Some school students are thinking about what subjects to take as a cook. In particular, the confectioner. The thing is that this profession is considered very promising. With modern opportunities, a person can not only become a famous confectioner, but also open his own business. Only here in relation to training and admission to the direction there are very serious questions. What exactly? What kind of entrance tests will you face? Where to study to be a pastry chef? How long does training last on average? All this will be discussed later. In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems.

A confectioner is…
First of all, you need to understand what a person with this profession has to do. What do chefs do? What about confectioners? The answer is simple: cooking.
The chef prepares a variety of dishes. The confectioner, on the other hand, prefers the preparation of pastries, as well as sweets. A very promising occupation, although not as simple as it seems. The cook spends a lot of time on his feet and makes great physical efforts. Despite this, the work attracts many. And so schoolchildren are interested in what subjects to take for a pastry chef in one case or another.
How to learn
To accurately understand the answer to this question, you must first figure out where and how to study. A lot really depends on this. Why? Because different schools offer different entrance tests.

At the moment, the profession of a confectioner can be obtained:
- In higher education institutions and universities of the country. There is both training on the basis of secondary education, and "tower". For example, the speci alty "Technology of food production" is suitable. You can learn to be a confectioner or an ordinary cook, for example, at the Russian State Technical University in the capital, at the Plekhanov University, at the BSTEU of St. Petersburg.
- In colleges. Either humanitarian or specialized culinary schools are suitable. Quite often, in this case, you don’t need to think about what items you need to hand over to the cook. After all, technical schools are often accepted only by a certificate.
- On specialized courses organized by private schools. There are no entrance tests in principle. The student pays money, studies, practices, receives a certificate or certificate of mastering the profession of a confectioner.
- At retraining courses. Sometimes labor exchanges and employers send people for retraining. It is quite possible to learn how to become a cook or pastry chef through such courses. There are no entrance exams.
Colleges and private courses are most often preferred. That is why future chefs do not know what they will have to take for training in their speci alty.
No exams, no problems
You don't always have to worry about this feature. It has already been said that not in all cases you have to think about what exams you need to take for a cook after grade 9 or after 11. Especially when it comes to colleges.

There are usually no entrance tests. And for training they accept only according to the declared documents. Accordingly, if a person thinks about what he needs to pass for admission to a confectioner or an ordinary cook, the answer is simple: documents. This is:
- certificate;
- statement;
- identity card.
Nothing else needed. These are the conditions offered by many colleges and schools. Therefore, admission to the chef often does not bring any trouble. But this does not mean at all that you can get rid of the exam or GIA.
Required graduation tests
What exams should I take to be a chef after grade 9 or after grade 11? Regardless of which educational institution a person will enter (technical school or university), you will have to go through several tests. They are not necessary for direct enrollment, but in order to graduate from school and receive a certificate.
At the moment there are only 2 required exams. In 9th grade theyare given in the form of a GIA, at 11 - in the form of an exam. This is:
- Russian;
- math.
Both subjects are not specialized. If we are talking about studying at a technical school or about private courses, then this will be more than enough. But in the case of universities, you will have to seriously think about entrance examinations. Indeed, in this situation, there can be a lot of objects.

For universities
What cooking exams should I take after 11th grade? The thing is, there is no clear answer here. And it can't be. It all depends on the chosen educational institution. And speci alties as well. Some universities sometimes only require the mandatory exams listed above. This is possible if the university issues diplomas of secondary vocational education. The phenomenon is not so rare. But if we are talking about the "tower", you will have to work hard to be enrolled for further education.
What items do I need to take as a chef? Universities often require USE results in the following disciplines:
- chemistry;
- biology;
- physics.
Also, all applicants undergo an individual interview. As practice shows, the most common combination of the following exams, which are requested upon admission:
- math;
- physics;
- Russian;
- chemistry.
Profile is usually either physics or chemistry. This information is best specified in a specific trainingestablishment.
Training dates
Now it's clear what subjects to take for a pastry chef after grade 9 or after graduation from school. But how much will you have to study in a particular educational institution? Here, as in the case of exams, there is no certainty. After all, much depends on the form of education and the specific educational institution.

As practice shows, in colleges after the 9th grade they study for 3 years, after 11 - about 24 months. In universities, higher education takes 4 years of study. Retraining lasts from several months to six months. And if you study as a cook or pastry chef in private courses, then you can hope for only 1 year of study. Sometimes more, sometimes less. Perhaps this is all the relevant information that everyone who wants to become a pastry chef should be familiar with. In fact, mastering a speci alty is easier than it seems.