People brought up in the Soviet Union are convinced that the bourgeoisie are enemies, parasites, bloodsuckers who want to get rich at the expense of others. On the other hand, the proletarians are hard workers who spare no effort for the improvement of their homeland. But is this really so, are such definitions correct? Equality, which was so imposed by the communists, did not justify itself, but capitalism flourished, flourished and will continue to flourish.

The history of the formation of the bourgeoisie
In a capitalist society, this is the ruling class, which receives income from property: patents, land, money, factories and other property. The bourgeois are people who own private property, respect the right to personal integrity, freedom of religion, speech, and assembly. They respect the law because if they don't abide by it, others won't, and their property may suffer as a result.
In the heyday of feudalism, the bourgeoisie also began to flourish. We althy townspeople belonged to this class: merchants, simple workers, artisans who, thanks to their own work, managed to break intopeople. The fact that the bourgeoisie is a progressively thinking estate was talked about after the Dutch revolution. It was this class that initiated the overthrow of feudal slavery. Over time, the big and small bourgeoisie began to develop separately, they had completely different political interests and outlooks on life, so a split occurred between them.
Main species
The class is divided into types, depending on what the bourgeois were doing. It could be trade (then the people involved in it belonged to the merchant bourgeoisie), banking, agriculture, industry. Almost every area of human activity in the XVII-XIX centuries. developed precisely because of this class. Depending on the amount of income received, the bourgeois were divided into large, medium and small. The first used hired labor, the second hired workers, but also did a lot themselves, and the third earned a living only by their own labor. The petty bourgeoisie mostly lived in villages or owned a small shop in the cities.

Who are the proletarians?
In the age of the bourgeoisie, all people were divided into two classes: owners of private property and wage workers who survived by selling their labor force to the capitalists. The proletarians had no property. They made a living by hiring for large and medium bourgeois. The working class in capitalist society had no privileges, everything was ruled by the rich. The capitalists created political parties, adopted laws that were beneficial to them, while no one was worried about the proletariat. For this reasonprotests began to brew in society. The socialist revolution destroyed the bourgeoisie, the proletariat also ceased to exist, as it was renamed the socialist working class.
What characterizes the period of the bourgeoisie?
At the very beginning of the formation of a capitalist society, we althy people who earned we alth by their own labor commanded respect. Over time, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat began to move further and further away from each other, until an abyss formed between these two classes, full of enmity, hostility and misunderstanding. For owners, the feeling of nobility faded into the background, while the desire to possess huge capital, to hold power in the hands, came to the fore.

Over the years, the bourgeoisie prospered more and more, and the proletariat existed on the verge of survival. For a long period of time, the owners of huge fortunes were the ruling class, they had their own political party, privileges. The bourgeoisie exploited the working people more and more. It is clear that this could not last long. First, the proletarians put forward socialism as a political force, then they began to openly fight for their rights. Therefore, it is not surprising that the working class seized power in the early twentieth century.