What is a bench: meaning, origin, synonyms

What is a bench: meaning, origin, synonyms
What is a bench: meaning, origin, synonyms

In our age of information, any fickle entity changes very quickly, and the Russian language is no exception. Jargon and neologisms appear almost every day. In order to remain a modern person and speak the same language with young people, it is necessary to constantly update your vocabulary. One of the newfangled words that can often be heard in youth slang is the word "bench". In this article we will try to answer the question, what is a bench?


thumbs up
thumbs up

To understand what a bench is in youth slang, you need to remember the words "super", "cool", "cool". For children from the 90s, such words were quite understandable at one time and were widely used by them, perplexing parents, especially grandparents. So, the bench is about the same, only a more fashionable version, gradually replacing all the previous ones from the language. In familiar Russian terms,"bench" can be understood as "remarkable", "very good", "superlative". The word is appropriate to use when something is very pleasant, causes only positive emotions and, undoubtedly, deserves the highest rating.

Origin of the word

Presumably the word "bench" comes from the French bien, which means "good" in Russian. However, there is no direct evidence and the word sounds more like bench, which translates from English as "bench".

bench as it is
bench as it is


Cool, cool, cool, super, cool, cool, great, great, awesome, top class.

Usage examples

  • The party was just a bench! Must repeat.
  • Did you hear his latest song? No words, it's cool, bench!!!
  • Never did a bench, I absolutely didn't like it.

Similar words

In Russian, "bench" is present not only in youth slang.

Wictionary definition: Abrasive scarp nearshore.

Sport jargon: bench.

IT slang: waiting for a project.
