Nonconformism is Conformity and nonconformity

Nonconformism is Conformity and nonconformity
Nonconformism is Conformity and nonconformity

Nonconformism is the denial of generally accepted rules and foundations that are entrenched in a particular group or community. But people who are adherents of this, one might say, lifestyle, not only simply do not agree with any provisions, they also offer their own vision of the situation. But first things first.

One against all

In simpler terms, non-conformism is choosing one's own path, and not following the one put forward by society. Such people do not accept what the crowd dictates. And there are actually a lot of examples of such personalities - they can be cited from the sphere of science, art, politics, culture, and simply from public life. For example, the same Giordano Bruno, rejected by society, was a nonconformist. Why? Yes, because in his discoveries, like Galileo Galilei, he was ahead of his time. Society did not accept this, rejected one or the other scientist.

nonconformism is
nonconformism is

Philosophy of Nonconformity

Nonconformism is a position with a certain point of view. And, accordingly, he has his own philosophy. What is it? So firstIn fact, it should be noted that there are two types of nonconformism. The first is normal and the second is forced. So, simple non-conformism is rejection, as well as disagreement with certain values and norms that are dominant in society. And the second, coercive, is the pressure exerted on the individual by a particular social group. In other words, the community of people by its pressure forces a person to deviate from their expectations.

It's okay to disagree and protest against something. After all, it was these qualities that made primitive man develop and progress. Times have changed, but the principle of nonconformism has not. At all times, adventurers, rebels and even outcasts were the ones behind the initiative of the revolution of all mankind.

conformism and non-conformism
conformism and non-conformism

Nonconformists are often referred to as oppositionists. This is because they do not follow generally accepted norms thoughtlessly - on the contrary, they fight against them. This is their uniqueness. A nonconformist is a person who does not reject certain norms, he simply expresses a different opinion in relation to them.

Two opposites

Conformism and nonconformism are two interrelated concepts. But completely opposite. So, conformism and non-conformism are often found in certain social groups. And mostly people who are supporters of one point of view or another can be found in a community of rather mundane psychological and social development. Indeed, the morea person is versatile, the less nonconformism or conformism is inherent in him. What is characteristic of him in this case? This is free self-determination. That is, these are the people who independently decide what to do and what not to do. Not taking into account anyone's opinion, trusting only your own feeling. These are individuals for whom it is important that the result satisfy their expectations, and not refute or approve the laws established in society. We can say - the golden mean.

Outcast or just special?

nonconformism is in psychology
nonconformism is in psychology

Nonconformism… In psychology, this also means a protest reaction to life. "So that not like everyone else" - this is how some supporters of this point of view often think. In fact, both conformists and nonconformists all think the same way. Why? Because some think like everyone else (the first), and the rest - inside out, on the contrary (the second).

What is behavioral negativism? Perhaps in the mind of a nonconformist. He becomes so on purpose, with the aim of being and being considered different from the rest. It often happens that such people become outcasts of society. What kind of collective would like to have a person join them who denies everything that they adhere to? But there are those who behave in this way not on purpose. This is really their independent conclusions. They really think differently. They have very different values, and they sincerely do not share other, more common ones. It can be said that such people have their own world.

nonconformism in art
nonconformism in art


It should be noted that non-conformism in art is quite common. And most aesthetes find this style quite attractive. What is wrong with the fact that the creators (most often non-conformism in painting) bring something of their own to art? Thus, it turns out to dilute it, not to let it stagnate and become banal, uninteresting. This is really important. After all, on the other hand, nonconformism can be seen as an eternal search for something fresh, new. So it turns out to expand the scope and own vision for certain things. For example, the same art house, which, due to stereotypes that have spread in society at the speed of light, can be quite attractive and interesting. But the adherents of this style are also a kind of nonconformists.

Conformists and nonconformists - is coexistence possible?

nonconformism in painting
nonconformism in painting

It's safe to say it's possible. Although you have to work hard for both one and the other. After all, both phenomena are associated with social contact. Even the person who does not agree with the opinion of the majority and does not receive approval and support from them can make friends with conformists. Often such individuals are useful to the team. Because it is nonconformists who are the generators of new, fresh ideas. The opposite is always important. First, for comparison. Secondly, to develop another solution to a particular issue, provision. One that would suit everyone. To put it simply, nonconformists help to look at things differently.eyes and make you think.

And conformists, in turn, can teach such people to interact with the rest, without prejudice to their interests and moral principles. The main thing is mutual desire.
