The State of Andora - a land in the arms of the Pyrenees

The State of Andora - a land in the arms of the Pyrenees
The State of Andora - a land in the arms of the Pyrenees

The highland state of Andora (Andorra) is surrounded by Spain and France. This country has a tiny size, only 458 sq. m (only Monaco, San Marino and Liechtenstein are smaller). Andorra has no access to the sea, but there are as many as 6 ski resorts in the principality, which attracts a lot of tourists here.

Natural and climatic conditions

The territory of the dwarf state is located in a small basin that opens in the south. In the north, west and east, the state of Andor is densely surrounded by mountain slopes. The highest peaks reach 2900 meters, the low sections - at least 880 meters. The highest mountain peak is Coma Pedrosa (2947 m). The relief of the principality is quite diverse: winding valleys of the Valira River and its tributaries, deep gorges and narrow gorges. Here you can find many lakes of glacial origin.

andoran state
andoran state

The country's climate is subtropical mountainous, somewhat softened due to its close proximity to the Mediterranean Sea. Andorra rightfully deservesthe status of the sunniest ski resort in Europe (225 days).

State system

According to the Constitution, the state of Andor is a sovereign parliamentary principality, although in fact the country is a republic. Since 1278, the procedure for taking the post of head of the principality is rather unusual. So, the post of heads of state, who simultaneously bear the titles of princes, is occupied by two persons - the President of France and the Bishop from the Spanish border town of La Seu d'Urgell. They exercise their government through their representatives, who are called vicars.

The General Council (Parliament) is the legislative body of the Principality and consists of 28 elected members. This council is empowered to appoint the government. It is the head of the government who has the actual power in the dwarf state. France and Spain reliably guard the independence of Andorra.

andorah state
andorah state


The main component of the Principality's economy is tourism. Every year it is visited by about 15 million tourists. An excellent tax climate, the almost complete absence of fees for offshore operations - that's what makes Andora the most attractive. The state is experiencing an acute shortage of fertile land. Only 4% of the land is cultivated; on the lower slopes of the mountains and in their valleys, mainly tobacco, potatoes, grapes, rye, and barley are grown. A huge part of the food has to be imported.

The country has reserves of lead and iron, but, unfortunately, due to high transportation costs, their deposits have been studied rather poorly. Only in a few areasproduce lead and iron ore, as well as marble.


First of all, the state of Andora attracts travelers with its mountain slopes. Here you can relax no worse and much cheaper than in the more famous Swiss Alps. In addition to skiing, horseback riding, hiking, trap shooting, and fishing are popular in the principality.

Andora state on the map
Andora state on the map

The country has a well-developed infrastructure: restaurants, theaters, supermarkets, concert halls and other establishments are in abundance. In Andorra la Vella, the capital of the mini-state, you can see a myriad of charming buildings in the medieval style.

Architecture and natural landscapes attract hundreds of thousands of people to this small principality with the proud name of Andora. The state on the map can be clearly seen in the south-west of Europe, framed by the Pyrenees.