There are more and more foreigners among teenagers. They like to speak in "their own jargon", to differ from adults in clothing and lifestyle. Youth slang is firmly entrenched in the mouths of the teenage generation, even among the simplest designations.
You lick your fingers
The word "omnomous" is something that could fly from abroad to our homeland. In every American comedy, they love to chew pizza. At the same time, it is blissful to say: "omnomous." Many foreigners are distinguished by such sounds, not only by films, but also by cartoons. Each cartoon, seeing a plate with excellent goodies on the table, will chew and say with pleasure - omno.

Among the culinary recipes there is a wonderful masterpiece. This cake is called: "Omnomnom". It is made from chicken liver and other hearty foods. Among other speculations, there is the story of Rocky the mouse, whose whiskers curled up into a tube and his lips made a characteristic sound: "omnomous" when he smelled the aroma of cheese. The children quickly remembered it and becamerepeat.
Some sources suggest that this is "omnomous". In their opinion, this is nothing more than a mockery, a word of mockery that can upset and troll an opponent.
Very tasty word
If this word could be translated from English, it would sound no different than our domestic: "om yum yum". Both of these expressions demonstrate the highest degree of pleasure derived from delicious food.

Recently, people are very fond of replacing normal speech with "cute" words, or simple phrases with prison jargon. In social networks, these words come across very often. Instead of writing: "Tasty!", "Very interesting, nutritious dish!", under the photo they will write - "omnom", "yum yum".
Omnomno - is an expression of the nutritional value and taste of dishes. This word characterizes a very tasty dish that the owners liked.