Mostness - what is this phenomenon? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Mostness - what is this phenomenon? Meaning, synonyms and examples
Mostness - what is this phenomenon? Meaning, synonyms and examples

Spending money is a course of action that people who are inclined to save do not approve of. In addition, the subject of the mot action itself is a rather disgusting personality. Without clear goals, moral principles, professing self-destruction. To penetrate into the depths of the concept, let's reveal the meaning of "recklessness", consider synonyms and examples.


recklessness is
recklessness is

Spilling is a behavior that shows an irreverent attitude towards money. The latter needs an explanation: the one who throws it to the wind, spending fabulous sums on entertainment does not respect money. One of the most recent examples of such a humiliation of money in the eyes of an ordinary person is the party of our football players (Kokorin and Mamaev) in Monaco after the fiasco at Euro 2016.

In justification of our athletes, it must be said that after all, they are not up to real spendthrifts and revelers, just think, they broke away once. No, prodigality is a way of life, even, if you like, a whole philosophy of life, within which there may be certain psychological attitudes. Don't believe me?

Intentionalself-destruction and mindless

Imagine a person who earns a lot, but is ashamed of money. There can be many reasons. But the fact is: coins, even gold, even silver, dollars and euros are unpleasant to him. Therefore, the mythical hero, who is disgusted with money, tries to lose all the money as quickly as possible.

Yes, that's right. He could give them to charity, build a rooming house for the poor and feed them first class, but he does not want to. He longs for only one thing - to revel and forget. If the money goes to a noble cause, they, in his mind, will remain in the world. And he cannot allow this. Therefore, coins end up in the pockets of owners of casinos, restaurants and bars. Intricate philosophy, isn't it? Still would! Waste is not a pound of raisins.

who is moth
who is moth

The reader will object that, they say, such people do not exist in the world. Have you ever seen this case - an aversion to money? Reader, we agree with you. It's hard to believe this. Usually the question of who a spendthrift is suggests the following answer: "This is a narrow-minded person, not very attractive in a moral sense, who, as a rule, spends other people's money." The image of Erast from “Poor Lisa” by N. M. comes to mind. Karamzin. The nobleman could only speak fluently about love with an uneducated girl. But even this skill is relative, if the heroine were smarter, then the number would not have passed. But stories, both real and literary, do not accept the subjunctive mood. Let's move on to possible analogues of the concept.


Scheme is pretty hard to replace with a single word. It’s even easier to find synonyms for motu. Let's start with them.

  • Kutila.
  • Reveler.
  • Squanderer.
  • Spender

Now it is possible to replace the very concept of "squandering" with synonyms. Here they are:

  • waste;
  • spending;
  • carelessness;
  • generosity;
  • throwing money down the drain.

Generosity, of course, is not always reckless. But without generosity, there is no greed. This is where interpretation comes into play. One, looking at the behavior of the rich man, will say that he is a spendthrift, and the other will object: "This is only generosity." Everyone decides for himself.
