Quite often in historical and fiction we come across incomprehensible words that have already gone out of use or are simply rarely used. In such cases, you can refer to the explanatory dictionary. One of these words is butler. Here is a slightly more detailed explanation of this term.
What does the word cupbearer mean
Now this word is used mainly in a joking tone. Apply it to a person who pours drinks during a feast. However, in Russia until the 18th century cupbearer was the title of the position. That was the name of the person responsible for drinks and serving them to the table during feasts. Who is the chief butler? He was a very influential person at the court, who managed the wine cellars and had a staff of servants under his command.
A similar post was in more ancient states. It is known about the butlers of the Egyptian pharaohs. Among other duties, these courtiers were charged with ensuring that the drinks served at the royal table were not poisoned.
History Mentions

Perhaps the very first reference in the literature about the cupbearer is a Jewish papyrus scroll, which tells about a conspiracy against Pharaoh Ramesses II.
Also this profession is mentioned in the Bible. One of the Jews served as chief butler for the Persian king Artaxerxes. This allowed him, having learned about the difficulties of his fellow tribesmen that they had during the construction of Jerusalem, to take advantage of his position and enlist the support of the king.
There are similar mentions in the myths of ancient Hellas.

The most famous Greek butler - is Ganymede. A young man of extraordinary beauty, whom Zeus took to heaven. Ganymede was called the most beautiful boy among all those who lived at that time. Zeus, seduced by his beauty, sent an eagle after him to take Ganymede to Olympus. There he became the butler of the gods and served them nectar.