Pantograph - what is it? Meaning, application

Pantograph - what is it? Meaning, application
Pantograph - what is it? Meaning, application

There are many concepts in Russian that are difficult to explain because of their ambiguity. But there are words that can be used in different areas, but imply similar concepts. The same can be said about the pantograph. This word is applicable in various fields: both in drawing and in the manufacture of complex mechanisms, cabinets and even microphone accessories.

What is this universal miracle device?


As already mentioned, a pantograph is a kind of tool that is found in different areas of life. But it is important to understand what it is.

The word came to Russian from the Greek language. "Pantos" is translated as "everything", "any", and "grafo" - "I write". Such an interpretation may already lead to some thoughts.

And what is strange, according to the translation, it is absolutely clear that this is a kind of device for writing or drawing, but how can it relate to various kinds of mechanisms for cabinets, electric vehicles and a microphone? Let's try to figure it out further.


So let's start with the most explicit definition for the term we're looking at. Pantograph is a tool for drawing plans, maps, large schemes into moresmall scale.

pantograph is
pantograph is

This device may be different. It all depends on the requirements and purpose. There are options with wheels or suspended structures. One of the tool vertices moves in a straight line.


Like many other items, the pantograph has a "parent". They became Christoph Scheiner. He was a German astronomer, physicist, mathematician and mechanic. At one time he joined the Jesuit Order.

Initially, Shaner became famous in astronomy, and then in other sciences. He became the inventor of many useful devices. For example, he worked on a telescope with two convex glasses, based on Kepler's designs. He also created two drawing tools: a device for drawing conic sections and a pantograph. This discovery was largely fundamental to the development of other similar mechanisms.

Universal movement

Where else can you find a pantograph? In order not to fill the reader's head with complex descriptions that are usually found in encyclopedias and dictionaries, it is better to recall the mechanism that is on the roof of the tram. It also has a diamond shape and is the driving force of transport.

In this case, the transformation of the pantograph occurs due to the reception of current. The lifting mechanism is similar in design to the articulated multi-link and is involved in the movement of the contact skid in a vertical position.

pantograph for clothes
pantograph for clothes

Of course, the tram example is not the only one. The pantograph is a universal device that is found in electric trains and electric locomotives. In terms of its functions, this mechanism has nothing to do with the one used in drawing. But due to similar forms, it got just such a name.


On electric locomotives with several pantographs, not all of them are used at the same time. Usually the last one rises in the course of transport. If icing of the contacts is noticeable, then all mechanisms can be lifted for safety.

do-it-yourself pantograph
do-it-yourself pantograph

Powerful electric locomotives that use direct current and have several pantographs use the last two in motion. There is a theory that this use of mechanisms is related to security.

In situations where a breakdown occurs and the pantograph falls, it can damage important control mechanisms. If the last two are used, then they can simply collapse on the way, or on the roof of an unused control cabin.

Also, the operation of the pantograph in this way is caused by the fact that the driver, having noticed a malfunction of the contact network ahead, may not have time to lower the front mechanism.

Well, the last option is related to physics. At the moment of movement, the transport creates an air compression zone. It raises the contact wire, which means that the contact conditions for the front pantograph are the worst.


The next version of the considered concept is also universal. It is used in various furniture. The pantograph for clothes is a fixture in the closet. Especially often began to appear with the advent of wardrobes.

pantograph transformation
pantograph transformation

Of course, immediatelyit is not clear what is being said. Only those who have acquired high wardrobes, from where it is difficult to get clothes, can guess. So, in this case, the pantograph is a U-shaped device that helps to reach dresses and suits with one movement.

In addition, this mechanism is often used to save space. This is especially important when buying or ordering a wardrobe in a small room, where every centimeter is worth its weight in gold.

The advantage of such a device is that you can very quickly get things out of the depths of the closet by lowering the bar to eye level. So quickly change hangers with seasonal dresses and suits. Special lighting can be provided together with the pantograph. It all depends on the size of the furniture.

Other options

If you understand the principle of operation of any of the above pantographs, you can probably find a couple more options for such a device. For example, sofas have a kind of "Tick-Tock" mechanism. It is also called a pantograph.

This sofa folding mechanism will protect the parquet from scratches, as well as from traces of wheels or legs on the carpet. There are many such transformations. When using this mechanism, the vertical back of the sofa acquires a horizontal position, and the second part of it gently falls to the floor.

Another example of such a device can be a pantograph for a microphone. If you've been to the studio, you've probably seen stands for devices that can be raised, lowered and moved in different directions. They also resemble the mechanism of some table lamps, whichattached to the table.

microphone pantograph
microphone pantograph


Of course, making a pantograph with your own hands is not easy, especially when it comes to mechanisms in electric trains or for furniture. But if you remember the device for drawing, then it may prompt some thoughts.

Homemade pantograph will not turn out as high quality as the one sold in stores. But you can try, the main thing is to choose a suitable scheme for yourself, decide on the purpose of the tool and its details.

For example, to make a simple pantograph from four ruler levers, you need to acquire the following elements:

  • big ruler;
  • small ruler;
  • boss;
  • sleeve;
  • with a pair of fixing and support axles, as well as the middle and copier axis;
  • pin-clip.

Again, depending on the required design, you will need to calculate the number of parts and their dimensions. After that, it will be enough to assemble everything into a single structure.

In closing

Now it is clear that the pantograph is originally a device for drawing, and after that various mechanisms of a similar shape.

There is also a possibility that you have come across the magazine of the same name. "Pantograph" was a periodical from 2001 to 2015. It printed information about public transport.
