What does vocabulary study? Why is this science necessary?

What does vocabulary study? Why is this science necessary?
What does vocabulary study? Why is this science necessary?

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The science of language is complex and includes a large number of sections. One of them is lexicology, the object of study of which is the vocabulary of the language, that is, all those words that are used by its native speakers. Often such a science is also called vocabulary.

what does vocabulary study
what does vocabulary study

General concept

Let's consider what vocabulary is learning. This word refers to all the words that form the vocabulary of a particular language. In this case, the term can also be understood as words that are present in the speech of an individual, which he knows, understands and uses in dialogues and in writing.

The science of lexicology itself is complex and interesting, because the object of its study are all words:

  • Public (otherwise common).
  • Dialects.
  • Professional words and terms.
  • Jargon and slang.

Some words can have multiple meanings, being ambiguous, others have a pronounced stylistic coloring and are used only in certain styles.


Speaking about what vocabulary studies, it should be noted that the basic unit with which this science deals is the word -a certain combination of a number of sounds that has a certain meaning. So, saying “house” (that is, pronouncing three sounds), we understand that we are talking about a certain building with a roof, floor and walls, intended for people's lives. Therefore, "house" is a word, this science studies it.

Russian vocabulary
Russian vocabulary

The lexical meaning of a word is usually called the meaning that is laid down in the sound shell. There are many words in Russian vocabulary that have ambiguity - behind the same sounds, located in the same sequence, a different meaning is hidden. Here is an example:

  • The tail is part of the animal's body (The tail of the dog was omitted).
  • The tail is the back of the vehicle (There was fun at the tail of the train).

Most often the main meaning is called direct, the rest are figurative. Therefore, considering the question of what vocabulary studies, it can be noted that in the area of attention of this science are all the meanings of the words of the language, both direct and figurative. The phenomenon of polysemy is usually called polysemy; in Russian, most of the language units have several meanings.

vocabulary science of language
vocabulary science of language


The area of study of the science of language, vocabulary (lexicology), also includes homonymous words, they have different meanings, but are pronounced and written the same way. For example:

  • Onion (vegetable) grew in the garden.
  • A young warrior from childhood knew how to hold a bow (weapon) in his hands.

The words "onion" and "onion" have different meanings, but are also writtenare pronounced identically, therefore they are homonyms and are included in the vocabulary of the language. The meaning of homonyms can only be understood from the context. So, having heard the word "onion", we will not understand what it is about - an edible plant or a formidable weapon. The meaning will only become clear in the sentence or text.

what does vocabulary study
what does vocabulary study


No less interesting are the words-paronyms, which are also studied by lexicology. Their peculiarity is as follows: they have different meanings, while in writing and in oral speech they do not coincide, but are very similar. Therefore, some native speakers may confuse them. For example:

  • Subscriber - subscription.
  • Give - present.
  • Human - human.

In speech, it is very important to learn how to use paronyms correctly, context is not required to understand their meaning, because these words are different, although very similar. Even a literate person can sometimes encounter difficulty, in which case it is better to check yourself in a dictionary.

vocabulary science of language
vocabulary science of language

The simplest example, however, causing an error is to put on and wear. How to use these words correctly?

  • Put on - on yourself.
  • Dress - on another person.

Therefore, in the sentence "Masha (put on, put on) a warm coat" you should choose the verb "put on". But if you change the context a little: “Masha (put on, put on) a warm coat on her sister,” then you need to choose another paronym, “dressed.”

We have examined what vocabulary is studying, and we can conclude that this science is very complex and interesting, in the zoneher attention includes a large number of various phenomena, without knowledge of vocabulary it is impossible to be a literate person, to express one's thoughts, to argue in a dispute. The more words and their meanings a person knows, the better his oral and written speech will be. A person with a rich vocabulary can easily convey any thought to the interlocutor. Therefore, the science of words should be studied carefully and conscientiously.
