Permanent and non-permanent features of the adjective. Its difference from communion

Permanent and non-permanent features of the adjective. Its difference from communion
Permanent and non-permanent features of the adjective. Its difference from communion

Each part of speech in Russian performs its specific functions. The verb makes our speech move, the noun, on the contrary, makes it static. But our language has a unique beauty thanks to the adjective. With its help, any boring text comes to life, images begin to play with new colors. We will analyze the signs of the adjective and its other characteristics in more detail.

Interesting adjective

signs of an adjective
signs of an adjective

When you create a text, for example, an essay, you want to diversify it and make it colorful. The description of vivid pictures of nature cannot do without the use of adjectives. The main function of this part of speech is to add a characteristic feature to any object, whether it be external data or character traits. On its basis, epithets (bright adjectives) are built, which give figurativeness to our speech.

With its help, we can characterize any thing by size (large), weight (light), physical properties (sweet, hot), qualities (kind, ruddy, adult) and other features,therefore, there is no need to talk about the indispensability of this part of speech.

Permanent signs

what are the characteristics of an adjective
what are the characteristics of an adjective

Studying morphology, students often perform one of the most difficult tasks - morphological analysis. To do this, you need to know the signs of the adjective, participle, verb and other parts of speech. Each part of speech has its own set. Let us examine in more detail the permanent features of the adjective.

True, we will talk about only one thing - about the category. Only he is constant for this part of speech. Let's figure out what a discharge is.

According to their meaning, adjectives are usually divided into three groups. Each of them has special grammatical characteristics. Groups of such adjectives are called rank.


This type, as its name suggests, separates adjectives denoting a quality. For example, beautiful (appearance), kind (character trait), green (color), round (shape). This group is the most numerous and easily distinguished from others. Only qualitative adjectives can change in degrees of comparison (small - less - least). Another distinguishing feature is that they can have a short form that other digits cannot (good is good).


This group of adjectives denotes a sign that expresses different attitudes to an object: to a place (swimming), to a season (winter), to materials (stone, cotton), to a number (double).

This category does not have, in contrast to high-quality ones, a short form and does notcompared by powers.


They have an important difference: such adjectives are the only ones that answer the question "whose?". This applies to both people (mother, sisters) and animals (bear, wolf).

Inconsistent adjective features

But there are many more of them. For all digits, the common ones will be:

  1. Rod. As you know, there are three of them in Russian: male, middle and female. Each of the adjectives will have all three forms, for example, yellow - yellow - yellow (qualitative); wooden - wooden - wooden (relative); hare - hare - hare (possessive).
  2. Number. Singular (smart) and plural (rich) are found in all ranks.
  3. Case. Adjectives easily change in cases. Only possessives have a special type of declension.

For qualitative adjectives, such features of the adjective as the degree of comparison, as well as a short form are added.

Communication and adjective: how not to confuse?

signs of an adjective in participle
signs of an adjective in participle

Many still have difficulty distinguishing these parts of speech. And all because they have one common question "what?" and other similar features. What are the signs of the adjective in the participle, we will find out in detail.

Besides the question that unites them, they have a common type of declension. Since outwardly they are practically indistinguishable and have a common appearance (smart - adjective, thinking - participle), then they will change equally in cases, numbers and all three genders. That is, we conclude that allthe inconstant features of the adjective participle took over.

In addition, both parts of speech are distinguished by the presence of a short form: dark - dark (adjective), done - done (participle). Short forms, like full ones, change not only by gender, but also by numbers.

If we consider not only the features of the adjective and the participle, but also their syntactic function, then we can say with confidence that their roles in sentences are very similar. In full form, both parts of speech will be definitions, and their short forms will play the role of a predicate or be part of it.


inconstant signs of an adjective
inconstant signs of an adjective

Knowing what features an adjective has, everyone can easily perform a morphological analysis of this part of speech. It will be very easy if you know a few simple rules described in our article.

Don't forget that an adjective is similar in appearance to a participle. In order not to confuse them, remember that the latter is formed from the verb. And the adjective most often takes its origins from nouns.
