Bath is a great way to improve your he alth at any time of the year. Many men and women visit it at least once a month. A large number of phraseological units are associated with the bath, the meaning of which is not known to everyone. From our article you can find out them, as well as find out the history of the creation of the bath room.
The history of the creation and development of the bath. First mentions
Bath is a special facility where you can get rid of stress and some other problems. Its history begins in the 1st century AD. Nestor the Chronicler thought so. Then the holy Apostle Andrew for the first time saw in Novgorod people steaming in a special building. They went there naked, doused themselves with water and beat each other with rods (brooms). They did this every day. At the very end, they doused themselves with ice-cold water. This made them feel much better. Baths were very popular back then. The history of this building is not known to everyone.
Nestor the Chronicler claims that Princess Olga wanted to take revenge on the Drevlyans who killed her husband. She ordered to melt the bath for offenders, andthen the building was set on fire with them. The Drevlyans burned alive.
Russia was often visited by foreign travelers. That is why, over time, baths began to appear in other countries. They differed significantly from domestic ones. Scientists say that neither the Germans nor the French could withstand our heat. Foreigners believed that the bath is a useful structure, thanks to which immunity can be strengthened. However, they argued that bathing like in Russia is harmful. Even today, many European doctors believe that it is necessary to know the measure, otherwise women and men age prematurely, and the skin turns pale and loses elasticity.
Foreign travelers believed that Russians have a love for a strong couple. They considered it their duty to visit the bathhouse on Saturday. They did it weekly. They claimed that some Russians preferred to bathe not in a bath, but in a red-hot oven. In some villages this is still done today. To do this, all coals are removed from the red-hot furnace, and its floor is covered with straw. A cast-iron vat of hot water is placed on top of it. The bather must lie down on the straw and whip himself with a birch broom.
The bath is very popular all over the world. Its history has several versions. Scientists suggest that the Russian bath is the most ancient. The mention of it can be found in the oral tradition of the Slavs. They were pagans. That is why they attached great importance to the powers of fire and water.
Before, baths played a huge role in everyone's life. This can be confirmed by the agreement of 907 with Byzantium. ATIn a separate paragraph, an obligatory condition was indicated, according to which our ambassadors could use the baths of Constantinople at any time. Mentions of the Russian bathhouse can be found in the "Tales of Bygone Years" and foreign chronicles.
Previously, the bathhouse caused bewilderment among foreign guests. They did not understand why they would douse themselves with ice-cold water and beat themselves with rods. For them, this is voluntary torture. However, once they decided to do it, they were delighted.
The appearance of the bath in Russia is significantly different from the modern one. Previously, they were small log cabins with one window, which was located under the very ceiling. The gaps between the logs were covered with resin or filled with moss. In the corner was a huge stove that heated the room and the stones located above. There was also a container of water in the bath. It was used to water hot stones. Until the 17th century, everyone was allowed to build a bathhouse. It was necessary to have only a sufficient amount of land. After the 17th century, a bathhouse was allowed to be built only at a certain distance from a residential building.
Until 1743, the public bath was open to everyone. The whole family steamed there in the same room. However, in 1743, a decree was issued, according to which the bath was to have a male and female part.
The development of bathing facilities was promoted by Peter I. By his order, steam rooms for soldiers were erected in Amsterdam and Paris. After the end of the war with Napoleon, Russian troops built bathhouses in almost all liberated countries.

Benefits of a sauna room
In Russia, baths have always been given healing significance, and that is why over time they were built near every hospital. Since ancient times, people visited the bathhouse not only to wash themselves, but also to sweat and warm up the body. It is known that thanks to this, you can relax and increase mental activity. The healing properties of the bath were studied as early as 1778. It was assumed that a visit to the bath room allows you to get rid of all diseases. At the beginning of the 20th century, the bath was recommended for obesity, rheumatism and gout.
Many people know about the benefits of the bath today. Thanks to it, you can cleanse the skin of old cells and remove harmful toxic substances from the body. A bath has a huge benefit on the human cardiovascular system. Baths value is invaluable. Regularly visiting it, you can improve blood circulation, as well as normalize metabolic processes in cells. Thanks to the bath, nervous tension is reduced.

Doctors often recommend visiting the bath for people who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This is due to the fact that due to this, the number of leukocytes in the blood increases, which are responsible for the immune defense of the body. A bath is a room, after visiting which muscles relax and vitality is restored.
The bath is especially useful for those who are faced with a cold. After several visits, the immune defense of a person is restored and easily copes with the disease. Staying in the bath allows you to expand the blood vessels. Thanks to this, it is possiblealso lose weight.
The origin of the word. Sauna "in black" and "in white"
The word "bath" has several versions of origin. Russian bath literature claims that it came from Byzantium after the baptism of Russia. In the church dictionary bath - "bath", "cleansing". The ancient roots of the word and their primary meaning are found in Latin and Greek. There is also a connection with the original concept in other languages. The ancient name of the bath is "vlaznya" and "movnya". These words were called places of ablution. They also denote the washing process itself. The meaning of the word "bath" and today causes a lot of controversy.
Bath "in black" and "in white" - these are phraseological units that are known to almost all lovers of this procedure. Not many people know their meaning. It's all about the heating mechanism. Many years ago, the bath was heated only in one way, which today is called black. The main difference between these two types is the presence of an impenetrable partition between the hearth of the firebox and the inner space of the steam room. If it is installed and prevents smoke from entering the room, then this is a white sauna. Otherwise, it is black. However, such a bath is in demand today. It is considered more economical and efficient. Bath "in black" is the safest. Fungi do not survive in it, bacteria die almost immediately.

