common to these phrases. Let's deal with everything in order.
What is discredit?
By the word "discredit" we mean the deliberate undermining of trust in any person or phenomenon.

Examples of the use of the described word:
- Discrediting competitors is not a good idea in our case.
- The actions of the opposition are aimed at the final discredit of the ruling party.
- After the fall of the regime, the rulers were heavily discredited.
- A group of teachers was accused of deliberately discrediting the class teacher 9 "A".
Phonetic and morphological features
In the long word "discredit" each letter denotes one sound, therefore, the number of letters and sounds is equal to 13. The word has six vowels and seven consonants, which meansit is divided into six syllables "dis-kre-di-ta-qi-ya". Remember: a syllable consisting of one letter, in this case, the letter "I" is not transferred. The sound [a] in the fourth syllable is stressed.
"Discredit" is a common noun and inanimate feminine noun.
Change by cases
Since the noun "discredit" is feminine and ends in "I", it formally belongs to the first declension. However, the case endings of words ending in -iya are somewhat different from the typical endings of the first declension.

Case | Question | Examples |
Nominative | What? | Colleagues, how can you not understand: discredit is not what we have been seeking all this time. |
Genitive | What? | This is an indecent, but quite effective method of discrediting an individual. |
Dative | What? | Semyon Aleksandrovich Lavrikov had a negative attitude towards discrediting any kind. |
Accusative | What? | For discrediting the Soviet government, Pani Elena Janowska was expelled from the country. |
Instrumental | What? | All his short life he fought against the discrediting of human rights. |
Prepositional case | About what? | There is no good in discrediting the market. |
Note that although the noun has plural formsnumbers: discredit, discredit, discredit, discredit, about discredit, they are used extremely rarely in oral and written speech.
Discredit: synonyms
The cumbersome word "discredit" can be replaced with simpler and more familiar synonyms.

So, discredit is:
- defamation;
- reproach;
- compromise;
- groaning;
- blackening.
Single-root words
Single-root words are words with the same root but different suffixes and prefixes.
The noun "discredit" has several cognates: discredit, discredit, discredit, discredit, discredit.
Phrases with the noun "discredit"
What kind of discredit can there be?
Tedious, final, real, real, unreal, vile, terrible, strange, political, economic, dense, incessant, undeniable, depressing, killing, destructive, effective, efficient, none, some, some, any, ordinary, unusual, ordinary, extraordinary, treacherous, complete, willful, deliberate, unintentional, systematic, dangerous, consistent, inconsistent, slanderous, hostile, psychological, moral, inevitable, necessary, dishonest, universal, reasonable, unreasonable, consistent, inconsistent.
What can be done about discredit?
Start, stop,sanction, fight, announce, continue, study, ponder, fear, expect, understand, study, fear.