As you know, bullfighting is a traditional Spanish spectacle, the most common form of bullfighting. Practiced in other countries, for example, in South America. One of its main members is a bullfighter who kills a bull.
Dictionary interpretation

"Torero" - the meaning of this lexeme is as follows. It is marked "exoticism" - this is a borrowed word that denotes a concept or object that is characteristic of the life of other peoples. For example, the exoticisms of the Central Asian peoples are such words as: "teahouse", "ditch", "piala". Among the peoples of the Caucasus, these are “saklya”, “kunak”, “zurna”. Ukrainian exoticisms include “parubok”, “levada”, “gai”.
Spanish exoticism are the words "torero", "bullfighter", "matador", "corrida". The latter is regarded as one of the embodiments of the national spirit of the Spaniards. The image of a bull is one of the symbols of Spain; informally, it is placed on the country's flag instead of the coat of arms. Bullfighters are treated with great attention and respect here.
The dictionary says that this term means the same thing as "bullfighter". This is a participant in a bullfight, a bullfight that kills an animal. Russian noun torerois a term that comes from the Spanish torero. The latter goes back to the Latin noun taurus, meaning "bull".
Torero is also called "matador", "torreador", "espada". He plays a major role in bullfighting, which, apart from Spain, is popular in Portugal, southern France, and Latin America. Torero kills the bull with a blow of a sword. A participant in a walking bullfight is called a matador, and if the performance is equestrian, then the character is called rechoneodor. When a matador kills young bulls, he is called a novillero.

The training of the future bullfighter begins at about ten or twelve years old. They are led by an experienced master. A beginner bullfighter, who is called "besserista", gets his hand on bulls, whose age does not exceed two years. With some experience, he moves on to the next step, becoming a novillero who works with two-, three-year-old bulls.
Finally, matadors, bullfighters are those who have accepted the alternative. This is the name of the ceremony where their candidacy is proposed and supported by two other bullfighters. The bullfighters have a so-called track record, in which their successes are recorded.
Success is measured not by the number of cut off ears, but by the number of fights fought. This is because a successful bullfighter is one who is in great demand. Naturally, he receives many contracts. The leader of the list of matadors is often referred to as "number one". In 2005, in such a list, the first place was occupied by David Fandile, who has 107 fights, and among his awards 210 ears and 11tails.
Material side

Torero is a very prestigious profession. But it should be noted that today their real earnings have decreased in comparison with the sixties and seventies of the last century. In 2005, the leader in terms of income was El Juli, who earned seven million euros.
Expenses that go to the upkeep of the quadrilla - his team - are deducted from this amount. She helps the bullfighter during the fight. It consists of three banderilleros, two picadors, one squire. El Juli, speaking at the Las Ventas arena, received 270,000 euros for each performance.
Among other prominent bullfighters is Enrique Ponce, who earned four and a half million euros in a year. You can also give an example:
- El Cid - 2.5 million;
- Morante de Puebla - 2 million;
- El Fandi - 2 million;
- Jesulina de Ubrique - 1 million;
- El Cordobes - 1 million;
- Finito from Cordoba - 1 million;
- Riveru Ordoñez - 600k;
- Cayetano Ordonez - 400 thousand euros.
So, we found out the meaning of the word "torero", so it should be said about the unusual attire of people in this profession.

Ceremonial attire, which literally sounds like a "suit of lights," is the attire of a foot bullfighter. Until the 18th century, it was made of suede, and then they began to sew from silk fabric. It is decorated with silver, gold and sequins, the costume is not affected by any fashion. It consists of:
- Headdress. Until the 19th century, thiscocked hat, and then a hat made of boucle velvet thread.
- Short jacket embellished with gold and silver tassels. It is rigid, has open armpits - for freedom of movement.
- Skinny pants with fringes that reach to the knees, secured with suspenders.
- Pink stockings, sometimes white.
- Fixed braid with ribbon to secure the hat.
- Thin black ribbon tied like a tie.
- White shirt decorated with jabot.
- Ceremonial cloak with embroidery, with drawings.
- Black flats with bowknot and non-slip soles.
- A sword used to kill a bull, bent at the end.