How to write a conclusion in an abstract: features, recommendations and an example

How to write a conclusion in an abstract: features, recommendations and an example
How to write a conclusion in an abstract: features, recommendations and an example

Let's talk about how to write a conclusion in an abstract? An example can be given for such an academic discipline as chemistry. This subject is relevant for students of medical and engineering speci alties. For example, when studying the structure and properties of the periodic system, the conclusion in the abstract involves indicating the basis of the table, changes in the properties of chemical elements in it.

conclusion in the abstract
conclusion in the abstract

Importance of conclusion

German psychologist-practitioner Hermann Ebbinghaus managed to experimentally prove that a person learns best the beginning and end of the heard material.

Why is the conclusion in the abstract so important? It is the final emphasis to which the teacher pays special attention when checking the student's work. It's no secret that some teachers watch only the introductory and final parts of the abstract, they create their impression on them.

how to write a conclusion in an essay example
how to write a conclusion in an essay example

Feature of abstract work

It is a test paper with a similar purpose to a graduation and course project. An abstract with an introduction and conclusion should bea single whole, so the student will have to work hard.

If you make a mediocre essay, it will not cause positive emotions in the checking teacher, it will be difficult to count on getting a high mark.

The conclusion in the abstract is the result of a long and painstaking work of the student, the possibility of a written systematization of scientific material on a specific topic.

essay conclusion example
essay conclusion example

What is this

If a student dreams of a high score, you need to correctly sum up the work done. The conclusion in the abstract is a mandatory unit of the verification work. This part should structure the content, which involves highlighting the main points, capacious conclusions.

What else should the conclusion of the abstract contain? The template involves summing up the theoretical and practical parts. That is why the students involved in writing it pay special attention to its final part.

What to write in the conclusion of the abstract? It all depends on the specifics of the subject area that is affected in the analyzed material.

Since the work is a kind of "summary" that is exposed to the public, then, in addition to the internal content, you must adhere to standards, GOSTs.

abstract with introduction and conclusion
abstract with introduction and conclusion

Rules for issuing a conclusion

Let's talk about how the conclusion in the abstract differs from the main part. We will present an example of it a little later, but for now we will note some accents. Mainpart is marked as "content", it is highlighted in bold, capital letters. It does not end with a dot. Next, one line is skipped, then a summary of one's own thoughts is carried out.

In any case, the final part should be short, limited to 1-2 pages of printed text. If we consider the percentage of the last part of the abstract, it is limited to 10 percent of the work.

How to write a conclusion in an abstract? An abstract example shows that Times New Roman font is selected when writing it, its size is in the range 11-14. According to the rules, when making a work, line spacing is used - 1-1, 5.

Forbidden to write any "water" sentences that do not carry a semantic load. In order for the abstract to be highly appreciated, it is important to think through each phrase, make them concise and meaningful.

It is not recommended to use single-root, repeated words in the nearest sentences. In addition, it is better not to copy those phrases that were mentioned in the main part of this essay.

conclusion of the essay on physical education
conclusion of the essay on physical education

Useful information

Don't forget that writing a conclusion is a creative part of the job. It involves the use of a scientific and journalistic style. It is in this part that certain phrases will be appropriate:

  • we received;
  • we reviewed;
  • as a result of work;
  • find out.

When choosing such phrases, you need to adhere to the style chosen for writingwork.

Among the secrets that will help you write a quality abstract work is writing a short summary of the problem posed at the beginning of the activity, as well as a summary of its solution.

The student writes step by step in the conclusion about what he was able to achieve in the implementation of his work.

In our time, there are many bases of abstracts, but the teacher wants to see their own thoughts of their students, and not material copied from other people's work.

Otherwise, it will be difficult to single out the "rational grain" from the presented material, for which this work is being created.

Don't confuse "conclusion" with "conclusions and recommendations". These sections of the abstract are its separate structural units, they are necessary for structuring and systematizing the main content of the work.

conclusion abstract template
conclusion abstract template

Small results

How to write a conclusion to an essay? A sample of the finished work, regardless of the academic discipline, involves a brief description of the work performed, the results obtained. Here it is necessary to mention ways to achieve the goal set in the introduction. Appropriate in this part and general recommendations that are relevant for the abstract.

A student who has provided answers to all these points in his work, the teacher will not ask additional questions during the full-time defense.

Helpful tips

We talked about how to write a conclusion to an abstract. The sample is given for physical education, because many students who cannot attendhe alth status of this subject, often write theoretical papers.

You must carefully read the basis of the abstract, formulate informative abstracts.

When thinking through phrases, you need to start from the goal set in the introduction.

The conclusion is written one, but there can be several conclusions.

In order for the work to have a beautiful design, it is allowed to use numbered or bulleted lists.

Depending on the academic discipline in the final part, the use of special terminology is allowed. At the same time, there should not be too many of them, as this will “overload” the abstract, make it unreadable.

what to write at the end of an essay
what to write at the end of an essay


How beautiful is the conclusion of an essay on physical education? An abstract is a written report on a specific topic, such as the history of the Olympiad movement. Since the main purpose of this work will be to consider various Olympiads, in conclusion, the author mentions the cities and dates of these important events for any athlete.

Summing up the results of the work carried out, we managed to come to the following conclusions:

  • Principles, rules and regulations of the Olympic Games identified by the Olympic Charter, approved in 1894 in Paris by the International Sports Congress.
  • Pierre de Coubertin made a great contribution to the history of this movement. This French teacher suggested holding the Games according to the scenario used in ancient times.
  • We made sure thatThe Olympic Games bring together sports fans from all over the world.
  • Analyzing various literary sources, we learned that sport does not allow discrimination on religious, racial, political grounds. Olympiads have been counted since 1896. It was at this time that the first Olympic Games were held. The symbol of such sporting events are five rings intertwined. They symbolize the unification in the sports movement of the five continents.
  • It turns out that the top rings representing Europe are blue, Africa is red, Asia is yellow, and Australia is green.
  • We found that in addition to Olympic sports, the organizing committee has the right to include demonstration performances in those sports that are not recognized by the IOC in the competition program.
  • In 1913, this movement had its own flag. On the white cloth are the Olympic rings. It is he who rises in the arena of the Central Stadium at all competitions held in different countries every four years.


An abstract is a written report that deals with a specific topic. To write it, you will need several sources of information at once. According to the requirements that apply to such activities, it is important to compose the text of this final part in such a way that it analyzes the results that have been achieved in the process of work.

To havethe teacher checking the work, there was only a positive opinion about it, it is necessary to highlight paragraphs inside the text. As introductory phrases, the use of which is considered acceptable in the final part of the abstract work, we note: “we made the following conclusions”, “we managed to establish.”

It must be understood that the conclusion is the section in which no new material is supposed to be reflected. The text contains only those facts that have been confirmed in the main content of the abstract.

That is why you must first carefully analyze the entire work, choose what you can write in the conclusion of the abstract. If the goal was a literary review on a specific issue, it is important to note all the sources that were considered by the author of the abstract.
