"Not" with nouns: examples and rule

"Not" with nouns: examples and rule
"Not" with nouns: examples and rule

The course of morphology is studied throughout the school curriculum. Remembering all the subtleties is sometimes not possible. In this article, we will remember how to write "not" with nouns. We will consider examples and rules in detail.

Features of the particle

not with nouns examples
not with nouns examples

Without this important official part of speech, it would be difficult for us to refuse someone or give a negative connotation to the word. From childhood, parents explain the rules of behavior to their child using “not”: don’t touch, don’t run, don’t do. With its help, you can express not only denial. If used in interrogative sentences with exclamatory intonation, then it may well express a statement. For example: "And who hasn't been to Moscow?!"

In addition, this particle helps to express the fullness of the action: "I can't see enough of you!"

Often in colloquial speech, we use it to express a shade of indifference: "Don't worry, don't worry, it won't get any easier."

This negative particle can impartaffirmative intonation. For example: "Are you still asking if you need to complete this task?! How not to, of course you need to!"

"Not" together with nouns: examples

In some cases, this particle can "turn" into a prefix. In this case, it will be written along with the word with which it is used. Let's look at cases where this happens.

not with nouns together examples
not with nouns together examples

If the word with "not" can be replaced with a close meaning, that is, a synonym. Consider an example: "We immediately realized that the boy was telling a lie." In this case, the word should be written together with "not". This is due to the fact that you can pick up a synonym for it: false - false

This rule applies not only to "not" with nouns. Examples of adjectives and adverbs prove that they are written with this particle according to the same principle: ugly - ugly, slow - slow.

In the case when the word does not exist without "not", we must also write it together. The word "sloppy" we all know and understand. We will try to remove the prefix from it and we will not understand the meaning at all. This is due to the fact that some historical changes in the language have left their mark on it. Previously, there was such a word: "ryakha". It meant a neatly dressed person. However, over time, this form disappeared, but its antonym remained. It is for this reason that we will write the word "slut" together

"Not" with nouns separately: examples

In order to determine how to correctly write a word with a given particle,it is necessary not only to know the rule, but also to delve into the meaning of the context. Only then is it possible to distinguish when it is merged, and when “not” is used separately with nouns. Examples of words are given below.

Let's consider the cases of separate writing of this particle:

  • There is a contrast in the sentence, which is usually emphasized by the union "a": "Not happiness, but misfortune happened to him." As can be seen from this sentence, the word "happiness" is opposed to the word "trouble". This is achieved through the adversative conjunction "a". Between themselves, these words are antonyms, which is a prerequisite for separate spelling "not". Do not confuse opposition with ordinary description. Example: "The weather was raging outside, and in the evening everything was quiet." The opposing union "a" in this case does not give us the right to write the word "bad weather" separately. There is no antonym for the word "weather" in the sentence, only a description of the day is given here.
  • Difficulties are caused by cases where there is no obvious opposition, but only implied. In this case, we will not be able to write "not" with nouns together. Examples: "Unfortunately, I'm not a doctor, so I can't help you."

As you can see, there is no conjunction indicating opposition in the sentence. However, we understand that this is a clear negation: the person is not a doctor. We can mentally supplement this sentence, then it will become clear that the word is written separately: "I'm not a doctor (but a firefighter, engineer, teacher), so I'm unlikely to help you."

Thus, we conclude thatopposition may not be explicit, but only implied.

not with nouns separately examples
not with nouns separately examples


In order to practice writing "not" with nouns, you can complete tasks on this topic.

  1. Open brackets: cunning (not) friend; to tell (not) stories; to meet (ignorant) knowledge; to say (not) the truth, but a lie; today is (not) Saturday.
  2. Make phrases with words so that each of the words is written both together and separately with the particle "not": weather, happiness, friend.
  3. Write out only those words that are not used without the particle "not": (Not) literacy, (not) negligence, (not) trust, (not) luck, (not) he alth, (not) wrestler, (not) hatred.


spelling not with nouns
spelling not with nouns

In this article, we have considered all cases of spelling "not" with nouns. The examples given in it will help you better understand and remember this rule. The main thing to pay attention to is the context in which the word is used. Only in this case it will be easy for you to figure out when a noun is used together and when a noun with a negative particle “not” is used separately.
