Building vocabulary: an intriguer is

Building vocabulary: an intriguer is
Building vocabulary: an intriguer is

Intriguer or intriguer - which is correct? Some say this, others say otherwise. Let's figure it out together. This article will tell you about the meaning of this noun, its morphological features, declension, as well as synonyms that you can pick up for it.

Schemer Meaning

In everyday speech, we often hear the word "schemer", sometimes we even call someone that ourselves. But can we articulate its meaning?

Schemer or intriguer
Schemer or intriguer

A schemer is a person, male or female, who achieves his personal goals through intrigue. What is intrigue? Hidden actions are not of a very decent nature. Thus, the word carries a negative, disapproving connotation.

Intriguer or intriguer - which is right?

Some say "schemer", others say "schemer". Which option is correct?

Richelieu - the famous intriguer
Richelieu - the famous intriguer

Remember: the correct word for modern Russian is "schemer".

Morphological characteristics, declension

The word "schemer" consists of eight letters andthe same number of sounds: three vowels and five consonants. From this it follows that the noun can be divided into three syllables: in-tri-gan. The stressed syllable is the last (third).

Schemer is a common noun, animated masculine noun, second declension. The feminine form "schemer" is declined according to the first type, like all nouns ending in "-a".

Case Question 1 fold, unit number 1 dec., pl. number 2 fold, unit number 2 dec., plural
Nominative Who? A schemer is a very insidious woman. Only these two intriguers: Sofya Andreevna and Angelina Matveevna - could dare to do this. A schemer is a person who plots others. These people are seasoned schemers, don't mess with them.
Genitive Who? Historians portrayed Anna as a palace intriguer. These evil old schemers need to be exposed. The schemer Fabrizio was put to death. Schemers have no conscience.
Dative Who? Even the inveterate schemer couldn't sleep that night. The schemers, despite their cunning, were treated well. The young schemer showed how nervous he was. Schemers should be rewarded.
Accusative Who? The years did not spare Lizonka, she turned into a cunningschemer. The whole city knows this mean schemer. No one likes old schemer Peter. We hope the padishah will punish all schemers.
Instrumental Who? Everyone thinks this woman is a schemer, but she really isn't. You need to keep an eye out for schemers. Clouds gathered over the young intriguer. Don't hang out with schemers.
Prepositional case About whom? The young schemer was wearing a wonderful dress. What did the young prince see in these schemers? Tell me everything you know about this schemer. A lot has been written about schemers.

Single-root words

Single-root words are words that have a common root.

The noun "schemer" has several cognate words:

  • Intrigue: Katerina is a strange woman: constantly weaving intrigues and wondering why no one loves her.
  • Intriguer: Elizaveta Vladimirovna is the first intriguer in the whole city.
  • Scheming: Your scheming behavior made me wonder if I was right when I proposed to you.
  • Intriguing: It's somehow - I don't know how to put it more accurately - intriguing or something …
  • Affair: You deserve not a light, non-committal affair, but a serious, deep feeling.
  • Intrigue: It seems to me that Milana learned to intrigue before she spoke.

Synonyms for intriguer

Imagine what would happen tolanguage, if synonyms would disappear, and each phenomenon, object, quality or action would name one specific word. Not a very cheerful picture emerges. It's good that our speech is rich, varied and flowery, thanks to synonyms.

The intriguer is:

Intriguer: synonyms
Intriguer: synonyms
  • Cunning: Oleg was a big cunning, he did everything possible to get my place.
  • The rogue: Politics cannot exist without roguery, Miron Ilyich was no exception: everyone knew him as a rogue and a hook-maker.
  • Dirty: This dirty trick knew I wouldn't yell at her in front of the kids.
  • Kanalha: This bastard has me wrapped around his finger like a green kid.
  • Trickster: This cutest person did not look like a trickster, most likely he was slandered.
  • Slicker: It would be better for you if you pretend to be a simple peasant, and not a swindler.
  • Slick: It's not Marina's fault that her father is such a sneak.
  • Cunning: This cunning was able to find other people's weaknesses and used his talent to the fullest.
  • Rogue: What a clever rogue!

Phrases with noun intriguer

A phrase is a combination of words that are related in meaning or grammatically.

How can a schemer be?

Schemer: meaning
Schemer: meaning

Cunning, cunning, bold, decisive, ungrateful, ignoble, scandalous, impudent, impudent, impudent, dirty, hidden, first, last, incomprehensible, strange, shameless, shameless, ugly,disgusting, dodgy, recalcitrant, palace, political, schoolboy, malevolent, corrupt, arrogant, deceitful, reckless, fickle, cruel.