Meaning of some phrases
Today you can often hearthe phrase "set a bath". The meaning of phraseologism originates from ancient times. People who have just left the steam room are distinguished by redness of the skin, an abundance of sweat and rapid breathing. Approximately also looks like a person who has been shamed or scolded. This is considered the meaning of phraseology. As we said earlier, the Apostle Andrew considered bath procedures to be voluntary torment.

Another interesting expression - "to whom what, but to the lousy one - a bathhouse." The meaning of a phraseological unit allows you to use it quite often. This expression is often applied to someone who constantly returns to an obsessive topic in a conversation.
Traditions associated with the bathhouse
Bath has existed since ancient times. She is associated with many life events. In ancient times it was a sacred place. It was believed that all the elements of nature were united in the bathhouse, and that is why after visiting it, well-being improves significantly.
Many years ago there was a tradition according to which it was necessary to take a steam bath the day before the wedding and after it. It was believed that due to this, not only the body, but also the soul is cleansed. It is known that in ancient times people believed that if a bath did not help get rid of the disease, then nothing would help a person.

Superstitions related to the bathhouse
A considerable number of superstitions are associated with the bath. Until the 20th century, our ancestors revered the spirit of the dead. They cooked dinner for them and heated the bathhouse. Clean towels were placed in it and scatteredash. The next day, the ancestors found prints similar to chicken ones on the ashes. In their opinion, the traces left the souls of the dead. The priests denied this and claimed that demons had come into the steam room. After this ritual, it was forbidden to enter the bathhouse throughout the next day.
The opinion that demons live in the bath still exists today. That is why since ancient times it was forbidden to put icons and pray in this room. It was also believed that one should not visit the steam room on Sunday. Otherwise, the likelihood of frequent illnesses increases.
Not many people know the meaning of the word "banishe". This term refers to the place where the steam room was previously located. It was forbidden to build a hut there, because it was believed that an unclean spirit would live there for many years.
It was in the bathhouse in ancient times that special conspiracies were read over people who were sick with a fever, and also had skin problems or complained of dislocations and fractures. It was believed that in the bath you can wash away all sins.
In some regions of Russia, they believed in the so-called bath grandmother. It was believed that this is an elderly woman who helps to get rid of any ailment. It was to her that they turned when they read conspiracies over the patient. However, it was believed that she did not like pregnant women. That is why future women in labor could not be left unattended in the bathhouse.
In ancient times, people also believed in the existence of the bathhouse. They claimed that after three queues of people had been in the steam room, the sauna brownie was going to wash. At this time, perform the proceduredangerously. It was believed that the bathhouse would not let you take a steam bath. At best, it will scare you, and at worst, it will torture you to death. Often they conjured in the baths. It was the bath that was also often a place for divination. When leaving the bannik room, they always thanked.
Bath house. All for and against
The steam room is in great demand today. Many are attracted to the bath house. A photo of such a structure is presented in our article.
Since ancient times, the bath room was located separately from the residential building. This was due to superstition and the possible ignition of the steam room. It is believed that in our time a bath can be safely placed in the house. Such a building is considered especially comfortable in the winter season. Thanks to the sauna located in the house, there is no need to go steamed around the yard. The advantage of such a construction is also cost-effectiveness. This is not accidental, because there is no need to build another building on the adjacent plot.
There are two options for placing a bath in the house. In the first case, it is located in the basement, and in the other, it is attached directly to a residential building.
A bath house has several disadvantages. You can find a photo of this design in our article. Experts recommend building a bath at a distance of 20 meters from a residential building. It is worth noting that insurance companies often refuse to provide services to those citizens who have a steam room in a residential building.

Bath in the life of the Romans
The importance of baths in the life of the Romans is invaluable. There they were called terms. They were revered by the Caesars, and it was in thementertained by the Roman conquerors. Baths they used not only for washing, but also for communication. The large steam rooms included a library, a swimming pool, as well as a games and massage room. The most influential Romans attended the bath three times a week. There were also special steam rooms for low-income citizens. All baths differed from each other in the level of humidity and temperature. The Romans believed that thanks to the bath, you can restore your strength after a hard day.
Roman bath today
Modern Roman bath is a steam room with heated marble sunbeds. There, without fail, a sink or a fountain with thermal water is installed. Anyone can use aromatic oils to flavor the air. Experts strongly recommend drinking enough water before and after the visit. You can stay in such a steam room for no more than 30 minutes. In the Roman bath, you can also use the services of a massage therapist and beautician. In this case, it will have the maximum effect.
Enjoy Your Bath
Phraseologism "Enjoy your bath!" known to almost everyone. Many believe that this is a wish to take a good steam bath. However, this is not at all the case. As mentioned earlier, a large number of superstitions are associated with the bath. Previously, such a phraseological unit was a kind of spell, thanks to which a person who went to the steam room would be protected from a bathhouse brownie. Our ancestors believed that after such a wish, the mythical creature would not be able to do anything.

Summing up
Bath has been very popular since ancient times. It is believed that thanks to it you can relax after a hard day's work, as well as significantly improve your well-being. However, it is the steam room that is associated with many legends and superstitions. Whether this is fiction or not is unknown. However, we strongly do not recommend having a steam room in the house. This can be dangerous, as such a room is considered flammable.