region and others) both Russians and Ukrainians live. This serves to designate a "transitional" ethno-dialectical type from "Khokhl" to "Moskal".

Katsap or Muscovite? The main thing - Russian

Let's take a closer look at what a katsap is, or rather, what kind of person this is. Katsap is a person who speaks Russian, but there is a southern dialect in his speech. For example, enhanced Gekanye. Such people use Ukrainian phraseological units in their speech. Instead of the word "no", they say "nima", not "them", but "theirs".

In some cases, the entire Russian population of the southern regions of the country is called katsaps. Muscovites are residents of Moscow, the European part of Russia, north of the zone of distribution of the southern dialect.

why Ukrainians call Russians katsaps
why Ukrainians call Russians katsaps

From this information it becomes clear why Ukrainians call Russians Katsaps and Muscovites. We can draw the following conclusion: not all katsaps are Muscovites, and not all Muscovites are katsaps. Moreover, not all residents of Russia can be called Muscovites or Katsaps. For some, this does not matter, the main thing for them is that they are Russian.

How to recognize a katsap and a Muscovite

Now it is clear what a katsap is, it remains only to distinguish it from the rest, and this is very easy to do. In the modern world, katsaps are rude, greedy, unscrupulous and uneducated people. In addition, they are very stubborn and often not verysmart. Here is an example: a person who is constantly rude, swears, and if they do not agree with his point of view, he begins to say offensive words, the fact is obvious - he is one hundred percent katsap.

Moskal is constantly striving to help the Kremlin, he is in the service of Moscow. It does not depend on the place of residence or nationality.

katsap word meaning
katsap word meaning

But among Muscovites there are many educated, intelligent and even educated people.

Some jingoists, footcloths and Internet trolls make it clear what a katsap is. Russians are people who do not have the above features and do not have imperial ambitions, but on the contrary, they are fighting with such people. Moreover, they consider them unworthy to bear these titles. They are pure Russians, regardless of nationality.