"Nature" is what it is: the meaning of the word

"Nature" is what it is: the meaning of the word
"Nature" is what it is: the meaning of the word

What does "nature" mean? When should this word be used? For what speech situations is it appropriate? This article describes the lexical meaning of the word nature, its synonyms are indicated. To consolidate the material, examples of sentences are given.

Lexical meaning

"Nature" is a noun. It belongs to the feminine gender. It also has a plural form - nature. Changes by case.

This word originated in Latin. Its original meaning is "nature". Appeared in Russian in the sixteenth century.

In Russian, the noun "nature" is a polysemantic word that has several interpretations. It all depends on the context.

  1. Nature. It should be noted right away that this value is outdated. It can only be found in books.
  2. Temperament, or character. This refers to the features of human behavior, his attitude to the world around him and his own essence.
  3. Any object that actually exists (for example, "draw from nature").
  4. A person who poses for an artist or photographer.
  5. Products,used instead of money ("in-kind exchange").
The artist draws from life
The artist draws from life

Sample sentences

To remember the lexical meaning, you can make several sentences with the noun "nature". This noun can be used in all styles of speech.

  1. Every artist looks for inspiration in nature (nature).
  2. Kira has an explosive nature (character).
  3. The famous artist prefers to draw from nature.
  4. What do you need to create a painting? Natura (human sitter).
  5. They used to pay in kind: honey was exchanged for vegetables, and s alt for jewelry.
Explosive nature
Explosive nature

Synonyms for the word

Depending on the context, the noun "nature" can be replaced by synonyms. Here it is very important to take into account the specific language situation in order not to distort the meaning of the statement.

For example, if "nature" describes nature, you can use a synonym for "world" or "environment".

When referring to character, a synonym for "temper" will do. If "kind" is a substitute for money, then a synonym for "exchange" is appropriate.

The noun "nature" has five basic meanings. This word is often used in speech, describing various concepts.

It is important to choose the right synonym for the noun "nature". It should be a word that does not distort the meaning of the sentence and accurately conveys the thoughts of the author. Otherwise listeners or readersmisunderstand the information, there will be confusion.

For the correct selection of a synonym, it is important to carefully analyze the sentences and understand what exactly the meaning of the noun "nature" is.
